FOLLOWUP: Alki Point ‘Keep Moving Street’/’Stay Healthy Street’ to stay that way at least another year

It’s been a while since SDOT updated the status of the Alki Point “Keep Moving Street” – Beach Drive between 63rd and Alki, and Alki Avenue between 63rd and Beach – so we asked earlier this week about a timetable for a decision on its future. Today, the answer: SDOT says that “Alki Point will remain a Keep Moving Street in its current form until spring 2022 or until we secure funding for permanent changes on the street.” That funding would be “for designing and building permanent changes on the street based on community input.” SDOT promises “more outreach to hear from more voices, learn what the community thinks of this Keep Moving Street as it is today, and understand what people want the street to look like in the future.” That “outreach” is promised in the weeks ahead; back in January, they promised outreach before the end of last month. The streets’ no-through-traffic status has been in place for almost a year. Nearby residents say it’s helped eliminate the recurring problems they had with driver gatherings on the Constellation Park side.

119 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Alki Point 'Keep Moving Street'/'Stay Healthy Street' to stay that way at least another year"

  • Gordon April 23, 2021 (3:48 pm)

    Lovely to hear! When travel to Constellation Park now it’s amazing to see how much quieter and calmer it feels (kinda like an actual park rather than a drag race course).

  • Mark Schletty April 23, 2021 (4:32 pm)

    The homeowners have a petition they put out on the street asking for support in closing the street. As in the past it is only available to people actually on Constellation Ave.  It will go to SDOT with almost 100% approval. This is not what I think of as community input. It is selective propaganda.  SDOT had better conduct a much broader input activity reaching out way beyond the homeowners and those currently supporting the partial closure. I am not counting on it. There is no way currently to provide input on this street on their site. This is still primarily a land grab by rich homeowners and the bike lobby. As the comments on the Blog have clearly shown during the street designation period many citizens are very opposed to this street restriction. It is the street access point to a public park. If some car drivers violate the law and disturb the homeowners, the solution is to get the City to enforce the law, not give the rich a basically private street. 

    • m April 23, 2021 (5:14 pm)

      Mark, if you click the second link in the story, it leads you to a phone number and email you can reach out to if you have feedback. The contact info has been on the SDOT website for several months.

      • Bill April 23, 2021 (7:29 pm)

        I agree with Mark. There’s a lot of other Alki road that could be closed off like a Promenade, but it’s not. 

    • rpo April 23, 2021 (6:19 pm)

      You do know that the public is allowed to drive into the closed area and park on the street to access the park just like before, right?

      • Jollyroger April 23, 2021 (6:59 pm)

        This petition is only good for local residents. West Seattle folks want access to the point. If they want to reduce the crazy behaviors of a few crazies, add more speed bumps and reduce parking spaces.

        • heartless April 23, 2021 (8:00 pm)

          This petition is only good for local residents.”

          Well, that’s simply not true.

          I’m not local to the neighborhood and it benefits me greatly.  I don’t feel at all like my access has been diminished; if anything, I feel quite the opposite.  

    • JohnW April 23, 2021 (7:59 pm)

      There certainly is a lot of misunderstanding of what this is.  The policy has been in place for more than a year.  I regularly use that street legally on my bike and in my car.  
      It is not illegal to drive in and park as we have done for decades.

      If Mark Schletty actually used the Alki Point “Stay Healthy Street,” he would not be making such claims.  
      He is welcome as is every other person to use this public ROW.
      Ironic it is when people who complain about lack of outreach and stakeholders’ input in West Seattle decisions, swing around when those ‘stakeholders’ don’t make the ‘right ones’ by their decree.

    • Kathy April 24, 2021 (9:18 am)

      Mark, you forgot to get your hair on fire about the stroller lobby. I see a lot more families now using the street for pushing their kids in strollers.

    • SHS Supporter April 24, 2021 (12:02 pm)

      I signed the petition on-line.  There are well over 1,200 signatures for making the street a  permanent Stay Healthy Street.  That’s a remarkable number of people  to show support for making the street permanently accessible to pedestrians, cyclists, skaters, kids  and those with disabilities. Nothing short of extraordinary particularly during a pandemic.   

  • JohnW April 23, 2021 (4:34 pm)

    Although opposed to such ambiguous and  unenforceable plans like  “Stay Healthy Street” designations,  the Alki Point one is unique in its popularity as a destination.  I would enjoy expediting permanent changes to maintain this route as the jewel it has long been.  

