West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
Another stay-home week begins, and our nightly roundup hits the local COVID-19-related toplines:
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From today’s data-dashboard update:
*7,115 people have tested positive, up 69 from yesterday
*505 people have died, up 7 from yesterday
One week ago, those numbers were 6,582 and 463.
MOURNING A WEST SEATTLE VICTIM: We learned today that longtime music educator and former West Seattle Big Band leader Donn Weaver lost his fight against COVID-19.
STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them here.
WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: Find them here.
SFD, SPD UPDATES: Seattle’s public-safety agencies have been publishing weekly updates on how COVID-19 is affecting their staffs. One positive note in SFD’s report – no one currently in isolation or quarantine. SPD, though, has 17 employees with that status.
GOT YOUR MASK YET? The mayor and county executive held a media briefing today with Public Health Director Dr. Jeff Duchin, “strongly urging” everyone in King County to wear face coverings in public. Here’s Dr. Duchin’s directive. Note Part F:
Violation of this Directive does not create grounds for residents or law enforcement to stop, detain, issue a citation, arrest, intimidate, or harass individuals who do not comply with it. This Directive may and should be used to educate, encourage, and persuade individuals to wear face coverings.
But a business is totally within its rights, it was noted, to require customers to wear face coverings – that’s Part G.
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN RESTAURANTS FIRST REOPEN? The governor’s office issued Phase 2 guidance today. The list of rules is here – it includes these:
1. Hand sanitizer should be available at entry for all staff and patrons (assuming supply
availability).2. No bar seating is permitted during Phase 2. If an establishment has bar seating it must be closed
off to prohibit use.3. If the establishment does not offer table service, they must have protocols in place to ensure
adequate social distancing at food and drink pick-up stations, and seating within their dining
area.4. All parties and tables must be 5 guests or less.
5. Guest occupancy must be 50% of maximum building occupancy or lower as determined by the
fire code. Outdoor seating is permitted but must also be at 50% capacity. Outdoor seating does
not count toward the building occupancy limit. Outdoor seating must follow all other
requirements in this document.6. Tables must be placed far enough apart when measured from occupied chair to occupied chair,
to ensure dine-in guests seated at a table are a minimum of 6 feet away from guests at adjacent
table, or there must be a physical barrier or wall separating booths or tables.7. It is strongly suggested customers wear a cloth face covering anytime they are not seated at the
table (while being seated or leaving, or while going to the restroom).8. Buffets and salad bars are not permitted at this time but may be addressed through subsequent
interpretive guidance.9. If the establishment offers table service, create a daily log of all customers and maintain that
daily log for 30 days, including telephone/email contact information, and time in. This will
facilitate any contact tracing that might need to occur.10. Single use menus are required for in-person dining.
11. Any condiments typically left on the table (ketchup, soy sauce, etc.) must be single-use or
sanitized after each use.12. Restaurants must have implemented a plan to ensure proper physical distancing in
lobby/waiting areas/payment counters.13. Minimize the number of staff serving any given table. It is strongly recommended that one staff
person take a table’s order, bring all of their beverages/food/utensils, take their payment, etc
No date yet for Phase 2 in our area, but some smaller counties are making the transition, so that’s why the guidance is out now.
SCHOOL PARADES: Two months ago today, Seattle Public Schools announced it would close its campuses – and within days, all schools were shutting down in-person learning. Some schools have been having “parades” so students and staff can see each other at a distance; today, Sanislo Elementary had one, and we also featured a video of the recent parade at Hope Lutheran.
GOT INFO? PHOTOS? Email westseattleblog@gmail.com or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!
(WSB video and photos unless otherwise credited)
Sanislo Elementary is the latest school in West Seattle to “reunite” students and staff, at a distance, via a parade! Our video above shows participants just after they left the school on Puget Ridge early this afternoon. Some of the sights:
Even a classic fire truck!
And along the route, Chris got this video of some of the students on the roadside:
It was two months ago today that Seattle Public Schools announced its campuses would close for at least two weeks, which as everyone knows then became the rest of the school year.
(Photo courtesy Jim Edwards: Donn Weaver, with son Doug in the background)
Opening this afternoon’s media briefing about mask-wearing, King County Executive Dow Constantine expressed condolences for those lost to COVID-19 – saying a West Seattle music legend was among them, Donn Weaver. Mr. Weaver, 87, was a longtime music teacher – including 12 years at West Seattle High School – and spent 19 years as leader of the West Seattle Big Band. The band’s current leader, Jim Edwards, says, “Donn made music a passion for many here in West Seattle,” Jim included. “For the West Seattle Big Band, in his 19 years as musical director, he set the foundation for what has become a highly respected group that continues to give back to the community the joy and the love of music. And we in turn continue to share that with the student musicians at all the schools we collaborate with. His passion for music, and his love of teaching, have made all of us better people because of it. He will be missed.” We featured Mr. Weaver in 2015, when he was honored with the West Seattle Grand Parade‘s Orville Rummel Trophy. We hope to have a longer tribute to him soon.
(Added: Seattle-King County Public Health graphic)
2:48 PM: We’re monitoring an online media briefing with Mayor Jenny Durkan, County Executive Dow Constantine, and city/county Public Health Director Dr. Jeff Duchin. They’ve just announced they are urging everyone to wear a mask (face covering) in public. Why now? It’s a “precarious” time, said Constantine. It’s a new public-health “directive.” Durkan, meantime, says advice and directives keep evolving because “there is no playbook” for “this virus.” Dr. Duchin says the fight against the virus is likely to last “many months.” He says his directive re-emphasizes the CDC’s recommendation. He also notes that it’s not a matter of protecting yourself, but protecting others. PHSKC’s Matias Valenzuela stresses that there won’t be penalties or law enforcement of this, and that they are working on mask availability for those who are having trouble getting them.
