WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Robbery suspect arrested in Junction

(WSB photos)

ORIGINAL WEDNESDAY REPORT: One woman was arrested after what police described as a robbery attempt that left an employee injured at West Seattle Optix in The Junction this afternoon. Police say the woman tried to grab merchandise from the shop and broke a window in an attempt to escape.

One employee suffered minor injuries from the broken glass. Police arrested a suspect and were taking her to the King County Jail.

ADDED THURSDAY MORNING: The suspect is 38 years old. In addition to this, she’s being held on a misdemeanor warrant issued two years ago after she failed to appear for a hearing in another shoplift-turned-violent case, not in West Seattle. That case, initiated n 2017, was her most-recent arrest, according to public records. She’ll likely have a bail hearing today and we’ll update when we have that information.

ADDED THURSDAY NIGHT: The suspect remains in jail. We won’t have access to documents from the hearing until tomorrow, so look for a followup then.

20 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Robbery suspect arrested in Junction"

  • West Seattle Hipster February 5, 2020 (5:10 pm)

    Great work SPD.

  • Wsres February 5, 2020 (6:58 pm)

    Maybe this is the same woman that stole 20k worth of skin care products from my business last week. 🤬

    • crazy crazy February 5, 2020 (7:38 pm)

      oh my gosh! 20K?  for real? 

  • Hoping for a change February 5, 2020 (7:22 pm)

    I was just there is morning for the first time. We were even talking about crime in the neighborhood and how little is done to the people they do catch. Like people who are known by all the local businesses but keep getting out quickly. I hope everyone is okay and the prep gets more than a slap on the wrist.

  • MaryV February 5, 2020 (8:26 pm)

    Wow. I hope the staff there is ok. They are so nice and helpful. 

    • Logan February 6, 2020 (1:53 am)

      Thanks for the concern. I’m fine just a minor cut my arm. Also thanks for the nice comments. It is unfortunate that we live in a challenging time where people think they can just take whatever they want. Generally speaking people will steal glasses in order to sell them online via Offer up.. 

      • Dean Ronhaar February 7, 2020 (9:14 am)

        Logan.  Was at Matador, and saw all the cop cars.  Glad yur o.k.Dean

  • Yma February 5, 2020 (9:00 pm)

    That’s your more than stupid, stupid criminal. What? You’re going to get a bunch of frames? 

    • Fappy February 6, 2020 (6:22 am)

      The black market drug trade in this area is massive. Stolen goods for dope, it is as easy as that. Criminals are getting much more bold because the word is out that nothing really happens to you if you get caught. Let’s keep an eye on this story as an example to see what happens. I’d bet the farm that nothing comes of this and the perp is back out doing this again.

      • Grant February 7, 2020 (2:58 pm)

                     You’re statement is absolutely true, not only the drug trade but everything that goes with it. They have been welcomed to Seattle with open arms. I hope they crack down on it, before it destroys our city and communities.

    • helpermonkey February 6, 2020 (9:16 am)

      @YMA, this is actually a new thing happening all over right now, because frames are expensive, and easily resold. They have designer frames at WS Optix that range from $150-$500. 

    • Shrapnellie February 8, 2020 (10:21 pm)

      Maybe she wanted to frame somebody?

  • B February 6, 2020 (11:45 am)

    We were walking by right as she was being cuffed. Looked completely disorientated and out of it. And not a “just-recently” or “because-I’m-being-cuffed” disorientation. Like she might’ve been on something. Glad the victim is ok and it wasn’t a worse situation. Hopefully the suspect can get the help she needs.

  • RS February 7, 2020 (9:01 am)

    Seattle should authorize business owners to use rubber bullets and batons on shoplifters who damage property or threaten others.  At least there would be repercussions for crime unlike what happens when they get arrested.

  • Alex S. February 7, 2020 (10:29 am)

     “after she failed to appear for a hearing in another shoplift-turned-violent case” I have witnessed several shoplifters walking out of stores with all kinds of items this past year.  Without exception, each one of them acts as though they were entitled to the goods we all end up paying for.  I cannot help but wonder whether the socialist-left bent of city activists and politicians isn’t spilling over to the criminal class: they are being told they are victims, and are not responsible for their own actions.  I think these serial criminals are starting to believe it, and are emboldened by it.  Same thing happened in Venezuela, when the far-left actually put their ideology into practice.  Ultimately, its the glad-handed criminals who end up paying the biggest price; the leftist elite who enabled them into jail gets to continue living in their ivory towers. 

  • Grant February 7, 2020 (3:22 pm)

    Alex S.           Well stated, socialism doesn’t work.

    • ay February 7, 2020 (11:17 pm)

      Grant. Alex.  probably best to avoid the political name calling. no one wins.

  • Get Real February 7, 2020 (10:06 pm)

    WSB – can you start removing posts that use every situation to attack identity politics? I swear they’ll soon even start to blame all this rain on “them socialists!”… yawn.

    • GiantBrother February 8, 2020 (3:08 am)

      Yes! I want every comment or thought that I don’t agree with to be censored.  Let’s do even better and have WSB publish the IP address so that it can be traced to the offensive thinker.

  • Wallace Grommet February 8, 2020 (12:59 am)

    Without  a state income income tax, courts, police, and prisons are all stretched to the limit and underfunded. Same with public hospitals, metal institutions and counseling services

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