  • RW April 23, 2021 (4:42 pm)

    There definitely needs to be changes made to the street, and I’m happy to hear changes are being considered, but it should be reopened to driving through. I used to drive along here all the time, admiring the view and also stopping and getting out to walk, but I no longer can. People also cannot easily get to the Lighthouse, which is a public place. While the barriers may have curtailed undesirable nighttime activity, I also see far fewer people strolling along there during the day whenever I’m on Beach Drive (and have to bypass the street). In the interim, at least allow access during daytime hours, then restrict it for nighttime driving when the drag racers and partiers come out.

    • JohnW April 23, 2021 (8:10 pm)

      Hey RW,
      No need to bypass that street.  No need to claim you cannot drive along there and stop and get out and enjoy the view like you used to.  

      Big secret, you still can.

      RG, you do not seem to be the type that uses it  for  through traffic, repetitive cruising and racing.  
      Those are the vehicles and drivers that the street calming is aimed at reducing. 

    • JJA April 24, 2021 (8:28 am)

      I live a couple blocks away, walk in the area almost daily, and have observed the exact opposite. Pedestrian/biker use is much higher than before the restrictions – they just aren’t all squeezed onto a five-foot sidewalk anymore. 

  • Flo B April 23, 2021 (4:43 pm)

    As a public taxpayer supported street they can’t do ANYTHING to prohibit access to EVERYONE. Now, they could make it a gated community. Is that the goal?

    • Charles Burlingame April 23, 2021 (5:37 pm)

      City hall is a taxpayer supported public building but you are prohibited from driving your car there, also. Your argument is nonsensical.

    • Jort April 23, 2021 (6:52 pm)

      “EVERYONE” in Seattle can use the street. They just can’t drive on it. Too bad for people who thinks streets are for cars and cars alone. If you would like to use the street, here’s some simple steps. 1) Park your car. 2) Get out of the car. 3) Walk along the street. See! Simple.

      • K. Davis April 23, 2021 (8:58 pm)

        Correct, but not in the way you mean.  “EVERYONE” can still use their car on the street.  There is no bar.  Much ado about nothing in these comments.  

      • Barton April 24, 2021 (12:24 pm)

        I drive on it every time I go to Alki.  I think arbitrarily labeling certain streets “stay healthy streets” to the detriment of other streets is absolutely (and typically) ridiculous.  For once the City’s lack of willingness/ability to enforce anything works in favor of the general population.

        • Foop April 24, 2021 (5:45 pm)

          If you’re going to alki, why not just take 63rd.

          • Barton April 25, 2021 (1:20 pm)

            Because I enjoy driving on that street and enjoying the view and it’s a public street.

  • Ac April 23, 2021 (5:02 pm)

    Rich people getting better served by government is what this is.  

    • Auntie April 23, 2021 (5:37 pm)

      Exactly! If I asked my dead-end street (that people try to use mistakenly as a shortcut, so zoom up to the end and back out even faster) to be “closed to through traffic” I would not get any satisfaction. In fact, I have asked for it and got no response. I guess because I’m not rich enough to get my street closed off. I can’t even get a darned “DEAD END” sign!

      • Foop April 23, 2021 (7:56 pm)

        Yeah and all those rich people living along 17th too huh?

      • JohnW April 23, 2021 (8:14 pm)

        Auntie the city and SDOT will provide a Dead End sign.  Contact the Lisa Herbold’s office.  They can help navigate the Process and get your sign.

      • SHS Supporter April 24, 2021 (12:56 pm)

        The Alki Point Keep it Moving Streets  are different  by  historical design than all the other waterfront streets in West Seattle.  Unlike  Harbor, Alki, Beach and 63rd,    Alki Point is NOT an arterial.  That means the street was built  substantially narrower than all those other streets, has a 15 mph speed limit, and was never designed to handle the traffic of an arterial safely.    Further, Constellation Park is only a sidewalk hemmed in my a railing  – seriously.  Constellation Park can easily be made inaccessible by having people in  parked cars block the sidewalks/ park.   The Keep Moving Street has provided enhanced access to the park by opening up the street to pedestrians,  cyclists and folks using wheelchairs and walkers.   More people have been using the street  and accessing the area than ever before.   They are doing it safely on foot or bike,  not just driving through.  The street,  by SDOT’s own studies and surveys,   is number one used Stay Healthy Street in the program and has been since it opened a year ago.     You should visit the street – particularly if you haven’t been on it in a year – to see the transformative change.   

  • Driver April 23, 2021 (5:04 pm)

    This used to be a destination drive for us and  I enjoyed taking  our kids or out of town visitors. I wish this road would remain open to the public, for everyone to enjoy. 

    • heartless April 23, 2021 (6:54 pm)

      You’d take your kids or visitors there and not let anyone out of the car?  That sounds dreadful.

