Tonight’s toplines in the pandemic:
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: First, from the Seattle-King County Public Health daily-summary dashboard, the cumulative totals:
*55,212 people have tested positive, 363 more than yesterday’s total
*954 people have died, 6 more than yesterday’s total
*3,765 people have been hospitalized, 17 more than yesterday’s total
*703,210 people have been tested, 2,619 more than yesterday’s total
One week ago, the four totals we track were 50,970/920/3,523/699,809.
STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them, county by county, on the state Department of Health page,.
WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: See them, nation by nation, here.
BACK TO SCHOOL? The governor announced new guidelines today, and the Seattle Public Schools board put off its reopening vote until tomorrow. Here’s our coverage.
VACCINE UPDATE: Hundreds of people have been vaccinated, and tens of thousands more doses are on the way. Here’s the state Health Department‘s update.
GROCERY-STORE CASE: Checking grocery-store websites, we found news of another infected worker at Metropolitan Market-Admiral (WSB sponsor):
One of our Admiral Metropolitan Market team members tested positive for COVID-19 on December 16th. The team member last worked in the store on Saturday, December 12th. We are following the recommended response guidelines from public health authorities, including the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) and the King County Department of Health. In addition to the rigorous sanitation protocols we already have in place, the store undergoes a commercial-grade, electrostatic disinfectant service twice a week, and we are able to safely remain open at this time. All team members who came into close contact with the person who tested positive have been identified, notified, and are required to self-quarantine for 7-days and may return pending a negative COVID-19 test.
The store had a case last week too.
EVICTION MORATORIUM EXTENDED: The city has extended the moratorium on residential, nonprofit, and small-business evictions through March.
GOT INFO? Email us at or phone us, text or voice, at 206-293-6302 – thank you!