The West Seattle low bridge has cracks, and what else SDOT just announced about it

(Reader photo)

9:14 AM: The West Seattle low bridge has cracks- but don’t panic.

That’s one of the low-bridge updates SDOT has just posted.

From the post:

… It is normal and expected that all concrete bridges will eventually form cracks which help relieve stress from this movement. Small cracks in the Low Bridge have been closely monitored and tested to ensure that they do not affect the bridge’s structural integrity.

Fortunately, these cracks are only a few inches deep and are not progressing at rates remotely like the sudden crack growth that led us to close the High-Rise Bridge. We are confident that the Low Bridge’s crack depth, growth patterns, and type do not indicate that the bridge is unsafe for live traffic. …

However, SDOT says it’s taking steps to be sure things don’t get worse:

*Monthly inspections (federal standard, SDOT says, is every two years)

*Real-time monitoring

*Lowering the speed limit from 30 mph to 25 mph

*Banning low-bridge access “for the largest and heaviest trucks at 70+ ft and weighing over 207,000 pounds, about two-and-half times the maximum weight allowed on highways under state and federal law without a special permit to drive over the legal weight limit (the technical term for this is Over-Legal 2 or OL-2 class trucks). This will only affect about a dozen trips per week, and will not affect any emergency vehicles, buses, or freight trucks within legal weight limits.

*Carbon-fiber wrapping “as a precautionary measure” – we asked SDOT communications director Michael Harold for the timeline; his reply, “We are working with our consultants and contractors, as well as FHWA, to finalize plans and then move forward with haste, but don’t have a specific timeline to share at this time.”

Read all the details on SDOT’s site here.

1:53 PM: In our original exchange with SDOT this morning, we asked for any available related reports. So far they’ve sent this letter (and the linked document) written by acting roadway structures director Matt Donahue on June 30th about the load rating:

The attached PDF is the draft load rating summary table that we recently received from Jacobs… the difference between page 1 and page 2 is the amount of strength calculated using the Resal Effect Method… page one is for 0.9(Resal Effect) and page 2 is for 1.0(Resal Effect). As you can see from the differences in the Rating Factors (RF) the result is very sensitive to only a 10% change in the Resal Effect. Note that load rating calculations were made using live load test data.

This sensitivity indicates that there is likely real world behavior and additional strength capacity in the bridge that is not captured in the load rating calculation. As such I intend to handle management of the bridge with administrative methods that include the following:

Reducing the inspection frequency from every two years to:

Real time monitoring with Structural Health Instrumentation that takes crack width gauge readings every 20 seconds, reduces them to an average over 5 minutes and then reports off of the bridge to an interactive website. Similar to the WSHB SHMI this system will be set with alarm thresholds that contact RS engineering staff 24/7/365 via cell phone with any issues
Monthly arm’s length inspection of the interior girder surfaces at crack locations
Yearly inspection of accessible exterior girder surfaces via UBIT
Reduction of the speed limit over the bridge to 25 mph along with installation of flashing speed monitoring signs
Close coordination with SDOT Commercial Vehicle Enforcement to make sure that any permit applications for OL1 and OL2 vehicles receive the appropriate level of review by Roadway Structures
Engagement with WSDOT Commercial Vehicle Enforcement to coordinate receipt of permits they issue for loads terminating within Seattle so that we can contact operators that may try to use the low bridge for permit loads without an application to SDOT CVE due to their lack of knowledge of the need to do so
Outreach to the Commercial Vehicle Freight Board and other commercial carrier stakeholders to make sure that they are aware of the situation
Maintenance of the centerlock shimming system to reduce the impact of loads transiting the bridge
Implementing a strengthening program to return RFs to ≥ 1.0 that will likely involve addition of a combination of post tensioning strand and CFRP for completion by the end of 2022.