      For everyone else, who would drive there and park and, you know, get out of their steel cage, this won’t change much.

    • Reed April 23, 2021 (7:26 pm)

      I take my kids down there several times a week, but we walk or bike there. My parents, who are in their 80s, often walk and meet us as well. Get over yourself, the world doesn’t revolve around cars.

    • bill April 23, 2021 (7:39 pm)

      It’s a public street. It is still open to the public.

  • IHeartBPP April 23, 2021 (5:06 pm)

    I am incensed by this decision.  SDOT, emboldened by our inept city representatives, are allowing this public resource to become a de-facto gated community.  The wealthy homeowners benefit, while the general public foots the bill.  And let me add, before the usual trolls/narcissist/sociopaths jump all over my comment….I take the bus, drive (a hybrid), and bike. This is absolutely the wrong decision that I hope will be challenged in court.  Hmmm….

    • Jort April 23, 2021 (6:54 pm)

      Fun fact: It won’t be challenged in court, because it would, in fact, be laughed out of court. It’s a city street, the agency in charge of streets decides what to do with them. Though it is certainly my dream but unlikely to actually happen, the city could close every street in the city to cars and force every single person to deal with it. In summary, I hope drivers can still manage to make do as best they can with the other 99.9999999999% percent of roads in Seattle that are meant primarily to benefit cars 100% of the time.

      • WowJustWow April 23, 2021 (9:35 pm)

        As always, Jort is the voice of reason.  Let’s force those disabled and elderly people to deal with walking or taking public transportation in a pandemic if they need to get to medical appointments or shop for groceries.   #UTILITARIANISM #URBANISM

        • Jort April 24, 2021 (12:05 am)

          Did I miss the hospital and grocery store on Alki Point? They must have built those pretty recently because I just haven’t seen them. 

  • Driver April 23, 2021 (5:17 pm)

    This is a destination drive with beautiful scenic views. It should remain open to public, for everyone to enjoy. 

    • Foop April 23, 2021 (7:59 pm)

      It is open to the public, you’re welcome to drive and park on the street and enjoy a nice walk or bike. I’ve even taking my bikes down there with my car to help a friend get comfortable biking for the first time. Drove past the sign, parked and we rode to alki. I certainly don’t live near there though.

    • JohnW April 23, 2021 (8:02 pm)

      I agree it is a destination, but it will remain open as a destination.

    • Ice April 24, 2021 (1:06 pm)

      This is the oblivious attitude I find so funny. Cars take completely over and ruin whatever space they are in. Had you ever been at this stretch of road during peak time before they closed this road?  There was always giant line of cars blasting horrible smelling fumes into the air. Wow, that makes for a relaxing destination. Fumes and noise and entitled people who think they own the road, just what I want to deal with as I walk along the beach. I live nowhere near Alki but I hope they keep this this way forever.

  • TJ April 23, 2021 (5:18 pm)

    The street was built with tax dollars and is supposed to be maintained with tax dollars (not sure they maintain the roads here in Seattle). It should be available to all to use. Who doors the bill if the street suddenly falls apart? I’m sure it won’t just be the homeowners there along the road. I do t know if this is the city giving this to rich homeowners as there are plenty of streets in Seattle with more affluent homeowners than this. Looks like I won’t ever drive that stretch of road again. 

    • Jort April 23, 2021 (6:55 pm)

      TJ, big correction for ya there, the street IS available “to all to use,” even “taxpayers” who brazenly admit to refusing to pay their taxes! You can use it too! Just get out of the car and walk. Very simple solution! Also, it is probably going to be hard for you drive that stretch of road … from Arizona, but good on you for thinking of us.

    • Support these neighbors April 23, 2021 (8:41 pm)

      It is available for all people to use.

      Cars are not people.

      Certain car activity is restricted, and for good reason, thats it.

      People need to stop thinking their cars are an extension of themselves and have the same rights.

  • Star April 23, 2021 (5:34 pm)

    I would totally support changes to the street to stop the racing. However so many of the locals can use the road, enjoy the view because of a few selfish people.  Maybe make the road one way. Put in more standards in the street fo scooters and bikes.  Please don’t take away our beautiful West Seattle view. 

  • GHO April 23, 2021 (5:51 pm)

    Since this move, I, for one, have only visited my favorite beach a fraction of the usual. I miss the easy access for all. Thank you, neighbors.

  • Rumbles April 23, 2021 (6:02 pm)

    How do I sign up for my own private street!? 

  • Pessoa April 23, 2021 (6:10 pm)

    I am not necessarily against creating pedestrian zones (downtown area’s for example), but this seems like an overreach.  There are ways to tame traffic and reduce disruption to neighbors without restricting access to only pedestrians or bicyclists.  Let’s be egalitarian and accommodate everyone, if possible.  

