FOLLOWUP: Don’t dust off your golf clubs just yet

Though Governor Inslee announced Monday that golfing would be allowed again – along with some other outdoor recreation – starting May 5, that doesn’t automatically mean West Seattle and other city golf courses will reopen. We followed up with the city – where golf courses are closed by order of the mayor – and got a response this morning: “At this time, City golf courses are still closed. The City will utilize the Governor’s order to consider changes to current restrictions, but we have nothing to announce at this time.” Meantime, the detailed rules for golfing are spelled out in this state document (starting at page 5) and include, notably, beyond what was mentioned Monday, “At the golf course’s discretion, foursomes are allowed if they are from the same household. Otherwise, no more than two players from separate households per tee time.”

23 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Don't dust off your golf clubs just yet"

  • David April 28, 2020 (11:12 am)

    Soooo, what does this mean? The city courses operated by Premier Golf can’t open until Durkan lifts the local order? Well get on with it, Durcan’t.

    • Brenda April 28, 2020 (1:00 pm)

      Durcan’t! Love it – that’s her new name 

    • WS golfer April 28, 2020 (4:47 pm)

      There are bigger priorities than playing a round of golf, in case you haven’t noticed.

  • skeeter April 28, 2020 (12:42 pm)

    People have been asking if Inslee will let the “stay at home” policy expire on May 4.  I have to think he will let it expire.  It wouldn’t really make sense to extend the May 4 policy if it is acceptable to go play golf.   Maybe 1% of Washingtonians live within walking distance of a golf course.  The rest would have to get in a car and drive to the course.  I’m not saying I agree or disagree with Inslee’s policy.  I’m just saying that if the May 4 stay at home policy is extended it really doesn’t make sense for golf courses to be open.

    • WSJ April 28, 2020 (3:26 pm)

      The stay at home order doesn’t prevent you from driving, or going out and getting exercise. 

    • fitz April 28, 2020 (3:54 pm)

      If the benchmark is…  “can you WALK to the course,” then I suppose you are right.  But why would that be the benchmark?  Do you have to walk to the grocery store?  Do nurses and doctors have to walk to the hospitals?Golf courses will only have 2 golfers on a hole that averages twice the size of a football field so it’s easy to have good social distancing.Inslee has a tough job, in that he has to open things up gradually.  If he does it all at once, it very well could ramp up infections.

  • Teacher April 28, 2020 (12:52 pm)

    I teach my students a couple of lessons about civility.First, given (or self-selected) names are powerful.  It can be insulting to mess with a name for word-play, humor, or insult.Next, consider whether your comment is “helpful or hurtful.”I may not be a fan of Mayor Durkan, but I wish we adults would ponder whether we should practice some civility in our interactions.  I ask it of my primary students…perhaps we should ask it of each other?

    • T April 28, 2020 (1:47 pm)

      Thank you Teacher.  Well said.

    • Citizen April 28, 2020 (1:48 pm)

      Thank you so much for teaching civility! You are making the world a better place, one child at a time!

    • Buttercup April 28, 2020 (3:44 pm)

      Thank you, if the adults who cannot refrain from being disrespectful how can we expect kids and teens to grow up with respect. Often I have found that people who are like this are the first to complain about others.

    • Um, No! April 29, 2020 (8:34 am)

      Unless it’s the President. Am I right?  LOL. 

      • Lagartija Nick April 29, 2020 (9:53 am)

        The “president” gets what he gives and rightly so. I’m no fan of Durkan but she’s not out there calling people names and denigrating them. So yes, she deserves some civility.

        • Um, No! April 29, 2020 (12:19 pm)

          Ah, so teach our children to grow up with civility and respect for others unless they think someone doesn’t deserve it, then have at it!   Got it.   Just trying to learn the rules here.  I’m not a fan of Trump but the hypocrisy from both sides is just funny sometimes when it doesn’t fit someone’s agenda or political leaning.  Carry on!   

  • dsa April 28, 2020 (1:08 pm)

    I never understood why all of golf, fishing and tennis have been shut down.  I do none of these anymore.

  • Question Mark April 28, 2020 (2:13 pm)

    And this rule should be temporarily added to golf courses in Washington: 1-stroke penalty for failing to maintain a 2 club length distance from any other player.

  • KB April 28, 2020 (3:11 pm)

    Interesting. I was able to make a tee-time at West Seattle for May 5. All days before May 5 were closed for reservations. I am sure they are covering bases in case they are open. 

    • fitz April 28, 2020 (3:56 pm)

      There would be zero reason not to open the city courses.  Also…  the city courses employ a lot of people.  For durkin to keep things closed would just be begging for city residents to further ignore her.She doesn’t have enough police to “arrest” her way into compliance.  If she doesn’t appear reasonable, she becomes the mayor no one listens.

      • AMD April 28, 2020 (7:05 pm)

        I think you just answered yourself.  If Durkan can’t keep all of those people employed at the golf course safe while they’re working there, then she shouldn’t reopen them.  There is a LOT I don’t love about the current mayor, but I stand behind her keeping city workers safe.

  • A Kayaker April 28, 2020 (3:17 pm)

    I will take this to mean I can go kayak with my buddy come May 5th.

    • JonnyQuest April 28, 2020 (4:24 pm)

      Kayaking has never been closed.  Rather, it was many of the water access sites (parks, fish & wildlife, etc.) that were closed.   

  • skeeter April 28, 2020 (3:35 pm)

    I think you can kayak now.  As for your buddy I think you’re supposed to keep 6 feet away.  Kayaking seems to be an ideal activity because there shouldn’t be any crowds and it’s easy to keep distance.

  • RG April 28, 2020 (3:55 pm)

    I’ve already driven to Portland once to play golf and am going down again on Thursday. The social distancing rules are easy to abide by, no big deal. Half of the people down there were from WA state. It’ll be fine once we get used to it.

  • Mj April 28, 2020 (10:31 pm)

    And what about tennis, I saw a father and son the other day rackets in hand but no place to play.  I’ve seen them play in the past and both are very skilled players.  Family members should be allowed to play tennis.  

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