READER REPORTS: Luring attempt; bike missing

Two reader reports this afternoon. First, from H:

At 5:27 am today, 6/4/2020 while waiting at the bus stop for the C line going Downtown, at the Morgan junction /California and Fauntleroy, a man in his mid to late 30’s, wearing a bright white jacket, fairly dark skin, was attempting to lure me into his car. The man was driving a Toyota Prius in dark metallic Gray.

This man pulled over by entrance of the Cal-Mor Circle apartments, and from there he started asking how I was doing, what my name was, and if I needed a ride. I said I didn’t need a ride, and he immediately followed up with “when is your bus coming?” I told him he needed to go right now. Fortunately, my bus was in fact coming, and he started driving away slowly, N bound on California Ave.

I got on the bus and I noticed he had turned around, and was now slowly driving south on California Ave. looking for me, perhaps thinking I was still waiting at the stop. I was able to snap a few pictures of the car, but wasn’t able to get the plate because I was very nervous. I’ve attached the picture from when I got on the bus.

The SPD incident # is 2020-181096.

MISSING BICYCLE: Likely stolen. From Nicole: “”Our bike went missing from our street last night (Wednesday night). It is a Diamondback Line 24″ in blue, which is a larger size kids’ mountain bike. The bike went missing in south Arbor Heights, near the Arroyos. If anyone has seen this bike or has information about it, please comment on this post. Much appreciated!”

17 Replies to "READER REPORTS: Luring attempt; bike missing"

  • Jennie June 4, 2020 (2:54 pm)

    Perhaps he was just trying to do a good deed and/or was an Uber driver?

    • Vic June 4, 2020 (4:37 pm)

      i’ve been approached by lyft drivers this way and I get they’re trying to secure a fare but if that’s what was happening a it’s a creepy way to go about it, to approach some one obviously already waiting for a bus ya know? like, she could call a lyft if she wanted.

      • Ds June 4, 2020 (7:15 pm)

        I may be wrong but I heard it’s illegal or against some policy/ordinance for Uber drivers to do this. Only rides hailed via the app are legitimate.  Also a good idea for safety sake.

        • Vic June 5, 2020 (10:21 am)

          You’re right. It is against regulations.

  • CM June 4, 2020 (3:53 pm)

    Not to discount the poster’s experience because I didn’t hear the conversation and wasn’t there but could this have been a ride share vehicle? 

  • MH June 4, 2020 (4:36 pm)

    If she was uncomfortable enough to tell the man he needed to leave and then take a photo of his vehicle, I’m going to assume he wasn’t some nice ride share driver…

  • newnative June 4, 2020 (4:38 pm)

    No means no. If you say you don’t need a ride, the conversation should be over. Asking when the bus is coming is incredibly threatening. Having to explain this to people is astounding. 

    • Buttercup June 4, 2020 (6:01 pm)

      I agree. If she said no he should leave, if not, call police. This sounds like a predator. Intelligent people don’t act that way. Proud she told him to leave. Put up your phone and tell them you’re taking a picture for a police report. They’ll leave quick..

      • Andrey Dumin June 4, 2020 (8:55 pm)

        Who will you call once the police is defunded?

        • WSB June 4, 2020 (8:57 pm)

          The mayor said today she is not defunding the police.

  • Really June 4, 2020 (4:41 pm)

    Common people really? ‘A good deed?’ Even if they were a rideshare driver, they’re going off script approaching individuals that haven’t requested their services through the app. They also persisted after the first refusal which is plain creepy. Ridiculous of you to cast doubt with this line of questioning.

  • RL June 4, 2020 (4:57 pm)

    I saw this man this morning too. He did not attempt to lure me but something about him made me uncomfortable. He stopped his car outside Nos Nos and left the engine running and the car door open. This was around 8:15 am. I was inside waiting for my coffee and he stood in the doorway– I assumed to keep social distancing, but there was plenty of room for him to come inside. I grabbed my coffee and he asked the baristas if he could come in. I left and thought it was a strange interaction but nothing criminal. As he walked in, I walked out of the coffee shop. As I drove away, I saw him in his car again, with his emergency flashers on. I guess he didn’t order coffee. He was behind me for a couple of blocks and turned off 35th. I don’t believe he was following me but the interaction was strange enough for me to keep an eye on where he was going.

  • CMK June 4, 2020 (5:34 pm)

    Note- Just because someone drives a Prius does not mean they are an Uber driver. And there have been plenty of cases of Uber drivers sexually assaulting women, or posing as an Uber driver and stealing from people (my husband had this happen to him personally- he was robbed of $2500). Women (and men) know when someone’s being creepy to them. All too often women are told to be more “nice”, and that “maybe he’s just trying to be a nice guy“.  Good for you H for trusting your gut! And thanks for sharing what obviously was a frightening experience for you, and for warning others to be vigilant. 

  • ttt June 4, 2020 (6:18 pm)

    This morning at 8am a white male, about 6ft tall with glasses, white beard and white mustache between the age of 50 and 60 was caught in the act of trying to steal the license plate off my car in the alaska junction area off 46th. Luckily my dog alerted me to him and I was able to take a picture of him as he yelled obscenities at me. I notified the police, they drove around the block looking for him but a half hour had already passed. I immediately reported it to the blog tipline, but I assume they didn’t publish it since I didn’t open a case on it. I have the picture of the man if anyone sees a man of the same description trying to steal plates. He was carrying a blue and black bag and had on a black polo shirt and hat with a white emblem. When I caught him in the act he accused me of stealing his plates and putting them on my car. When I told him I’ll call the police to turn myself in, he ran and yelled obscenities. 

  • CC June 4, 2020 (6:37 pm)

    Would you recognize the driver if you saw him again? I have a screen shot of the info from a really creepy experience with an Uber driver back in December, also early in the morning. He asked me a lot of specific questions about my schedule and how I normally got to work, and it made me so uncomfortable that I asked my boyfriend to meet me at the bus stop to walk home with me after work. The car color isn’t on the screen shot, but I remember it being dark. His photo and license plate are on it, though, if you want to take a look. 

  • H June 4, 2020 (9:04 pm)

    yes, I think I would recognize him if I saw him, and I would like to see the picture you have.

    • WSB June 4, 2020 (9:17 pm)

      If the other commenter sends it to us (, I’ll send it to you. No “maybe” photos posted publicly.

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