    • heartless April 23, 2021 (6:52 pm)

      On the topic of accommodation and egalitarianism (big words!), let us be reminded that it is obviously and inarguably true that there are more people who can walk than can drive.

      I think that, somehow, those who need to or choose to drive will find ways to survive, so let’s not shed too many tears.  

      • Pessoa April 24, 2021 (7:48 am)

        I want to keep a public street available to all and you want to restrict it to a few. ;  I think I’ll take my brand of civic-mindedness over yours, no offense.  By the way, I thought we decided to start seeing other people?     

        • heartless April 24, 2021 (2:04 pm)

          I want to keep a public street available to all and you want to restrict it to a few. ; “

          It is available to all.  You are simply confusing cars with people.  People are the fleshy things out enjoying that stretch–cars are the big metal things we’re restricting. 

          People = welcome. 

          Cars = restricted. 


          By the way, I thought we decided to start seeing other people?”


    • Kathy April 23, 2021 (11:34 pm)

      There is no restricted access, because everyone, unless disabled and unable to walk, can be a pedestrian. There are parking spaces designated for the disabled.

  • Derek April 23, 2021 (7:15 pm)

    Booo! So tired of the wealthy getting a little private corner. This street is for all. 

  • Guy Olson April 23, 2021 (7:19 pm)

    I laugh at all the comments saying this is all about rich people benefiting from this, tell that to all the renters along that stretch. 😂👏🏻

    • Auntie April 23, 2021 (8:37 pm)

      what – all three of them? Most of those homes are owned and lived in by people who can obviously afford the property taxes. And even those renters have plenty of money in order to be able to live there. open the street to everyone, please. if the people who live there want a private road, go buy some property in the woods and build your own private road.

      • M April 23, 2021 (9:04 pm)

        The street is open to everyone. It was before and it is now.

    • phil April 24, 2021 (9:09 am)

      If these people can rent in that neighborhood I bet they are paid a pretty good wage, not not like your average person.

  • support these neighbors April 23, 2021 (7:28 pm)

    The general public should not be more entitled to this ‘scenic destination view’ than the rights to safety and reasonable peace of the homeowners and renters who pay to live there.

    I fully support ANY street or neighborhood requesting support and changes to their street to improve conditions when there is an ongoing unreasonable amount of concerns, like this street has had.

    The people who live on this street and those who support these changes are not the ones being selfish.

    How about all of you who feel entitled to drive through this street because the view is important to you, share your street location so the rest of us can choose your street as a ‘scenic destination’ because, we pay taxes too, and we have every right to turn your street into a high traffic party place. We can make sure to populate your street constantly with traffic, noise, exhaust, music, drugs, drag racing, and so on. Sounds like you all won’t mind or feel you have any right to do anything about it.

    Also, stop saying ‘gated community.’ The street is still open for people to park, walk, bike, dance, jazzercise, hand jive, skateboard, rollerblade, etc. I don’t know of any ‘gated communities’ that allow people to visit like this. The restrictions are for certain car activities only, that’s all.

    There are many other beautiful places to ‘drive’, and if you love the view so much, park and get out and enjoy it!

    • E April 23, 2021 (10:44 pm)

      I live at the intersection of Beach Drive, Lincoln Park Way & 48th, do I get to file a waiver for all of the traffic & noise here?! Because trust me, it’s gets loud and busy!!  But that is where I decided to live! So I suck it up and am thankful for the beautiful view I have and deal with the noise.Give me a break!!! The taxpayers are just as entitled to that street as the homeowners are!

      • JohnW April 24, 2021 (9:15 am)

        Yes you do get to file a waiver for all of the traffic and noise.  
        Your King County Assessor  property details has sections that specifically  address noise and nuisances.  
        Your property should reflect lower taxes due to the nuisances you mention.  
        If the traffic noise and nuisances have changed, increased or not been noted, you have the opportunity to file corrections to King County Assessor.

  • Eileen April 23, 2021 (7:33 pm)

    I’m glad they are extending this street. I love walking or biking here from Genessee Hill as its the closest place you have space to walk/bike. It does always seem like there are ALOT of cars driving through it though.

  • Joe Z April 23, 2021 (7:42 pm)

    I would like to see roughly 25% of streets in West Seattle converted to stay healthy streets/greenways. Every 4th block or so. 

    • wsperson April 23, 2021 (10:00 pm)

      I’d like the entire peninsula to be car free. I’d like to hear birds instead of cars.