3 PM: In Q&A, Constantine is asked, why issue this directive if it won’t be enforced? He says he believes that as with other directives, people will comply. Dr. Duchin reiterated that people can be contagious without symptoms, and so – again – wearing a face covering is “an important strategy” to protect others, just in case. … Durkan and Constantine says the city and county will be distributing masks/face coverings to community groups – 45,000 and 115,000, respectively. … “Wearing a mask is a sign that together, we care about one another,” adds Dr. Duchin, while reiterating that his directive is “strongly urging,” not requiring masks. But: Businesses CAN require customers to wear face coverings, the mayor notes, if they choose to have that requirement. … What works best, in fabric face coverings? Snug, multiple layers, Dr. Duchin elaborates. … He’s also asked to elaborate on current trends. The number of cases/deaths has “stabilized,” he says, but they’d like to see fewer. “We’re continuing to see too many cases. … We haven’t suppressed transmission as much as we should.”
3:17 PM: The briefing is over. Video is expected soon via Seattle Channel (added below); we’ll add that and official links when available.
4:13 PM: Here’s the official news release. It also notes that while the directive is a request, face-coverings will be required on public transit – though compliance is “voluntary.”
In pre-pandemic times, the Fauntleroy Community Association‘s annual membership meeting was held in conjunction with a big community gathering, the Fauntleroy Food Fest. This year’s FFF was set for March 17th – and then, like so many other events this spring, had to be canceled. But FCA is still having an annual meeting, 7 pm tomorrow (Tuesday, May 12th), via Zoom, and community members are invited. Details and the registration link are here.
12:36 PM: SPD and SFD are being dispatched to a crash reported as a rollover blocking westbound lanes at 19th/Roxbury. Updates to come.
12:40 PM: Two vehicles are reported to be involved, with one person trapped, so the SFD response is upgraded to a rescue response. Tipster Aaron says this is by Holy Family.
12:51 PM: As commenter Matt notes, the new 35th/Roxbury camera has captured the response . the screenshot is from a few moments ago. Avoid the area TFN.
1:12 PM: SFD reports that the person has been “safely extricated and is in stable condition,” and will be taken to a hospital. (added) Also – Route 120 is currently re-routed, according to a Metro text, between 16th and 26th – use stops on 15th or on 26th.
Another change in plan for the ex-auto-shop site at 9201 Delridge Way SW. Originally it was planned for redevelopment as a self-storage facility; then the plan changed to a mixed-use building. Now, city records show it’s changed again – a new developer, new architect, and new plan. The developer is now an LLC with the same ownership as STS Construction Services (WSB sponsor), whose headquarters and other recent projects are nearby; online records show the site was sold for $2.1 million in March. The new architect is Atelier Drome. The previous plan, which was about to go to the Southwest Design Review Board before public meetings were suspended in March, included 46 apartments and 3 live-work units The new early-stage site plan proposes ~67 residential units. As for public comment, the process has changed because of the pandemic but we’re continuing to watch city files.
We’re continuing to showcase teacher/staff appreciation events organized by local schools. This video was sent by Hope Lutheran School:
Sally Heit from Hope explains:
Hope PTH (Parents and Teachers of Hope) did to honor Teacher Appreciation week. We organized a Thank You Teachers’ parade May 7th. A parent had suggested it while only a few weeks into the ‘stay at home’ order, in hope that students could reconnect with their teachers.
We are over a month and a half into quarantining and morale of students and teachers is low, so we decided we had to do something! I organized shifts, preschool families first, then K5-5th, and then middle school. All staff were 8 ft apart, most with masks.
I can’t even tell you how uplifting it was for teachers to see their students! Not sure what to expect, we were shocked to see car after car drive through a tunnel of teachers to say hi, honk, shout, and show their thanks! Kids made signs, cars were decorated. It was a special morning for sure; tears were shed, but most importantly students and staff reconnected in person and knew they could make it the rest of the year. The feeling from the staff was palpable; they missed and loved their students
5:44 AM: 49th morning without the high-rise West Seattle Bridge. If you are headed out this morning – here’s the camera for the restricted-access low bridge (where SPD enforcement continues):
The main detour route across the Duwamish River is the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map). To get to I-5, exit onto Michigan at the bridge’s north end. Here are cameras for the bridge and Michigan east of it:
The South Park Bridge (map) can also take you across the river. Here’s the South Park camera:
Both bridges open for marine traffic; check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed for info about openings.
NEW CAMERAS: SDOT has added 6 new cameras, along 35th and Roxbury. Here are two:
You can see any and all of the local traffic cams, including the 6 new ones in West Seattle, here.
Metro – Reduced schedule; reduced capacity; check here for next departure
Water Taxi – Reduced schedule continues
West Seattle now has three sets of “Stay Healthy Streets,” closed to through traffic (but open to residents and delivery drivers) 24/7. The first two are here (Puget Ridge/Highland Park) and here (High Point). The third, added Friday, has already been eepanded – it now spans Beach Drive from 63rd to Alki Avenue, then Alki Ave to 63rd.
As noted Friday, the 35th/Avalon/Alaska project is likely to see some more finishing touches this week.
During the stay-home order, we’re not live-monitoring traffic, so please let us know what you’re seeing – comment or text (but not if you’re drivingl!) 206-293-6302.