VIDEO: West Seattle Junction celebration after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris become president-elect and vice-president-elect

(WSB photo, added 10:29 am)

8:50 AM: In case you haven’t seen/heard it somewhere else already – the presidential race has been called. We heard when someone here on the Gatewood/Fauntleroy line went outside their house and yelled “JOE BIDEN GOT THE WIN!” and now the scanner has multiple reports of fireworks. This is because the state of Pennsylvania has been called for Biden, meaning he’s got 273 electoral votes, three more than needed for election. California Sen. Kamala Harris makes history as the first woman on a winning president/vice president ticket, 36 years after the late Geraldine Ferraro became the first woman on a major-party ticket.

LOCAL NOTE: In King County, the most-recent results count shows 75 percent of the countywide vote for Biden/Harris, 22 percent for Trump/Pence.

9:26 AM: Via Twitter, a sample of West Seattle-residing elected officials’ reactions:

Meantime, multiple drivers have gone through the two-arterial intersection near our HQ, honking,

10:29 AM: We went out to look for spontaneous celebrations, and found some, big and small, In Admiral, outside Circa:

On our second pass through The Junction, flag- and sign-wavers had gathered at Walk All Ways:


12:30 PM: The Junction revelry continues. Jess sent us this clip, also from Walk All Ways:

Earlier this hour, we participated in a media Q&A with Mayor Jenny Durkan, who says the Biden win increases the chance of federal money for the West Seattle Bridge. Separate story to come. On a more personal note, she said, “I’ve waited a lifetime to see a woman elected to one of the highest offices in America.”

1:20 PM: People are still at Walk All Ways celebrating.

72 Replies to "VIDEO: West Seattle Junction celebration after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris become president-elect and vice-president-elect"

  • Al November 7, 2020 (8:58 am)

    This is awesome!!!!!

  • John November 7, 2020 (9:01 am)

    Fireworks in South Delridge… I’m OK with that. 👌

  • Anna November 7, 2020 (9:07 am)

    What an amazing relief. The most wonderful news of the year!

  • heartless November 7, 2020 (9:12 am)


    Now the question is… Does Trump pretend to be an adult and concede, or does he fester and linger and encourage chaos?  

    • Howaboutnow November 7, 2020 (9:22 am)

      That’s a question?

      • heartless November 7, 2020 (11:00 am)

        Sadly, you are right.  Let’s say it’s a fervent hope more than anything else.

    • tonenotvolume November 7, 2020 (11:27 am)

      That was rhetorical, right?

  • BWD November 7, 2020 (9:14 am)

    Hurrah! I am so happy.

  • Dave November 7, 2020 (9:18 am)

    Time to celebrate!!!

  • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy November 7, 2020 (9:18 am)

    /happy bounce 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁Everyone go eat a philly cheese steak to thank Pennsylvania/Philly for putting us over the top!

    • GWS November 7, 2020 (10:55 am)

      There are no proper cheese steaks west of Philly ;-) 

    • Beepee November 7, 2020 (11:45 am)

      Or binge watch always sunny in Philadelphia 

      • Helpermonkey November 7, 2020 (1:19 pm)

        Flip, flip, flipadelphia! 

  • Come together November 7, 2020 (9:25 am)

    Congratulations, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and all Democrats!

    For those who were supporting Trump, or are not happy with the results, we feel your pain, we have been there for the past 4 years. Please give our new president a chance. We voted for him because we believe he will be the better leader for our WHOLE country.

    • John November 7, 2020 (9:54 am)

      Agreed.This lifelong Republican voted for the Biden ticket.We need a leader in the Whitehouse. We haven’t had that in 4 years.
      It’s time for both sides to work together. So many issues need to be addressed.

      • Come together November 7, 2020 (10:36 am)

        Thanks for voting with us on this, John, and well said.

        It is time for us to focus on our common humanity and values as fellow humans and as fellow Americans.

        Yes, we may disagree on many things, but there is so much we can focus on that can unite us. Let’s find things we can agree on, and look for compromises.

        We are a stronger nation together.

