CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION: HPIC’s happy hundredth on Saturday

The folks at Highland Park Improvement Club know how to have fun – it’s the neighborhood community center with events from a monthly pop-up bar party to an annual noisemaking New Year’s Eve parade. And they are excited to be getting ready for a really big event – HPIC’s centennial celebration this Saturday. What you see above is one of the games you’ll be able to play at the party. It won’t be a pretentious past-centric sitdown … but rather an 11 am-3 pm open house (with a few “short talks” at 1 pm) with lots to see and do. HPIC has been counting down all year, with each monthly first-Friday Corner Bar event celebrating a specific decade. Those banners will be on display, along with other items from HPIC’s history. No admission charge. Just bring yourself, your family, friends, neighbors, and help HPIC honor the past while looking to its future. HPIC is at 1116 SW Holden.

3 Replies to "CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION: HPIC's happy hundredth on Saturday"

  • KayK November 14, 2019 (9:10 pm)

    Please feel invited to drop by- we love celebrating with our community!

  • Nicole Mazza November 14, 2019 (9:23 pm)

    Thank you Tracy, Patrick, and the WSB for this super special post and for always being our advocate. We are super excited to be commemorating this milestone on HPIC’s journey! 100 years of impacting lives, building community, turning strangers into friends, and helping to create a positive impact in our neighborhood. I personally feel completely blessed to be a part of such a  special place that seems to be able to capture the best of people and demonstrate what is possible when people come together to build something. HPIC is OWNED by the neighborhood and VOLUNTEER POWERED.  How amazing is that in this busy day and age? We have worked very hard to put together a great event on Saturday – and we do know how to put on a good party and have fun, so we hope everyone comes out to support this very special day for us. HPIC ❤️s WSB for helping to tell our story.  

  • Michele November 15, 2019 (7:49 am)

    I can’t wait to hangout with my neighbors who I now consider to be my friends.

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