CORONAVIRUS: Friday 3/26/2021 roundup

Tonight’s pandemic headlines:

BACK TO SCHOOLS: Seattle Public Schools teachers have approved the deal with the district to start offering in-person lerning next week and beyond. Meantime, the governor’s official back-to-school proclamation is now updated with the new 3-foot rule.

KING COUNTY NUMBERS: First, the latest stats from the Public Health daily-summary page, cumulative totals:

*86,536 people have tested positive, 163 more than yesterday’s total

*1,459 people have died, 1 more than yesterday’s total

*5,261 people have been hospitalized, 10 more than yesterday’s total

*958,183 people have been tested, 1,508 more than yesterday’s total

On to our weekly check of key numbers on the COVID Vaccination Among King County Residents dashboard:

*628,239 people have received one dose

*348,784 people have received both doses

*935,435 doses have been allocated to King County (not counting pharmacy programs)

One week ago, the first four totals were 85,073/1,450/5,200/942,237, and the vaccination totals were 535,724/291,838/802.355.


WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 126.1 million cases, 2,767,000+ deaths – see the nation-by-nation numbers here.

COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER’S BRIEFING: In his weekly briefing, Dr. Jeff Duchin reiterated that case numbers are increasing, as are hospitalization rates – mostly among 40- to 69-year-olds. But the death rate has decreased – down now to 2 a day. That’s mostly because vaccination has brought cases down dramatically in people 75+.

LOOKING FOR VACCINE? here are links to try:

*Check for West Seattle city-run site appointments here; sign up for the city’s notification list for all three of its sites here.
*Health-care providers (particularly bigger ones like UW Medicine, CHI Franciscan, Kaiser Permanente, etc.)
* (volunteer-run aggregator)
*The state says it’s improved its own lookup tool
*Here’s another multi-provider search to try
*Pharmacies big and small – Safeway, Rite Aid, QFC, Pharmaca, Costco
*Sea Mar clinics

IF YOU NEED TESTING SATURDAY: This will be the last Saturday for the city’s West Seattle test site (2801 SW Thistle), which becomes a vaccinations-only site as of Wednesday.

GOT INFO OR PHOTOS? or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

9 Replies to "CORONAVIRUS: Friday 3/26/2021 roundup"

  • John March 27, 2021 (12:07 am)

    Typo in your “one week ago” numbers: the tested positive number is presumably missing a digit

    • WSB March 27, 2021 (12:33 am)

      No, it was the current # missing a digit – fixed, thanks.

  • trickycoolj March 27, 2021 (12:29 am)

    The Swedish link says they are no longer administering doses now that the Seattle U site has been merged into Lumen. They just point to DOH. 

    • WSB March 27, 2021 (12:31 am)

      Thanks! Will excise that from the list.

  • JJ March 27, 2021 (12:01 pm)

    Anyone see the recent article in nature medicine on long Covid? It’s just a little bit more to consider when assessing your tolerance for infection  risk in your daily life. I hope everyone gets their vaccine soon.

  • zark00 March 27, 2021 (1:13 pm)

    Washington state vaccine effort is embarrassingly bad. We’re behind Florida – yeah Florida has a more functional Department of Health and a more effective state government than we do. Inslee really botched this big time. I voted for him, thought he was capable, he’s completely failed the state, made a mess of the return to school debacle, and we continue to fall behind in vaccination rates and dispensing the vaccines we are given.  We’re now getting less vaccine because we suck so much at administering what we get. 

    • rme March 27, 2021 (8:00 pm)

      Not sure where you got that data, but just went and checked the NYT map out of curiosity and 26.4% of Floridians have received a first dose while 14.7% are fully vaccinated. The numbers for Washington are 28.1% and 16.1% respectively. 

      • Jort March 28, 2021 (1:12 pm)

        But, but … you’re denying them the opportunity to say “completely failed the state” and “botched this big time” and all the other garbage that isn’t true.

      • Pessoa March 28, 2021 (2:14 pm)

        Perhaps a better metric is the percentage of vaccines states have received versus the vaccines they have administered.  Washington State comes in 17th.  Not terrible, but not great either. 

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