6 notes for your West Seattle Monday

(Photo by Trileigh Tucker)

Notes for your Monday:

SCHOOL MEAL SITES: School’s out but meals are available 11 am-1 pm today and each weekday at these four schools:

Arbor Heights Elementary – 3701 SW 104th St.
Denny International Middle School – 2601 SW Kenyon St.
Highland Park Elementary – 1012 SW Trenton St.
Roxhill Elementary – 7740 34th Ave. SW

COLMAN POOL: First weekday since the outdoor pool at Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW) reopened for daily swimming through Labor Day. One-hour swim sessions start every hour and a half, noon-7 pm – schedule and fee details are here.

COMMUNITY SUP NIGHT: Alki Kayak Tours (1660 Harbor Avenue SW) is offering stand-up-paddleboarding discounts and group rentals every Monday night through the summer – details in our calendar listing.

MAYORAL CANDIDATES’ FORUM: Seattle Subway is presenting this one, 7 pm online. Their announcement says 7 candidates have confirmed they’ll participate: Andrew Grant Houston, Jessyn Farrell, Lorena González, Lance Randall, Colleen Echohawk, Casey Sixkiller, and Bruce Harrell. To attend, pre-register here.

RAMPATHON DEADLINE: Know someone who needs a ramp for mobility but can’t afford one? Today is the deadline to apply for this year’s Rampathonhere’s our original announcement from May.

TEMPORARY BUSINESS CLOSURE: Treo Organic Salon in Fauntleroy wants you to know it’s closed for a week: “Treo Organic Salon will be closed from Monday, June 21, through the 27th for some upgrades and maintenance. Our online booking system is still up and running and you may shop for products in our website at www.treoorganicsalon.com.”

Anything we’re missing, today or beyond? Email calendar listings/biznotes to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!

6 Replies to "6 notes for your West Seattle Monday"

  • Melissa June 21, 2021 (11:23 am)

    What a magnificent photo, Trileigh!

    • Trileigh June 21, 2021 (7:56 pm)

      Thanks so much, Melissa!

  • Michael Ostrogorsky June 21, 2021 (1:23 pm)

    When the sky is as brilliantly blue as our Hyacinth Macaw Parrot Princess Tara’s feathers! 

  • Puget Paddler June 21, 2021 (10:56 pm)

    What a perfect evening for a paddle! Got out on the water, met some fellow paddlers… and even managed to clean up our bay along the way!! Thanks for hosting Alki Kayak Tours! See you next week!! (trash pic below)

    • Sunflower June 22, 2021 (7:26 am)

      Yuck, thanks for helping clean up the sound!

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