Meantime, a commenter asked about other bridges around the city and we noted that City Councilmember Alex Pedersen (the council’s Transportation chair) had requested an audit three months ago. We asked about the status. His response sent by a staff member via email:
The condition of the low swing bridge across the Duwamish Waterway reinforces the need to complete the comprehensive audit I requested on bridges throughout Seattle. Our independent Office of City Auditor is completing the data gathering and analysis phase of the audit on Seattle bridges, and is planning to have a report for the City Council and the public by the end of September.

ADDED 8:19 PM: From another exchange tonight with SDOT, they told us:

To clarify, there are no new cracks. The cracks being discussed have been there since the late 1990s. We observed some growth during an inspection last summer, but since then we have conducted numerous tests which verified that the cracks are only a few inches deep, do not penetrate through the girder walls, and are not growing. As you know, it is normal and expected that all concrete bridges will eventually form cracks which help relieve stress, and there is are no indications that this type of crack should affect the Low Bridge’s structural integrity.

The cracks are mentioned in this March document from the load-rating process.

110 Replies to "The West Seattle low bridge has cracks, and what else SDOT just announced about it"

  • Ray July 14, 2020 (9:20 am)

    I expect nothing less from 2020.

    • HS July 14, 2020 (1:04 pm)


  • Charles Mendelson July 14, 2020 (9:29 am)

    I propose a new solution to all of this. We build a canal between the Duwamish and the Puget Sound and admit we live on an island!

    • JeffK July 14, 2020 (10:39 am)

      Let’s reroute the Duwamish into Lake Washington and just fill in the river and put a surface road to the mainland.

      • AdmiralE July 14, 2020 (11:33 am)

        The Black River used to flow from Lake Washington into the Duwamish before the Montlake Cut lowered the lake by 9’

      • GDR July 14, 2020 (11:54 am)

        I think the First Nation’s have fishing rights. Something about salmon or some such.

    • David July 14, 2020 (12:07 pm)


  • chemist July 14, 2020 (9:51 am)

    Where are all those folks who are saying SDOT is being completely transparent about bridges (checks notes) and have shared all their bridge inspection reports and planning for proactive interventions?

  • MrsT July 14, 2020 (10:00 am)

    Isn’t there an earthquake fault line running directly under those two bridges? I seem to remember that from that study UW put out a couple of years ago.

    • tsurly July 14, 2020 (11:27 am)

  • Hpdp July 14, 2020 (10:04 am)

    Can anyone describe what carbon-fiber wrapping actually is? I always picture the plastic wrap that is put around pallets.

    • Hpdp July 14, 2020 (10:38 am)

      Never mind. Looked it up on the googgles. I’m still hung up on the term “wrapping”.  I just couldn’t picture how the material would wrap *around* the entire girder. Now I see the carbon-fiber is stuck onto the concrete, not wrapped.

    • Highland Park Resident July 14, 2020 (10:44 am)

      I don’t know specifics, but I would imagine it is more like fiberglass with the carbon fiber woven cloth and some type of epoxy. 

  • K July 14, 2020 (10:07 am)


  • Kram July 14, 2020 (10:15 am)

    I immediately got angry, stopped and started laughing. Focus on the things in your life you can control and not the things your can’t. The bridge will be out for likely many years. Plan accordingly.

    • Matt P July 14, 2020 (11:37 am)

      My reaction too, burst out laughing so loud my wife 2 floors below me asked what was so funny.

      • Eric Moon July 15, 2020 (11:00 am)

        KRAM, Matt P., I’m happy I’m not the only one!

        Team May As Well Laugh 2020, for the win

  • SeattleJ July 14, 2020 (10:19 am)

    Problems like this with concrete bridge structures are why an immersed tube tunnel should be seriously considered as a replacement for the high bridge.

    • Joe Z July 14, 2020 (10:58 am)

      What happens when the immersed tube tunnel gets cracks?

      • Matt P July 14, 2020 (11:39 am)

        They’re not prone to these types of stress crackings since they’re on the seabed and not suspended in the air on supports.

        • bill July 14, 2020 (1:24 pm)

          How far down through the soft river sediment will it be necessary to dig to find firm seabed?