      • natinstl November 7, 2020 (4:52 pm)

        Thank you John, I’m right there with you.

      • Kayo November 8, 2020 (8:47 am)

        Thank you for putting country before party.  

  • miws November 7, 2020 (9:33 am)

    WSB World Headquarters’ neighborhood has its own Town Crier…?  🤣  —Mike

  • Val November 7, 2020 (9:42 am)

    YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! Can twitter now cancel his account 

  • Buddy November 7, 2020 (10:01 am)

    Buddy is happy 

  • West Seattle since 1979 November 7, 2020 (10:24 am)

    So happy! 

  • Holger Horses November 7, 2020 (10:27 am)

    At this time in 2000 Al Gore had 271 electoral votes.

    • WSB November 7, 2020 (12:38 pm)

      I covered Bush v. Gore working for a national news service. This is not Bush v. Gore

    • Matt P November 7, 2020 (1:07 pm)

      And Biden has 279 and is ahead in enough for 306.  

  • Lisa Anne November 7, 2020 (10:28 am)

    I am so relieved, overwhelmed with happiness and relief. It is heartwarming to see all the comments from the international leaders congratulating Biden and Harris and welcoming America back into the international community. This is a day for celebrating…with masks and distancing of course! Thank you to every single person in American who voted him out. So grateful to you all. 

  • Jort November 7, 2020 (10:40 am)

    I’m so old that I remember 3.5 days ago, when I commented that conservatives are a fringe minority in Seattle, and somebody replied to me, “Jort don’t cry too hard when Trump wins.” UH OH! Looks like I’m not crying! Sorry for your feelings! I encourage you to immediately begin dealing with it. YES I will gloat.

    • Alki Resident November 7, 2020 (4:59 pm)

      Liberal Democrat here. People voted for Biden over Trump because they were tired of a toddler. Please stop acting like one. This country needs to unite and heal. Gloating and acting like a spoiled brat is how you get another internet troll in 2024.

      • heartless November 7, 2020 (8:04 pm)

        People voted for Biden because he is not Trump.  That is a badge of distinction.  You know, watching his speeches, I really wish he had embraced that:

        “I have heard that people did not vote for me.  Rather they voted against Trump.  I take that as a great compliment, and gladly accept their vote.  Because they see me as the opposite of Trump–where he is orange and fat, I stand pale and slim.  Where he spews tweets of anger and divisiveness, I will work to love and unite this country.  Where he is billions in debt, I have enough money to regularly pay my taxes.”

        That sort of thing.

        But back to you: not sure where you see people gloating and acting like spoiled brats, unless you are talking about this message board (and if you are, uh, this won’t have an influence on the 2024 elections, just fyi).

        People are really relieved, and they are happy.  You are welcome to begrudge them that, but, really, it’s not a good look.  It’s okay to celebrate a win.

      • LR November 7, 2020 (9:07 pm)

        You are so absolutely correct Alki resident.  The comment above suggesting strong gloating/rubbing it in is quite juvenile and shouldn’t have made it on.  It’s that type of shallow thinking that perpetuates the dangerous division.Be very happy your candidate won, show some compassion to those who view things differently than you and who are upset, and grow up.  The post above telling everyone to gloat is acting EXACTLY like trump. 

        • C.t. November 7, 2020 (9:51 pm)

          LR, the comment from Jort where they said ‘yes I will gloat’ was in response to someone on another thread who engaged in razzing and personal insults. You seem to be missing the context. Maybe read through the thread Jort linked to and it should make more sense.

        • wscommuter November 8, 2020 (3:50 pm)

          Amen. Gloating is for classless fools.

  • alkiannie November 7, 2020 (10:50 am)

    Love it!!!!  Thank you, fellow Americans!!!

  • big papa November 7, 2020 (11:06 am)

    Can someone please check on the Trump Flagler in the 5way intersection. He was entertaining

    • WSB November 7, 2020 (11:50 am)

      Did you see him there today? Saw him there – assuming it’s the same person – 2 weeks ago.

