ROAD WORK: West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway construction south of The Junction

The next stage of work on the West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway has begun. Above is a crew that was out this morning on 42nd SW south of SW Edmunds, marking the future locations of speed humps. We went to check the area this morning after reader inquiries over the weekend about sets of no-parking signs placed at intervals along 42nd between Edmunds and Findlay (it’s been a while since construction notification was sent, and two months since our last update).

In addition to the speed humps on 42nd – which, signage indicates, are planned for the 4800, 5000, 5200, and 5400 blocks – work will finally be starting at 35th/Graham, where a new signal is planned as part of this phase. SDOT spokesperson Ethan Bergerson says that work “will not begin for another 2-3 weeks.”

BACKSTORY: Greenways are explained here. Here’s a map of the entire West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway route:

The greenway plan originally surfaced in tandem with Phase 2 of the 35th SW plan, almost five years ago. The “most promising route” was unveiled about a year later. An extension northward from The Junction to Admiral also has been discussed, but isn’t on the official map – we’re checking on its status. (Added: SDOT says design and planning are funded for that section, but not construction.)

ADDED 4 PM: Just received from SDOT (and just added to their project website), regarding the locations of all the speed humps that are part of Phase 2:

Approximate locations of speed humps (19 total) for West Seattle Greenway Phase 2

On 42nd Avenue SW

1 – Just south of the intersection with SW Edmunds St
2- Before and after intersection with SW Hudson St
2- Before and after intersection with SW Dawson St
2 – Before and after intersection with SW Brandon St
1 – Just north of intersection with SW Findlay St

On SW Findlay St

1- Just west of intersection with Fauntleroy Way SW
1- Just west of intersection with 38th Ave SW

On 38th Ave SW

1- Just south of intersection with SW Findlay St
2- Before and after intersection with SW Juneau St
2- Before and after intersection with SW Raymond St
1- Just north of intersection with SW Graham St

On SW Graham St

1- Just west of the alley between 38th Ave SW and 37th Ave SW
1- Just east of the intersection with 37th Ave SW
1- Just east of the intersection with 35th Ave SW

Phase 2 construction is expected to wrap up by mid-July.

12 Replies to "ROAD WORK: West Seattle Neighborhood Greenway construction south of The Junction"

  • Kevin Calabro March 8, 2021 (4:15 pm)

    Is there any reason 63rd Ave SW can’t have speed bumps or crosswalks at the half block? It’s a drag strip, some mitigation is needed imo. .

  • Joe Z March 8, 2021 (4:36 pm)

    This is nice! Fills in a missing gap from High Point to the Junction. The only bummer is that the north end connection to the rest of the bike network via Alaska is inconvenient. I wouldn’t want to bike up the hill to 42nd just to come back to Fauntleroy. As someone who lives near the Avalon Triangle what would really make sense is to have protected bike lanes on Fauntleroy from 35th to Morgan Junction…that’s the most direct route and the least hilly. Then one could take this Greenway to get to High Point. SDOT really needs to start emphasizing filling in the missing gaps in the bike network, it’s annoying that the most direct routes are not used. 

    • bill March 8, 2021 (6:22 pm)

      Massive ped and bike improvements on Fauntleroy in the Triangle area were ready to go several years ago – designed and funded – but the car lobby played the Light Rail Corridor Uncertainty trump card and the Fauntleroy project was shelved. All we got were some plastic posts on Avalon from 35th to Fauntleroy.

      • Rick March 9, 2021 (7:18 am)

        Car lobby. Maybe we should have on. To lobby for things like letting cars use the roads. (GASP)

        • bill March 9, 2021 (10:32 pm)

          Yes indeed car lobby. Look around. Asphalt and concrete everywhere, except where concealed beneath parked or gridlocked cars. 

          • Rick March 12, 2021 (9:39 pm)

            Yeah,and they cut down trees and bulldozed dirt for where your house sits and created sewage and runoff. Feel guilty enough now? Is that how it works?

      • Joe Z March 9, 2021 (10:11 am)

        Bill, I’m not asking for massive improvements, fancy signals, etc.  Why wait? They could stripe a bike lane tomorrow if they wanted to. It just requires some paint. Fauntleroy has 3 car lanes in each direction by Trader Joe’s…could easily take that down to a 3×2 with a bike lane with no difficulty or fancy planning. 

  • Kalo March 8, 2021 (4:58 pm)

    I don’t often travel on 42nd, south of the junction, however, I noticed the other day, 2 hour parking limit signage. Any idea why? Most of the restricted area seems a bit far from the Junction.  

    • Terri March 8, 2021 (6:08 pm)

      The original Restricted Parking Zone  #35 (which included 42nd between Edmonds and Hudson) was extended one block south and then recently extended again by request of the residents on those further blocks. Not an unusual or unexpected reaction to RPZ restrictions, which have freed up close-in parking for Junction users, but caused more congestion in the blocks further out.

  • Foop March 8, 2021 (8:24 pm)

    Oof, that’s a hilly greenway, plus the amount of intersections and turns to cross this isn’t very novice friendly. I guess I’ll take what I can get.

    • bill March 9, 2021 (10:43 pm)

      Yep, thin gruel for cyclists. Face it, bikes are slow. If you build infrastructure that makes them slower, no one is going to use the facility. 

  • pagefive March 9, 2021 (8:38 pm)

    Wish they’d install a few speed bumps on Juneau and Raymond since people use those streets to cut through Fauntleroy and 35th. It would certainly make crossing those intersections on 38th Ave SW safer for bicyclists.

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