    • RD July 14, 2020 (1:02 pm)

      I also support the Immersed Tube Tunnel for the main crossing,

  • Gxnx July 14, 2020 (10:39 am)

    My dream of island living is coming true.Quiet,serenity,warm breezes and white sand.Love it

    • cjboffoli July 14, 2020 (12:51 pm)

      Ha! Quiet?!  That will never be a word I’ll use to describe West Seattle. 

      • HS July 14, 2020 (1:07 pm)

        All’s quiet over here in Westwood.

      • MrsT July 14, 2020 (1:34 pm)

        It was nice and quiet from mid March until about the end of April. Not worth the price, but nice while it lasted.

    • rb July 14, 2020 (2:40 pm)

      without the serenity, warm breezes, etc. 

  • Pete July 14, 2020 (10:42 am)

    Isn’t this what SDOT said about the high bridge when it first started monitoring those cracks. I have specifically asked about issues with the low bridge directly of SDOT reps in community meetings. The response was nothing to see here keep moving along please. Now makes one wonder what else is going on within SDOT related to these bridges that will only come out if another media outlet does a public records request. They had to put out this information since is was going to become public based upon such a request by local media.

    • WSB July 14, 2020 (10:50 am)

      Sorry, this is the first we heard of this; SDOT’s communications director sent a note at 7:05 am pointing out their post; I don’t usually look around at citywide/regional/national media until later in the day. I did ask on followup for the actual report and have been told that “source material” will be sent, so I’ll add that when we get it. – TR

      • John July 14, 2020 (12:49 pm)

        The information from SDOT early this morning, appears to be a response to The Seattle Times’ Mike Lindblom article which disclosed the SDOT info was received after bridge inspection reports were obtained through a public-records request by The Seattle Times. Kudos to Mike Lindblom and great reporting.

        • WSB July 14, 2020 (1:06 pm)

          Mike’s a fine reporter. I have not yet had time to read whatever they reported. Have been working to add to this and have just done so, then it’s off to other news.

          • Mike Lindblom July 14, 2020 (5:04 pm)

            It may seem counterintuitive, but here at the West Seattle Island bureau, I’m devoting nearly full-time workweeks to bridge news (that generates huge readership for the Times) while Tracy still gives you the entire spectrum of West Seattle breaking news, events and public service info. In a normal year, without virus or human-rights protests, a bridge failure would be our #1 story. 

    • Aerial Observer July 14, 2020 (12:12 pm)

      “Isn’t this what SDOT said about the high bridge when it first started monitoring those cracks.”

      It sounds similar, yes, but there are two major differences. The primary motivation for sudden closure of the High Bridge was (a) the rate of crack propagation suddenly and dramatically increased (b) in a way the engineers’ models neither predicted nor explained. At the linked page, SDOT recounts how at least one model for the Low Bridge has been validated by experimental data.

    • Frog July 14, 2020 (12:22 pm)

      Uh oh … whenever SDOT says “It is normal and expected that all concrete bridges will eventually form cracks,” hold on to your britches.

      • Mikayla July 15, 2020 (6:09 am)

        Get ready. SDOT’s about to lower the dome. It is 2020 after all!🤣

  • newnative July 14, 2020 (10:42 am)

    Ray, K and Kram summed up my feelings. People have been wondering aloud about the sustainability of the lower bridge since the high bridge’s closure. 

  • Alki resident July 14, 2020 (10:43 am)

    Lol, this just in, the sky above West Seattle is falling. 

    • RCS July 14, 2020 (2:40 pm)

      The sky isn’t falling, but it, too has developed cracks. Seattle meteorologists say that it’s perfectly normal and there’s nothing to worry about. The city is developing a committee that will continue to monitor the cracks in the sky. They will have meetings and continue to assess and monitor. If anything changes, they will move from the assessing and monitoring phase to the monitoring and assessing phase, where a PowerPoint will be distributed to residents.

