Police have found at least one shell casing, according to radio communication, while investigating reports of gunfire heard on Puget Ridge. They briefly closed SW Dawson at/near 18th for the investigation but just announced it’s reopening. One person near 19th/Brandon tells us they “heard what sounded like 5 rapid gunshots.” No reports of anyone being injured..

14 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Puget Ridge gunfire"

  • 21st September 1, 2019 (10:39 pm)

    It was 8 shots. Soon after a car hauled ass south on 21st. Tough to tell what it was but looked like a hatchback due to the tail light configuration.

  • JonnE September 1, 2019 (10:39 pm)

    I distinctly counted 6 rapid gunshots, FWIW. 

  • Bradley September 1, 2019 (10:47 pm)

    Seems to be a rash of punks shooting into the air and disappearing quickly lately. Last week we heard 10 very rapid shots at 3 am about 1/4 mile away. It woke up the whole family as our windows were open. I called 911 but never even saw anything on the police blotter.

    • WSB September 2, 2019 (12:00 am)

      If they don’t find evidence of gunfire – casings, damage, and/or injury – there’s nothing to blotterize (I assume you mean Tweets by Beat) and such calls most often eventually are categorized as “noise disturbance.”

      • Bradley September 2, 2019 (4:23 pm)

        These were definitely gunshots. I’ve been a firearms instructor for decades. If the shell casings are in the bushes or in someone’s backyard, there’s nothing for police to find.

  • M.J. Mariano September 1, 2019 (11:50 pm)

    Hearing some blasts near Lincoln Park but sound like fireworks.  Sets of 3 then 3 then 2.

    • WSB September 1, 2019 (11:55 pm)

      Fireworks again like two nights ago, Upper Fauntleroy/Gatewood.

      • E.J. September 1, 2019 (11:58 pm)

        Heard them too. So obnoxious. Has the dogs going crazy.

    • thewellington September 2, 2019 (10:19 am)

      This fireworks were a jack hole in Fauntleroy Cove just a few houses south of the park.    Laws don’t apply to him. He does what he wants. 

      • WSB September 2, 2019 (11:23 am)

        Whether or not someone in that area was shooting fireworks, the ones I heard last night were much closer, as were the ones two night earlier in which a resident actually found “tubes” along SW Thistle east of California.

        • thewellington September 2, 2019 (4:41 pm)

          Last night around 11:30 the fireworks were from Fauntleroy Cove.    Saw them myself.  Also found debris on beach this afternoon

  • Carl Leonard September 2, 2019 (4:37 am)

    Just heard five more rapid shots in Puget Ridge, 4:35am, September 2.

    • PigeonRidge Ben September 2, 2019 (9:40 pm)

      I heard the 5 at 4:37AM as well. Wasn’t certain until reading your comment as they woke me up. 

  • alkistu September 2, 2019 (5:13 pm)

    This is not Texas but we are not immune.

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