TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday watch; 35th/Avalon closure reminder

(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

6:57 AM: Good morning! Third day with all schools back in session.

35TH/AVALON REMINDER: At 9 am, the intersection is scheduled to close for the weekend, reopening by 6 am Monday. Here’s info on bus reroutes.

SPEAKING OF REROUTES: Monday (September 9) brings the start of the south-downtown reroutes.

And one note for tonight:

ALKI BEACH SUNSET RUN: First-time event – watch for some closures and parking restrictions (signage is in place) 5-8 pm.

8 Replies to "TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday watch; 35th/Avalon closure reminder"

  • Eddie September 6, 2019 (7:20 am)

    Will 35th & Avalon closure affect pedestrians and bikes? Will there be sidewalk passage allowed?

    • Shawn September 6, 2019 (10:22 am)

      It does look like they have closed sidewalks crossing 35th. You can detor half a block around north near the taco time entrance, but the detor is not marked.The temp bus stop for the C going downtown is on Fauntleroy behind the Starbucks. It is easy to miss if there is not a crowd waiting for it. 

  • David September 6, 2019 (9:29 am)

    NB 1st Ave is moving very slow this morning. Took 11 minutes from bus turning onto Dearborn til it arrived at 1st & king. What happened to timing priority for lights on 1st through pioneer square?

  • Matt P September 6, 2019 (9:35 am)

    Much quicker route for C without having to wind through all that construction.

  • Sue H September 6, 2019 (10:13 am)

    Has anyone mentioned if this will affect the drive-thru access to Habit Burger Grill? The exit of the drive-thru is very close to the intersection.

    • WSB September 6, 2019 (10:20 am)

      We are going that way after a meeting we are in now & will look.

  • T September 6, 2019 (11:37 am)

    Major cluster now. Someone is directing traffic at 37th/Fauntleroy. Avoid the area if you can.

    • WSB September 6, 2019 (11:49 am)

      Writing our followup now. It’s not bad on Fauntleroy, just busy, so give yourself extra time.

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