WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business burglarized, e-bikes and more taken

11:53 AM: Thanks for the tip: After a report of broken glass at Second Gear Sports in Morgan Junction (6529 California SW), we stopped by to inquire, and found out they were cleaning up after a burglary. No other details yet – they were still working on determining what was taken. We’ll add the police-report number when it’s available.

4:39 PM: An update just received from the proprietors:

To Our Community,

We have upsetting news that our beloved, family-owned store Second Gear Sports was burglarized in the wee hours on July 24, 2020. The front glass to our storefront was completely shattered. Two of our new Flash-brand electric bicycles were stolen, both gray in color, as well as a few backpacks and about three dozen pairs of sunglasses. A police report has been filed. We would welcome any assistance by our community if you have information.

Second Gear Sports is still here for you, and we ask that you continue to support us. If you have any questions or concerns, please message us at info@secondgearsports.com or call 206-935-3552.

Thank you,
Ellen & Mark Bremen, and our staff

10 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business burglarized, e-bikes and more taken"

  • Mike July 24, 2020 (12:54 pm)

    We obviously need less police.  That’ll take care of everything.

    • OnAlki July 25, 2020 (10:24 am)

      More police wouldn’t have prevented this. A partially defunded police department may have though. The idea behind defunding the police is to use some of the reallocated funding to help create community outreach programs to help people that are out doing things like this. While not condoning theft at all, the person that did this didn’t do it for fun, they likely did it to support a drug habit or to otherwise support themselves. Our police should be used to respond to crimes, while community groups or other entities take on the calls for mental health issues, homelessness, vicious dogs, burglar alarms and the countless other activities that spread our force too thin regardless of their numbers.

      • Han July 25, 2020 (12:24 pm)

        Thank you for taking the time to put out a cogent response to a stupid jibe. 

      • Question Authority July 25, 2020 (12:29 pm)

        What if they stole because of pure greed, social services and handouts won’t solve that.  Just keep up your misguided pipe dream that less Cops will solve all societal ills.

      • Pablo Jose Noriega July 25, 2020 (6:29 pm)

        How do you know the reasons behi d the person who did this? Even assuming you’re correct in your premise (that’s a big if), how is it we’ve come to say “well, let’s give this person more money so that they no longer steals from people who work” mind you that money should also come from the taxes of the person who works! I hope this never happens to you, but I would really love to hear your opinion if someone did this to your home, would you call the social workers to give the junkies around the block a few more bucks for a fix? Or would you call the police to find the responsible and get your stuff back? 

  • Yma July 24, 2020 (1:04 pm)

    Aw dang ( I’m using stronger language in my head).how can we help?

  • wlcg06 July 26, 2020 (8:29 am)

    @Han, just because someone has an opinion other than your progressive view you call them stupid? That’s part of the problem in this city, county, state. Why not present your solution ideas instead of throwing a jibe yourself? It’s a simple equation in my opinion, that if there is less police presence in our neighborhoods then there will always be someone that will take advantage. It’s human nature.

  • Wallace Grommet July 27, 2020 (11:52 am)

    Gated storefronts are needed

  • face less July 28, 2020 (8:54 am)

    I am a bike ambassador for http://www.bikeindex.org – As a bike shop, we offer free POS in an effort to input bike registrations so when the bike gets stolen, we work with local municipalities, the community and our extended social network to help find and return the bikes. If the bikes were registered with http://www.bikeindex.com, can the store owner please go into Bike Index and list the serial numbers as stolen so we can start trying to find and return them.Cheers,

    • Mark July 29, 2020 (9:34 pm)

      Thanks for the info. The serial numbers and descriptions were entered into Bike Index and we are working with local law enforcement to track the bikes and the suspects. 

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