      • Auntie April 23, 2021 (10:28 pm)

        Then get into your time machine and go back about 100 years, because that is what it will take.I’m sure everyone that lives in West Seattle would be willing to drive their cars into Elliot Bay just so you could have some peace and quiet.

      • Foop April 23, 2021 (10:29 pm)

        I’d like to not have my life threatened every time I try to walk across a street or ride my bike somewhere. Cars are a blemish, I say as someone who does drive sometimes. I’d be less like this if drivers were in general more respectful but drivers here have turned into entitled bullies and people are literally dying.

      • JustWow April 24, 2021 (12:32 am)

        This place is literally filled with crazy people. A “car free” peninsula?? You may want to move out of a major metropolitan city if you don’t like cars. Did you ever consider that maybe a small town or a tent in the forest would be a better place for someone who hates cars. As opposed to the most highly populated city in WA State??  Crazy. 

        • Reed April 24, 2021 (7:16 am)

          Well that simple sarcasm went right over your head didn’t it?

          • wsperson April 24, 2021 (12:32 pm)

            No I’m serious, car free areas are not crazy or even unheard of, and they’re gaining in popularity.  Imagine walking outside, smelling air, hearing birds, taking your time to get places, seeing your neighbors and your neighborhood businesses and the things they’re doing and creating, talking to them instead of zooming by…experiencing life instead of always rushing to the next thing and then rushing back…

  • Rick Coleman April 23, 2021 (8:27 pm)

    Equality ! 

  • 1994 April 23, 2021 (8:38 pm)

    Has the US Coast Guard been consulted on this street designation and how it may impact access to their facility and their parking lot? The lighthouse is owned by the US Coast Guard.

    • Jon Wright April 23, 2021 (10:09 pm)

      Probably not! And now the lighthouse will go dark because the Coast Guard won’t be able to get deliveries of Special Lighthouse Fuel on account of the progressives who won’t be satisfied until everyone including the disabled and elderly are forced to ride bikes. Thanks for nothing, SDOT!!!

      • Foop April 23, 2021 (10:31 pm)

        They can still drive there. Just like everyone else who might live or work along that stretch, or deliveries. Clearly you don’t actually use this section of road if you don’t realize that by now.

        • M April 24, 2021 (8:31 am)

          (He’s kidding)

    • StopCuttingDownTrees April 23, 2021 (11:00 pm)

      There’s been no impact to the Coast Guard since no one is restricted from using this stretch of road. Anyone can drive in, drive thru, park, etc. The “road closed” signs are terribly misleading.

    • bill April 24, 2021 (8:06 am)

      The Coast Guard could reach the lighthouse with those floating things, boats I think they are called, that don’t need roads. 

      • StopCuttingDownTrees April 24, 2021 (3:44 pm)

        There’s no boat dock feature on the sloping, rocky beach in front of the coast guard lighthouse. There’s also dozens of citizens who tour the structure under non-Pandemic conditions. Are they supposed to arrive via watercraft and beach themselves, too? The coast guard personnel have to ingress/egress just like any other residents or visitors to the area.

  • Ant April 23, 2021 (9:39 pm)

    I’m dying to know who this “bike lobby” is. 

    • mok4315 April 23, 2021 (11:54 pm)

      Probably a reference to the Cascade Bike Club.  

    • JohnW April 24, 2021 (9:30 am)

      Maybe I am the bike lobby.  
      But I don’t belong to any Bicycle Club.  
      I just enjoy riding a bike sometimes for exercise, enjoyment and even transportation.  
      I own and operate a car.  
      I greatly appreciate the traffic reduction that has resulted  from the signage and barricades blocking one lane.  It reminds me, as I drive my car around the barricade, that this street is now like a pedestrian plaza that I am cautiously entering and driving through.  
      The old still posted speed warning is 15MPH, but I drive even slower when bikers and pedestrians are present.  
      Slow and wide berth for all!

    • Jort April 24, 2021 (12:00 pm)

      The bike lobby is an all-powerful cabal that dictates every dollar of city transportation planning. That’s why 95% of the city’s transportation budget benefits cars, and everyone else has to fight for the scraps. We are SOOOO POWERFUL!!! UNLIMITED POWERRRRRR!!!! 

  • Tom Kmitta April 23, 2021 (9:47 pm)

    A possible approach to consider that could open the street to all cars and eliminate (by making it difficult) to cars racing would be to make the street one way from Alki and 64th and put in planters  (or a similar barrier) covering one lane on alternating sides on the street every 200 or so feet.  That way cars wouldn’t be able to race since they would have no straight shot and people would still be able to drive at a slow pace through the area.

