27 weeks ago tonight, King County announced its first case of COVID-19. Here’s what’s new:
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the Public Health daily summary (which, by the way, has a new format – check it out – more charts):
*20,073 people have tested positive, 158 more than yesterday
*732 people have died, 2 more than yesterday
*2,249 people have been hospitalized, 7 more than yesterday
*376,642 people have been tested, 3,358 more than yesterday
One week ago, those totals were 19,361/719/2,223/354,713.
YET ANOTHER 98116 DEATH: In a little over a week, the 98116 death toll has doubled, from 3 to, as of today’s count, 6. Though no specifics are available, the changes to the King County dashboard pages also now include a “census” geographic breakdown, and looking at deaths that way, the 98116 deaths are not in the census tracts containing the zip code’s coastal section.
WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 26.5 million cases, 873,000+ deaths – see the nation-by-nation numbers here.
FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL: Today was the first day of starting-remotely Seattle Public Schools, and it started a bit slowly – literally. Meantime, some independent schools started in hybrid style, like Explorer West Middle School (WSB sponsor), which sent this photo:
As we reported earlier this week, each grade at EWMS has one day on campus – outdoors – and four days remote.
‘KEEP MOVING STREET’ EXTENDED: Alki SW/Beach Drive around Alki Point has been closed to motor-vehicle through traffic for four months, and SDOT announced late today that will continue at least until we’re in Phase 4.
NEED FOOD? Food Lifeline has ceased offering emergency food boxes at its South Park HQ. Meantime, Highland Park Improvement Club continues its food-relief work for neighborhood families on Tuesdays and Fridays, 11 am-1 pm, and Seattle Public Schools has made some changes in its meal service starting today, as detailed here.
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