Two days after we reported that the Southwest Athletic Complex testing/vaccination site will stop offering testing after next Tuesday (March 30th), the city has officially announced the change. Dropping testing services, the mayor’s office says, will enable another 3,000 vaccinations a week, just as eligibility expands. And the testing demand Is lower – dropping in recent weeks to 200 or fewer per day at West Seattle (with more than 78,000 tests given since it opened). The city says it can scale testing back up if demand increases. The announcement notes, as we did on Monday, that a Curative testing kiosk remains open at Don Armeni Boat Ramp (1222 Harbor SW), with numerous appointments available, and adds the reminder that there’s a drive-through test site in SODO (3820 6th Ave. S.). You can find out more about the city’s vaccination program – including getting on the notification list – by going here, or by calling 206-684-2489.
West Seattle, Washington
21 Tuesday