WEDNESDAY NOTES: Air-quality alert extended, one resulting postponement, + two meetings

Notes for the hours ahead:

(Wednesday dawn photo by Marc Milrod)

Still smoky, so the air-quality alert has been extended until 11 am Thursday. That’s led to one postponement:

ICE CREAM FUNDRAISER POSTPONED: Just got word from the Genesee Hill Elementary PTA that this afternoon’s ice-cream-truck fundraiser has been postponed because of the air-quality alert. We’ll let you know when we get word of a new date.

Two online events that ARE happening today/tonight:

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE COMMUNITY TASK FORCE: Noon-2:30 pm, public welcome to watch/listen. Here’s the agenda. To watch/listen (no breakout groups this time, so the same link/number will cover the entire 2-hour-plus meeting): Here’s the link, or use access code 146 544 1172 after calling 408-418-9388.

34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS: The bridge is one of the topics when our area’s biggest political group meets online at 7 pm. See the full agenda here – that’s also where you’ll find a link to register to attend the meeting (they’ll send you connection information after you sign up).

We’ll leave you with an inspirational photo for the day:

(Photo by Mark MacDonald)

12 Replies to "WEDNESDAY NOTES: Air-quality alert extended, one resulting postponement, + two meetings"

  • James September 9, 2020 (11:31 am)

    Funny how there is an air quality alert yet the daycare across from our house has allowed their children to play outside most of the morning. Who knew kids are so impervious?

    • KM September 9, 2020 (3:38 pm)

      Cut them some slack. COVID risks inside, air quality issues outside. Some are just doing their best in this hellscape.

      • James September 9, 2020 (5:40 pm)

        Easy to say when it’s not your child.

        • KM September 9, 2020 (7:14 pm)

          I didn’t realize you knew me AND my children. If CPS is called on my family, I guess I’ll know it was “James from the Internet.”

  • Mj September 9, 2020 (1:07 pm)

    James the alert level is moderate thus being outside is ok for most people, exerting yourself is discouraged.

    • Mr. K September 9, 2020 (1:34 pm)

      The air quality has been in the unhealthy for sensitive groups zone since yesterday, I would venture to guess that children fall under sensitive but neither of us are doctors so maybe the daycare should just error on the side of caution and keep the kiddos inside. Especially if the Genesee Hill PTA is postponing events due to air quality. 

  • HS September 9, 2020 (1:35 pm)

    Wow! What a stunning photo Mark.

  • Hpdp September 9, 2020 (4:24 pm)

    If I don’t actually smell smoke is the air still unhealthy or does the lack of smell mean the bad air has moved away and I can open my windows?

    • Matt P September 9, 2020 (5:53 pm)

      Smell does not necessarily track with the amount of particulate in the air.  Earlier today was in the unhealthy range, but I couldn’t smell smoke.  Right now, it’s in the moderate range, so getting better.

    • Mouth breather September 9, 2020 (5:56 pm)

      Winds coming down from Canada helped improved the air quality during the day, but those winds have dissipated. 

  • Lisa September 10, 2020 (8:54 am)

    Oh my gosh—that picture of that Bee entering the sunflower is amazing. Who took that? 

  • Lisa September 10, 2020 (8:55 am)

    Oh. just saw…Mark MacDonald. Amazing, Mark…thanks for sharing!

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