  • Music to My Ears April 23, 2021 (10:51 pm)

    Heaven… I’m in heaven, And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak. And I seem to find the happiness I seek, When we’re out together on the keep moving street!

  • Barb Z April 23, 2021 (11:32 pm)

    Well said, “Support These Neighbors”!   I am a Senior who regularly enjoyed walking along Constellation Park. When COVID-19 hit it was no longer safe, with crowds of people, cars, etc., so I stopped. Once it was made into a “Stay Safe” street I was again able to walk there, with lots of room to keep socially distant.  I am not rich, do not live there, and park my car on 63rd (always plenty of room), and enjoy walking along the entire “closed” section.  Anyone can walk along that route, although there are more cars recently which makes it a bit less safe in the road.  Cars have other options to get to their destinations rather than using that as a through street. I’ve managed fine.

    • Pessoa April 24, 2021 (10:09 am)

      Glad that you have enjoyed the changes, but your experiences and your habits aren’t necessarily the blueprint for everyone else, with all due respect.   Your definition of access may not be my definition of access, regardless of how the city legally defines “access. ”  Not everyone can walk that route, nor should you require them to even if they are mobile.  Even your definition of an obnoxious beach scene, or what constitutes  “safety,”  might be different than mine.  You can point out alternate routes for cars, promote walking and bicycling to your heart’s desire – and I am an avid walker – but recognize that some people are still quite fond of their “steel cages,” as someone rather pithily put it.      

      • wsperson April 24, 2021 (12:39 pm)

        That doesn’t make any sense. Why would someone who has a car not be able to use the exact same method of access that other cars use? Defining something “differently” doesn’t mean you can’t do it – it just means you have a different definition for doing the exact same thing…

        • Pessoa April 24, 2021 (2:13 pm)

          What are you talking about?  I man with no legs, I suppose, is not prevented from accessing the area if he goes out and buys an arm-powered specialty bike, right?  Access is not defined for others by me or YOU. This  inane, hair-splitting sophistry is maddening.  

          • wsperson April 24, 2021 (7:31 pm)

            This  inane, hair-splitting sophistry is maddening. ” …and yet you’re the one coming up with scenarios where men with no legs have to go out and buy arm powered specialty bikes in order to access Alki beach. 

  • Lighthouse Point tiny condo resident April 24, 2021 (8:19 am)

    Clearly what we have here a a failure to communicate. The signs at the beginning of the road stretch are confusing, relaying a message that the street is closed to car visitors. This is far from true! Those in opposition, please come and visit for a few hours on a nice afternoon and see for yourself. Please don’t just drive through-park your car and walk/bike/skate/roll around. Enjoy the view and the many other people doing the same.

  • tk April 24, 2021 (9:28 am)

    “It is not illegal to drive in and park as we have done for decades. “Will someone please provide a link to the specific legal wording re: Keep Moving Street access? I tried the links in the article to the city website, but it only has the generic, People driving who need to get to homes and destinations along Keep Moving Streets are still able to drive on these streets.(this is very different than the wording on the street signs). So, does this mean if I want to drive my 90+ year old mother along the waterfront on a stormy day like we used to do, that we can still drive the whole route? That is definitely a “destination” we would like to be able to access again! And are we allowed to park anywhere along the road & get out for a short walk like we used to do? I do agree with some people that a one-way street (with only one lane of traffic) might be helpful in giving limited access so we can enjoy our West Seattle neighborhood once again.

    • Jort April 24, 2021 (12:01 pm)

      You require vehicle access in order to “enjoy the neighborhood”? Weird. 

      • CMT April 24, 2021 (1:46 pm)

        I don’t think it’s weird at all.  Many people enjoy a scenic drive in a comfortable car, with a nice breeze.  I do.  And I plan to keep on doing so until and unless vehicle access is blocked, which it won’t be.  I also like to bike and walk at other times.

    • StopCuttingDownTrees April 24, 2021 (1:25 pm)

      Yes, you can drive in there, park, and walk or sit around all you want. Jort obviously doesn’t understand what the special needs of a 90+ year-old are and how they can’t just walk several blocks. The terrible part of this whole SHS charade is that people like you and your 90+ year-old mother have been disuaded from enjoying this stretch by the intimidating and misleading signs.

      • Lbalm April 24, 2021 (3:52 pm)

        There are already two handicap parking spaces on Beach Drive within the SHS section where you can park for your 90+ y/o mother to take a walk. This argument is old.

  • RayWest April 24, 2021 (10:15 am)

    Make that stretch a one-way street and add speed bumps and other speed deterrents every block to discourage the dragsters. Has blocking the street at both ends really discouraged nighttime partiers from gathering there if people are still allowed park on Beach Drive (or the side streets) and can get out to do whatever?

