UPDATE: Gas-leak response in Admiral

2:25 PM: Thanks for the tips. Big Seattle Fire response for a “major natural-gas leak” in west Admiral, 3300 block of 48th SW. They’re calling for traffic control on Admiral, though this is a few blocks south. Updates to come.

2:31 PM: SFD log has just made a big correction – this is actually in the 2300 block of 48th SW, so it’s NORTH of Admiral Way [map]. SFD just reported to dispatch that the leak has been shut off. The response is being downsized.

2:57 PM: Our crew is at the scene and confirmed that no one was hurt and the response is winding down. We’re told a construction crew breached the line, and they’re the ones who called it in. (added) Same area, by the way, as this 2-alarm fire in April.

8 Replies to "UPDATE: Gas-leak response in Admiral"

  • eggo August 7, 2020 (3:03 pm)

    Ongoing construction due to the big fire back in April. That lot is having a rough year.

  • Mike August 7, 2020 (3:13 pm)

    This is a situation where we need a big SFD response, not a possible paddle boarder in distress off Alki.  

  • neighbor August 7, 2020 (3:18 pm)

    The construction crew did NOT call it in. Neighbors on 47th did (confirmed by PSE). No idea what that construction crew is doing, but between this and the fire, I hope whoever is managing that crew/company puts a lot better safety protocols in place. This is ridiculous. 

    • eggo August 7, 2020 (7:24 pm)

      Couple weeks ago, the smoke alarm was chirping every 30 seconds, around the clock, for a full 10 days. Neighbors and I could hear it inside our condos, and around almost the whole 48th/49th horseshoe. I finally masked up, went over, offered to donate batteries. Construction guy was annoyed with me, told me he couldn’t “tamper” with a smoke detector and walked away. The next day I got a hold of one of the contractors, who had no idea, and the beeping stopped the next day. Funny thing is, he said they could probably just take the whole thing out, since it has to come out anyway. So… I hope they replaced it? I mean, surely they did.

      But I suppose that means 10 days passed without a foreman or anyone there besides a couple of apathetic workers. Tbh I’m not that worried about it, but after getting wafted with a wave of natural gas today, I’m a little more…alert. 

      • ITotallyAgreeWithYou August 8, 2020 (11:06 am)

        EGGO, where was the fire alarm located- in one of the two townhouses that were still standing on that lot?

  • Just wondering August 7, 2020 (4:14 pm)

    Dial 811 two days before any type of construction to find location of gas and electrical lines.  It’s not only smart, it’s the law!

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