      • Mark July 20, 2020 (10:39 pm)

        Note to SDOT:meetings are the practical alternative to work congratulations SDOT for your total practicality in doing nothing and spending the most money in doing nothing oh sorry I forgot meetings and studies 

  • Virginia5 July 14, 2020 (10:56 am)

    Has SDOT provided assessments of all Seattle bridges and their current state? For example is it possible to look up inspection reports for the admiral bridge that goes over Schmitz Park?    That is an older concrete structure.

  • Duffy July 14, 2020 (11:01 am)

    Where are Jort and Tsurly to help us make sense of all of this?!?!?!

    • tsurly July 14, 2020 (11:19 am)

      As an engineer who designs large concrete structures (not bridge spans), cracking doesn’t automatically trigger an irrational doomsday response from me. As someone who uses the low bridge to bike/run out of West Seattle, it is potentially a bummer. Thing is though, I will suck it up and head south to cross the Duwamish if that is my only choice.  In fact, I might embrace that just because it means more mileage/exercise, which I enjoy.

      • Smittytheclown July 14, 2020 (5:23 pm)

        Good for you.  Why not start now?

        • Tsurly July 14, 2020 (9:14 pm)

          Still debating if I want to execute the “work from home full time” option, with a midday run or bike ride, that’s why.

      • Jesse Andreini July 14, 2020 (8:45 pm)

        Help us tsurly, as you are our only hope; now is the time to branch out- combine your love of biking with your engineering background to address our direst need. The time for the aquacycle is upon us!

        • Mikayla July 15, 2020 (6:25 am)

          It’ll just be the doomsday cracked off bridge and we’ll be doing tricks off of it with our aquacycles. 🤣

        • Tsurly July 15, 2020 (6:32 am)

          Someone already beat me to it:

  • seattlejk July 14, 2020 (11:09 am)

    I feel like we are literally watching Seattle city govt fail.  They seem to have forgotten that the three basic (roughly) responsibilities of local govt are: safety (police, fire etc), education, infrastructure (mass transit, roads, bridges etc).  By most measures Seattle is failing on at least two of these if not three.  Certainly not being successful.  You earn the credibility to worry about and pass legislation on idealistic pursuits when you are successfully executing on these.  (in my opinion)

    • WSDUDEMAN July 14, 2020 (12:53 pm)


    • Me July 14, 2020 (2:17 pm)

      Seattlejk- Hear, hear!

  • Trickycoolj July 14, 2020 (11:27 am)

    Abandon all hope ye who enter here. Seriously, where the heck are my property taxes going at this point? If I’m going to live in a community with no transportation connections and no precinct I might as well go move back to where I grew up in Graham. (Commute might be shorter at this rate) 

    • Anon July 14, 2020 (12:14 pm)

      This × 1000

    • KM July 14, 2020 (12:29 pm)

      For my property in West Seattle, only 21.4% of my taxes are going to the city. The largest chunk is education (about 37%). So 21% of my property taxes are split amongst a lot of non-education city services, hard to say how much SDOT is getting, but I’m sure someone else has the answers. 

      • mark47n July 14, 2020 (6:39 pm)

        Property taxes are not levied by the city, they are levied by the county therefore exactly $0 goes to Seattle or the infrastructure that they own, such as these two bridges.

        • WSB July 14, 2020 (6:59 pm)

          That’s not entirely true. Some property taxes are city, some state, some county. Look at Parcel Viewer for the breakdown.

  • wsn00b July 14, 2020 (11:29 am)

    What next? 1st Ave S and South Park bridges start developing cracks? LOL.

  • newnative July 14, 2020 (11:32 am)

  • Smittytheclown July 14, 2020 (11:39 am)

    Jort has to ride around!  Haha.

  • Wendell July 14, 2020 (11:40 am)

    I’m not one of the fix-it-now screamers, but does the “normal and expected” part of the above explanation point to a certain level of negligence with regard to the high bridge?