  • Brent Fosso November 7, 2020 (11:10 am)

    Fantastic!! 🥂🎉😀

  • S in AH November 7, 2020 (11:12 am)

    Fireworks in Arbor Heights! This is a good day for America. Let’s end the divisiveness.

  • Lisa November 7, 2020 (11:24 am)

    Love the horns!

  • Brian November 7, 2020 (11:47 am)

    Joe Biden in 2019: “If I’m elected, nothing will fundamentally change.”cool stuff! looking forward to 2021!

    • heartless November 7, 2020 (12:31 pm)

      Funny how taking something out of context can change the meaning.

      The quote you are trying to use is actually from Biden telling the ultra-wealthy that they can easily afford to pay more taxes without their standards of living, or quality of life, being impacted in the least.

      Once again–his point was that the wealthy can (and will) pay more in taxes, but that it’s ok, it’s not like that’s going to put them in the poor house.

      But nice try, Brian.  Thanks for playing!

      • Stephanie November 7, 2020 (1:04 pm)

        Awesome response!

      • Brian November 8, 2020 (12:54 pm)

        The very fact that you think this is some kind of own is telling. The fact that you think talking explicitly to wealthy donors and assuaging them of their fears that their quality of life might change if he were to be elected is some kind of admirable thing is even more telling. This nation is not going to turn around until we make the ultra wealthy’s standard of living change and that’s a fact. Thanks for playing too, this is really fun. 

        • heartless November 8, 2020 (1:35 pm)

          This nation is not going to turn around until we make the ultra wealthy’s standard of living change and that’s a fact”

          No…  That’s not how facts work.  I’m not sure you understand just how much money the people Biden was referring to have.  It’s a lot.  I’m also not sure you understand how tax tiers work.  In short, Biden is correct: increasing taxes on the ultra-wealthy will not change their standard of living.  Further, increasing taxes on the ultra-wealthy will generate a lot of money that can be funneled to much needed services.

          As for the nation turning around…  It will take time, we’ve been going in a dumb direction for some time, but if you think Biden is going to steer us in the same direction that Trump was… Well, (unless your talking about a cosmic scale) you’re wrong.

          • Brian November 8, 2020 (3:53 pm)

            This is a top tier username/post combo. Keep showing up to go to bat for people that even YOU admit have way more money than anyone rightly deserve. Those people (a loose definition here) do not care about you and, by extension, neither does Joe Biden. 

          • heartless November 8, 2020 (5:01 pm)


            He’s trying to get more people to agree that the ultra-wealthy should get higher taxes.  To that end he alerted some of them to the fact that they could pay a lot more in taxes and not even notice a change to their lifestyles.  I really do not have a problem with him doing this. 

            Do I think it indecent that we have such wealth disparity in this country?  Yes. 

            Do I think Biden was a d!ck for telling super-rich people they could pay more in taxes and not even notice it?  No.

            As for your last point, wherein you state that since Biden cares about (or courts, or talks to, or whatever) the very rich he doesn’t care about me, I simply don’t trust your logic there.  (Probably because it’s illogical.)

  • Villagegreen November 7, 2020 (12:04 pm)

    Brian, glad you’re excited too! Fundamental change prediction for 2021 – my alcohol consumption will go way down!

  • ScubaFrog November 7, 2020 (12:21 pm)

    WOOOOOOOOO!!!!  Here’s to Biden and the first Female VP (First woman of color elected VP!).  Both Mature, Consistent Leaders.240k have died from trump’s “I won’t do anything about Covid” pro-Covid presidency, and the economy is in shambles.  Biden and Harris are going to pick up the pieces, hopefully with bipartisan help (let’s not expect too much help from the GOP).

  • Breathe November 7, 2020 (12:31 pm)

    Is there any talk of “organized” celebration later today? Say, in the junction?  

  • James November 7, 2020 (12:51 pm)

    2020 ~ Not ALL bad after all.

  • Niko November 7, 2020 (12:54 pm)

    I’m old enough to remember the 2000 election. There are numerous states that will have recounts and there’s lots of pending lawsuits. Fingers crossed for Biden I just don’t want to celebrate preemptively

    • WSB November 7, 2020 (4:05 pm)

      Not “numerous.” Several, maybe.

