What are your neighborhood’s biggest crime/safety challenges? Help update the plans

If your neighborhood is among those with a “micro-community policing plan” (explained here), it’s time for an update, so focus groups are being held around the Southwest Precinct area. We just got the list from the precinct’s Seattle University intern who is organizing the groups, Taylor Lowery; two have already happened but if you’re in either of those neighborhoods and didn’t participate because you didn’t hear about it, let her know – taylor.lowery@seattle.gov. As in the past, these are groups held without SPD presence, but the feedback ultimately goes to them to update the plans.

1 Reply to "What are your neighborhood's biggest crime/safety challenges? Help update the plans"

  • D June 13, 2019 (11:20 pm)

    Is there a way to participate in these meetings for those who are unavailable on those nights?

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