  • JohnW April 24, 2021 (10:46 am)

    The frustrating fuzziness that TK exposes is likely intentional by SDOT.  
    The agency is attempting to modify traffic patterns with signage and explanations that defy reason and enforcement.  
    No where does SDOT state that entering such “closed streets”  is illegal.  
    SDOT makes no reference to codes or enforcement.
    The intended restrictions of these vague “Closed Streets” is directed at those newly gathering and abusing the legendary and formerly peacefully quiet view and waterfront access road.   
    There are no new “No Parking” signs along this route and nothing has changed with resident parking and street parking.  
    If you visit on a ‘blue bird day’ like those we have experienced  the last two weeks, you will find a steady stream of people accessing this beach front road by all means: bikes, motorcycles, cars, scooters, strollers, skates, wheelchairs, on foot, kids in tow…  
    Many driving  stop, park their cars to stroll and record the vista with photos.  Some unload kayaks.  
    Some patiently whale watch.  
    Others unload and set exotic photographic equipment.
    Birders, too.  

  • W SEA Res April 24, 2021 (11:36 am)

    Why does the sign say “Street Closed” and not say “Closed unless you stop and get our of your car”?

    • Foop April 24, 2021 (12:28 pm)

      Why are people so obtuse when they could look up stay healthy streets on the city site and read what’s allowed?

      • CMT April 24, 2021 (1:48 pm)

        Why are people so self righteous and rude?

        • heartless April 24, 2021 (3:01 pm)

          I’d rather just laugh at the signs that will never be enforced.”

          That you?

          • CMT April 24, 2021 (3:55 pm)

            Yes .. maybe I’m a scofflaw but the rudeness or self righteousness is?  

      • Kyle April 24, 2021 (8:20 pm)

        Do “stop” signs also have a different meaning on the city website? The signs say “street closed”, but if you have the time and know how to look on the city website there is a different meaning. This should be fixed, and the signs changed to reflect the true meaning. No need to call people obtuse for calling out this inaccuracy. Does an out of towner need to read the city code to understand our signage?

  • B April 24, 2021 (11:59 am)

    We continue to drive to and park on that street, but the majority of people walking down the middle of the street don’t know that we’re allowed to do just that. We get the serious stink eye from everyone passing us by as we make a quick phone call or grab a snack while we are between jobs. We’re just trying to enjoy the view, smell the salt air, and see some birds for a minute before we have to get back to work.

    • Unwelcome April 24, 2021 (9:50 pm)

      Thank you for saying this!  Many on this thread keep saying all are welcome to drive in, park and walk, etc. but when you do so, people stare at you angrily and coldly  as if you have no right to be there, on a public street. As a person of color,  I especially don’t appreciate being stared at this way and feel unwelcome in a part of Seattle that I’ve lived in for going on 20 years.  

      • Reed April 25, 2021 (1:47 pm)

        The road is supposed to be closed to thru traffic. So unless you live there, are visiting someone who lives there, or are utilizing one of the designated handicap parking spaces, your not supposed to keep driving there. So be a good neighbor and park outside and walk in like everyone else. I will continue to shoot you stink eyes and yell at you when appropriate. 

  • namercury April 24, 2021 (12:03 pm)

    I don’t understand those who say “nothing has changed.  Car access is not denied.”  Is there any question to the meaning of “Street Closed”?  All the descriptive wording I’ve seen restricts the act of driving through without a reason to stop. I believe the “Stay Healthy Streets” program is illegal.  Article II, Section 40 of the Washington State Constitution restricts the use of highway/street funds to “highway/maintenance related” related work and seems to exclude making a highway/street in to a park/gated community.  Also, I’m certain there are various City ordinances designed promote the free flow of traffic and to the forbid  arbitrarily restricting/obstructing streets.  “Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law!”  (Sophocles, 496-406 B.C.)The “Keep Moving/Stay Healthy Streets” program should be abolished.

    • Jort April 24, 2021 (12:30 pm)

      It’s not illegal. Cities can close their streets down all they want. If you want to waste thousands of dollars in court to challenge these restrictions just to get laughed at by judges, feel free, but if you are so “certain” there are various City ordinances to “promote the free flow of traffic,” feel free to cite them here. I’ll wait for you to come back with the research, but I must warn you, I will be waiting a very, very long time because those ordinances do not actually exist.

      • CMT April 24, 2021 (1:50 pm)

        Instead of being laughed at by a judge (?) I’d rather just laugh at the signs that will never be enforced.