  • Admiral resident November 7, 2020 (1:36 pm)

    Too early to talk about Cabinet positions, but does Biden choose Jay Inslee  to run the EPA?

    • Ms. Cheebo November 7, 2020 (1:58 pm)

      Jay Inslee said he wouldn’t take the position and stay in WA!

    • Brian Hughes November 8, 2020 (8:08 am)

      I wouldn’t be surprised to see Bob Ferguson considered for AG.  As good as he’s been here, he’d be fantastic at the federal level. 

  • MS November 7, 2020 (1:45 pm)

    Simply AMEN

  • Alex November 7, 2020 (1:55 pm)

    Here is hoping the Senate can check most of the progressive agenda that is coming with a Biden presidency. 

    • KM November 7, 2020 (6:07 pm)

      Biden a progressive. Possibly the best joke I’ve ever read on this website—thanks for the laugh!

      • heartless November 7, 2020 (8:10 pm)

        I also emitted a small chuckle.

        I wrote a comment a day or so back about this, but it bears repeating: as a very (very) liberal person I really quite estranged from Biden.  Nobody knows what it is to be a bat, but I fully imagine that I feel as distant from Biden as many conservatives do.

        I obviously voted for him; but, truly, he is ridiculously far from embodying my views as a (somewhat extreme, perhaps) liberal.

  • Mj November 7, 2020 (2:27 pm)

    Biden will bring civility back to the White House that I believe was why he won the votes of purple voter’s.  The R’s picked up seats in the House and most likely will maitain control of the Senate.  Purple is the color of the day!

    • LR November 7, 2020 (7:11 pm)

      You are EXACTLY right Mj.  It’s a purple day and that should be better understood. 

  • Chuck Jacobs November 7, 2020 (2:44 pm)

    I hope that the Republicans show the same restraint, civility, and acceptance as the Democrats did after the last election. 

    • mj November 7, 2020 (6:55 pm)

      I think/hope you are being sarcastic.

      • heartless November 7, 2020 (7:56 pm)

        I mean, in 2016 Clinton gave a concession speech one day after the election.  ONE DAY AFTER.  And this was when Trump won Michigan by, what was it, under 10 thousand votes?

        How many lawsuits were filed by the Democrats?

        How many armed protests were there at voting centers?

        Get a grip, MJ.  The democratic party is literally the adults in the room.

        So, really, there is no need at all to assume sarcasm.

  • Angela November 7, 2020 (2:58 pm)

    Something good finally happened in 2020!!!

  • Zipda November 7, 2020 (3:25 pm)

    World just let out a collective sigh of relief. 

  • Rita November 7, 2020 (4:24 pm)

    4:00 just walked through and the party is even bigger than it was this morning! Easy Street has their garage door open with the DJ playing music people dancing in the streets  ,lot more flags and horns and noisemakers and props! Quite the all day celebration at WALK ALL WAYs! Love my neighborhood!

  • LR November 7, 2020 (6:00 pm)

    I think toning it down a tad would very productive.  Though I wasn’t one of them, roughly half the country is not ecstatic.  Glad Biden asked people to tone it down. He gets it. 

    • heartless November 7, 2020 (6:38 pm)

      Small correction: no where close to half.  Not even close.

    • Come together November 7, 2020 (7:52 pm)

      Some celebrating right now is understandable and natural. The other political side would be celebrating too. So far people seem to be doing so in a mostly peaceful and respectful way. This has been a long time coming for many people and they are genuinely joyful, hopeful, and relieved right now. It’s not mean spirited, at least not for the majority.

      What Biden is saying, and I agree, is that we need to put all the Divisive rhetoric and conflict behind us, and try to come together and heal, and create a better path forward as a country.

  • Joan LaBriola November 7, 2020 (6:40 pm)

    What a joyful gathering!

  • Sara November 7, 2020 (9:34 pm)

    THE BEST day of 2020! YAYAYAYAY!!!

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