BOEING FIELD: Weigh in on the future of the airport nearest to West Seattle

Particularly if you’re in east or south West Seattle, air traffic is a daily reminder of the proximity of King County International Airport, aka Boeing Field. So we’re sharing this announcement from the county:

King County International Airport – Boeing Field wants your input to help shape the airport’s future! The airport is updating its master plan to meet Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements. You’re invited to any of three virtual open houses to learn more about the airport’s draft preferred alternative. Save the date:

Wednesday, October 28th

8 – 9:30 a.m,
12 – 1:30 p.m.
6 – 7:30 p.m

If you would like to receive an email with meeting details, please contact us at For more information on the Master Plan, see

You may also send your feedback about the master plan update via:

Phone: 206-296-7380 and/or
US mail: King County Airport 7277 Perimeter Rd. S. Seattle, WA 98108-3844.

King County International Airport is primarily an airport for commercial, cargo and private aircraft. The FAA requires an update to the Airport Master Plan every five to seven years. The Airport Master Plan is a formal planning document based on financial forecasts, travel forecasts and infrastructure needs that helps identify potential construction projects to meet future needs.

After the Airport Master Plan is adopted, any construction project or change is required to go through traditional project process, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), before being constructed.

9 Replies to "BOEING FIELD: Weigh in on the future of the airport nearest to West Seattle"

  • NonNimby October 14, 2020 (2:13 pm)

    I’d love to see commercial service from Boeing Field but my NIMBY neighbors will make sure it never happens unfortunately.

    • Matt P October 14, 2020 (8:02 pm)

      Noise pollution is a huge problem.  It’s already bad enough from the private aircraft using it and also the flight paths from SEATAC, but you call your neighbors nimbys for not wanting more? 

      • spooled October 15, 2020 (4:14 pm)

        There was an airport there when you decided to live nearby, was there not?  It’s been a large airport for half a century or more, serving the biggest and loudest jets of old.  Not like a small quiet regional field suddenly became an international hub right next door overnight or anything.I’d welcome commercial service out of BFI also.

  • pilsner October 14, 2020 (2:14 pm)

    I figure some context to what the the pilots are doing might help some people who dislike the planes flying overhead around Holden and 35th. Not my video, but a highly skilled pilot.

    • Matt P October 14, 2020 (11:13 pm)

      What he’s describing in the video is what’s supposed to happen and not what does happen.  I’m near California and Raymond and planes taking off from and landing at Boeing Field are consistently flying over my residence and not 35th and Holden as they should.  That’s fine as I can’t be so mean as to wish the noise on my neighbors, but the altitudes he describes are not followed.  At my residence, planes consistently pass over below 800 feet when they’re supposed to be between 1,000 and 1,500 past/before the 323 line.

      • D October 15, 2020 (8:14 am)

        I fly this route 10+ times a week. The issue is two fold. First, Bruce’s video is only one of two east/west tracks, depending on if BFI is landing north or south. The southern track is typically following SW Thistle, and splitting the high school and football field. The northern track uses the water tower at the reservoir on SW Myrtle. Altitudes are tight on the southern side for a couple reasons. The 232 Radial is just a reference, and not part of the actual procedure which King County has published. This leads to the second issue. The “procedure” isn’t published in the normal way other FAA procedures are, thus pilots are not required to know/follow it. It’s buried on the King County BFI airport webpage. If you have aircraft flying (in your opinion) too low over you, you can call the FAA FSDO in Auburn, or there is a Noise Complaint process on Boeing Field’s website.

  • psps October 14, 2020 (3:16 pm)

    I loved and frequently used the Seaport service from BIA to Flightcraft in PDX. It was a dream. Driving from my house to being seated on the plane was about fifteen minutes! But the loophole in the law that allowed them to serve that route was changed and the route was discontinued (Seaport is now entirely  out of business.)

  • Sillygoose October 15, 2020 (8:12 am)

    I have always appreciated this airport and the effort and respect to keep our neighborhoods out of the flight plan as much as possible.  With Boeing already testing their new Quiet 737 MAX that is equivalent to a quite hum of an electric car, I hope this will be choice of jet to use this facility.

  • NONIMBY October 15, 2020 (12:52 pm)

    You see it all the time, it’s happening with London Heathrow right now. People buy a home near a small or dormant airport because it’s usually a lot cheaper. Then the airport becomes busier or expands heavily and the people who got a bargain fight like hell to stop the airport.    

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