  • Yma July 14, 2020 (11:45 am)

    Hey WestSiders – we’re in this together!absolutely sucks – jobs, dr appointments etc.speaking of Drs – do we have any actual ERs over here (I think not). Maybe we should get one?

    • AMD July 14, 2020 (9:41 pm)

      Highline Medical Center in Burien has an ER.  It’s a 10-minute drive from downtown White Center.

      • Mikayla July 15, 2020 (6:30 am)

        10 minutes from DT White Center is a ways from Alki, and with the constant congestion in West Seattle because of the bridge closure, It’s almost certain that a person in poor condition wouldn’t make it. 

      • Bill July 15, 2020 (12:34 pm)

        Half hour min from almost all of West Seattle (I’d estimate 45 min from Alki — remember to stay under the 25mph speed limits — and for that matter — you’d be lucky to get to 148th and Ambaum or 1st Ave – in 10-15minutes — from DT White Center — there are stop lights by the way!

  • Anon July 14, 2020 (11:54 am)

    Not leaving, even if we could

    • Calires July 14, 2020 (11:42 pm)

      I’ve been seeing these yard signs and it is the perfect massively passive-aggressive sentiment I’ve come to expect from West Seattleites.

  • Jim P July 14, 2020 (11:56 am)

    Maybe time to bring back real ferries as a backup.  This is getting silly.

    • Go gull July 14, 2020 (12:16 pm)

      I was just thinking, maybe more water taxi infrastructure needs to be built and service expanded all around West Seattle.

      Perhaps 2 additional docks and routes could be added.

      And maybe a ferry route could be created from Fauntleroy to Coleman.

      I know their are constraints with existing ferries and routes, but maybe an additional ferry can be procured, and adjustments can be made to other routes schedules to make it work.

      • HS July 14, 2020 (1:09 pm)

        Yes! And a few local WS trolley route loops.

    • East Coast Cynic July 14, 2020 (12:19 pm)

      I suggested getting a Fauntleroy ferry for downtown transit in case the low bridge became inoperable, but that was shot down due to our Ferry system not having any available ferries to provide West Seattle.  :(

      • KM July 14, 2020 (1:11 pm)

        WSF has also said there’s no room at the dock downtown, either.

      • BB July 14, 2020 (2:50 pm)

        The Victoria Clipper just shut down service to BC.  How about the City rent it and run service out of their dock?

        • Herongrrrl July 14, 2020 (4:21 pm)

          Per maritime law, the boat that made the  Victoria run, which is not US flagged, can’t legally sail from US port to US port without stopping at a foreign port in between. It is also much too big for the Swacrest dock. Clipper sold their only US flagged boat at the end of last year, that’s the one that helped out on the WS water taxi run while Viadoom was going on. So unfortunately they can’t help here.

          • chemist July 14, 2020 (9:54 pm)

            I know the Jones Act covers foreign vessels carrying goods, but does that also apply to passengers?   

          • Mikayla July 15, 2020 (6:53 am)

            The only part I see that applies to passenger ships is The Jones Act (also known as the Passenger Services Act) prohibits ships of Non-U.S registry from embarking and debarking guests at two different U.S ports. Such travel would constitute point-to-point transportation between two U.S ports, which is prohibited on foreign flagged ships. The exception to this rule is if the itinerary includes a ‘distant foreign port’ – in this case, a ship can embark and debark guests at two different U.S. ports.” Unless you are referring to emergencies which I believe are considered as times of war, natural disasters etc.

  • Mj July 14, 2020 (12:27 pm)

    Neglected maintenance biting again, and those of us in WS are getting short end of the straw. 