      • Pessoa April 24, 2021 (5:07 pm)

        So, now you’re falling back on legalism because your argument has fallen flat on egalitarian grounds? 

    • JohnW April 24, 2021 (12:56 pm)

      “Street Closed” in this  particular use means essentially, “street closed to regular pass though traffic.”  
      This defines these Closed Streets differently than others.  
      The traffic engineers are trying to discourage drivers from taking the”closed” street.
      Do you also insist those  other closure signs “Closed to Thru Traffic” are  illegal?

      • Kyle April 24, 2021 (8:22 pm)

        Change the signage to reflect the true meaning.

  • wsperson April 24, 2021 (12:45 pm)

    This whole thing is kind of funny, if you live here you must know that there is more to the beach than the area that was blocked off.  If you want to drive, just drive literally 3 blocks or less to the area where it’s fully open to cars? Three blocks or less depending on where you enter the area.

  • Pessoa April 24, 2021 (1:51 pm)

    I fail to see your point. Same can be said about the extensive path for pedestrians, joggers, bikers that already exists.  

  • Furor Scribendi April 24, 2021 (3:56 pm)

    Looks like navel gazing by anti-car types and city government that currently loves them.  A small eloquent group of Alki residents want the road closed or restricted, for their own reasons; everyone else would love to occasionally drive by.  The city, who dumped tons of cash into improving those streets, is now in the sign building and removal business. Who’ll win? No one, until City Hall either gets tired of playing referee, or the greater community exercises its undeliable right to drive where they want regardless of what rich privileged residents prefer. Bottom line: when picking between unfettered public access or reserving public accommodation for elite private use, always side with what benefits the most with the best.  

    • Ice April 25, 2021 (3:23 pm)

      You realize operating a motor vehicle is a privilege and not a right, right?

      • Pessoa April 25, 2021 (4:50 pm)

        The issue is access to the beach -not a retread of the tired privilege versus rights argument, vis-a-vis car ownership.  If I choose to access this portion of the beach by automobile on roads that were built for that purpose – and I do it responsibly – I should be allowed to do so, in principle at least.  You are free to access the beach anyway you desire – bicycling, jogging, roller skates, skateboard, unicycle – pony – just don’t harsh on my mellow.  

  • Kimball April 25, 2021 (12:59 pm)

    There is no place to flipping park normally along Alki in the first place! What a joke to leave a road for walking. Just walk along Alki like people have been doing for over 50 years! I never come to Alki Area anymore due to lack of parking. What we need is a parking garage!

    • WSB April 25, 2021 (1:04 pm)

      You’re joking, I hope. Alki Avenue is lined with parking spaces. A couple businesses even have their own (albeit small) lots, like Spud and Blue Moon

      • Kathy April 25, 2021 (5:17 pm)

        And Cactus

  • Cathie April 26, 2021 (9:55 am)

    I am not a wealthy homeowner; I rent nearby, and I love the current designation of this TINY portion of Beach Drive. I am out on it all times of the day and evening, and I see lots of folks of all abilities using a huge variety of non-car ways to enjoy the street, alongside cars that are cruising, parking,  etc. The only difference is that people, rather than cars, are the majority now and I feel much safer simply walking down the street.  For those of us working from home for MORE THAN A YEAR,  this is a lovely neighborhood attribute. I am wondering if the people who are unhappy about this have actually read the signs posted on the street? Also, when you do drive through, please observe the speed limit and extend grace to your fellow human beings. 

    • invalidsyntax April 26, 2021 (2:58 pm)

      Thank you for describing the change so thoughtfully, Cathie.  The “Keep Moving” street designation has literally transformed Constellation Park. For the first time in years, it feels like a neighborhood park again. 

  • Flo B April 26, 2021 (4:22 pm)

    invalidsyntax. Um…did the neighborhood pay for Constellation Park?? I believe ALL Seattle taxpayer paid for it. Shouldn’t ALL taxpayers have unfettered access??

  • invalidsyntax April 26, 2021 (6:15 pm)

    Seattle taxpayers have the same access that they do to every other Seattle Park. Each of which has its own rules and regulations regarding how and where vehicles can be operated.  When these rules are egregiously and consistently abused, as they have for the past several years at Constellation Park, the rules change. Of course, my argument assumes that Seattle parks are intended to be pedestrian-friendly. I’m also making the (apparently presumptuous) assumption that we want parks to have a **positive** impact on the local community. If we to ignore both of those assumptions, then sure: lets go back to Constellation Park being a roadster rally hotspot and dragstrip. I’m sure that my observations will trigger yet more attacks, of course. Fine. Whatever. If lashing out makes you guys happy, have at it.

Sorry, comment time is over.