Two project notes:
6318 41ST SW SITE TOUR: Another “early Design Review outreach” meeting – this time, you’re invited to a site tour at 6318 41st SW, 10 am Saturday, December 14th. This is a HALA-upzoned site, where a house is proposed for replacement with a 4-story, 6-unit townhouse building and 3 parking spaces. Project-team members will be there to answer questions and talk about the plan, including the architects from MNMuM Studio, who provided the early-stage rendering above.
5616 CALIFORNIA SW APPROVAL: From today’s Land Use Information Bulletin, land-use approval for this project planned to replace a house with three 3-story townhouse buildings totaling 8 units, as reported here back in August.
(Rendering by Cone Architecture)
One change: The project (just south of C & P Coffee [WSB spomspr]) now has 5 offstreet parking spaces, one more than previously reported. Today’s notice (see it here) opens a window for appeals until December 16th.