  • wetone July 14, 2020 (12:41 pm)

    Surprised SDOT did not lower weight limit a lot more. But I’m sure Port of Seattle is very involved…….Think there’s more to worry about than just cracks as the alignment when crossing seems to be getting worse (as in settling) amongst other things. Interesting how these bridge issues are coming to light now with all the T5 work as in (deep) pile driving that has been going on even though SDOT and Port say it’s had no influence. If pile driving had zero effect then these 2 bridges were failures from start….. Allowing busses that are over GVWR to travel on these bridges and city roads for that matter have not helped either ;)  Still find it so interesting Seattle gov.  gave OK for largest subsidized Port in US  to pick T5 area for a super port when access was so limited from start and now really so….  only in Seattle    VOTE

    • tsurly July 14, 2020 (3:18 pm)

      It is very, very unlikely the pile driving at T5 has anything to do with the bridge issues. Stop spreading baseless claims.

  • Abyk July 14, 2020 (1:09 pm)

    Does anyone know if 1st Ave bridge is safe Or a concern? I’ve been stuck in many a rush hour and/or accident traffic on that bridge in recent months with lots of heavy semi trucks. Makes me pause. 

    • WSB July 14, 2020 (2:04 pm)

      The older half has a project coming up this month to replace some of its deck. I was planning a reminder story on that this morning but this interrupted, so maybe tonight.

  • 22blades July 14, 2020 (1:17 pm)

    Why doesn’t the Port of Seattle utilize Terminal 5 less & use Terminal 46 (by the ferry terminal) some more to spread the pain? It’s been just sitting there with the “Ocean Jazz” doing nothing for months.

  • Howard July 14, 2020 (1:52 pm)

    Shouldn’t we be building bridges out of steal? 

    • Delridge Resident July 15, 2020 (7:50 am)

      Good suggestion, though swapping materials for a bridge might not be so straightforward. There are tradeoffs to depending on the use case (Long span? High rise? Marine environment? Extreme temps?). Think of it like picking a tool for a job. You can use a hammer on a screw, and at some point the work will be done, but a more effective method would be to use a drill.

    • Rick July 15, 2020 (9:08 am)

      Pun intended?

  • Millie July 14, 2020 (2:28 pm)

    So, yet another connection between West Seattle and the “main” land is in need of repair.  To be honest I am not surprised.  From my perspective,  the only time our City elected officials and SDOT remember there are “voting” residents in West Seattle is during their campaigns (whether for their office and/or levy passage).  Where does all the road levy money go?  It’s obvious not for maintenance of roads/bridges/new neighborhood sidewalks?    As an aside – this is applicable to the Housing levies also to help reduce the homeless from the streets/parks/you-name-it.   Perhaps, a good audit (by the State Auditor) is necessary.   

  • Graciano July 14, 2020 (2:45 pm)

    Just think.., Some of the Sound Transit elevated structures are built the same way..

  • Jort July 14, 2020 (3:12 pm)

    Americans in Seattle and around the country are going to become increasingly shocked as the bill comes due on the cost of the deferred maintenance of our failed choices in transportation prioritization. Car Brain Disease will make it hard for people to see it, but perhaps someday citizens will recognize that we can build a functioning transportation system that efficiently and sustainably moves around people, not cars, in a robust economy. The reason why this is an inevitability is because it has been in every city, big and small, hilly and flat, rainy and hot, literally everywhere in the world. No city or society has been able to sustain a cars-first transportation system forever, and Seattle will not be the first.

    • Canton July 14, 2020 (6:20 pm)

      It is hard. I too, have CBD. Just looking at it gets me itchy all over. The smooth tunes, the AC chilling my neck getting the teeth chattering. The 30 minute commute to Ballard in a Covid free environment gets me the fix. I’m sure I can get this monkey off my back, but why, it’s so convenient. 

    • Jesse Andreini July 14, 2020 (8:52 pm)

      It is perhaps important to note that no one will ever be the first, nor indeed could they possibly be the second, to do something “forever”. 

  • Blang July 14, 2020 (3:40 pm)

    You must read the Seattle Times story.  ”Donahue said cracks first appeared in a June 2019 inspection.”This whole debacle feels so non transparent.  SDOT needs a massive shake up.  

  • Blang July 14, 2020 (3:42 pm)

    If the busses are overweight they need to go around.  

  • Mj July 14, 2020 (4:36 pm)

    Jort – many people need a car to visit friends in say Auburn, a day hike or whatever.  Also many train trips, drop kid off at daycare and then off to work or simply have a job location not transit friendly.  Transportation infrastructure is needed for these trips.  No significant capacity has been added for years in Seattle.  Maintaining the existing and fixing the WSB are appropriate and needs to be a priority

    • KM July 14, 2020 (5:13 pm)

      There’s a big difference between a “cars-first” and a “cars-allowed” society, that’s the point (I assume) Jort was trying to make. Our nation barfed up infrastructure and subsidies for a gas-powered, cars-for-everyone-who-can-afford-it-and-financing-for-those-who-cannot culture for decades, and we’re paying for it in more ways that just crumbling infrastructure.

    • tsurly July 14, 2020 (5:16 pm)

      It sounds to me like you agree with Jort’s point. No significant capacity, in the form of MASS transit, has been added.  Seattle is becoming a big city, and needs big city infrastructure that is not car-centric to move people around; you as a retired transportation engineer should get that more than anyone. 

      • East Coast Cynic July 14, 2020 (7:20 pm)

        At least 10 more years, but I suspect 15 given the shortfalls in revenue due to the economic downturn, for some big city transit infrastructure in the form of light rail coming our way.  That is if the NIMBY’s  don’t litigate our opportunity away because they can’t get a tunnel.

    • bill July 15, 2020 (10:52 pm)

      MJ – No one has a “need” to visit friends in Auburn or day hike in the Cascades. Those are desires. Luxuries we regard as entitlements. Conveniences unheard of until our grandparents’ generation, which we need to rethink and reimagine for the long term health of the planet and continuation of our civilization.

  • Sunny.206 July 14, 2020 (5:23 pm)

    Leave it up to the Seattle Times to insinuate a problem were SDot say there isn’t one. Love those rating!

  • Todd July 14, 2020 (6:39 pm)

    I also asked when we first heard about the high bridge closure.  Why didn’t the city build a bridge similar to the Aurora Bridge; out of steel?  

  • flimflam July 14, 2020 (8:08 pm)

    hey, dot says its fine! no worries!

  • Seaviewing July 14, 2020 (8:36 pm)

    We all know the West is and will always be the best, regardless. 

  • VictorNNN July 14, 2020 (10:17 pm)

    Is there any info about alternative routes to get downtown?  If anyone can direct me to a link or article I missed on the subject I would be very grateful.

  • Bill July 15, 2020 (11:41 am)

    Food for thought:Constructed between 1856 and 1866: between 1870– and 1883: can look up Holland Tunnel on your own!Draw you own conclusions!

  • WS REZ July 15, 2020 (12:03 pm)

    Get us a hospital and costco here in WS. I will never leave again.

    • bill July 15, 2020 (10:54 pm)

      WS Rez – The 4th Ave Costco is very convenient on a bike. Reduced patronage from the bridge closure has made shopping much easier!

  • Diane B Hintz July 15, 2020 (4:42 pm)

    What about amphibious modes of transportation from West Seattle to downtown if the water taxi/ferry system won’t be enhanced – I hear the former Duck boats are up for sale – probably could pick them up pretty cheap.  Could leave from boat launch in West Seattle (also use as the Park N’ Ride lot) and drop off at one of the many unused docks across the Bay.  Purchase the Ducks, make sure they are safe and let the good times roll!!!

    • bill July 15, 2020 (10:56 pm)

      “Make sure they [the Ducks] are safe.” Mission Impossible. But if a large fraction of West Seattle drowns in them that will reduce pressure on the rest of the transportation system.

  • Carter Johnson July 15, 2020 (9:28 pm)

      The Kalakala was rotting away at Lake Union .  Cheaper to restore then consulting Engineering  Gurus .   

  • Stina July 15, 2020 (11:01 pm)

    We need some Roman Engineers to time travel to the present time. A good number of their bridges are still standing, after 2000 years of use. 

Sorry, comment time is over.