day : 07/10/2018 8 results

VIDEO: 34th District State Senate candidates @ North Highline Unincorporated Area Council

Voting for the general election starts in less than 2 weeks. The most hotly contested race on local ballots is for 34th District State Senator, with Joe Nguyen and Shannon Braddock emerging from an 11-candidate primary. The latest major appearance by both was at this past Thursday night’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting in White Center; we recorded it on video and you can watch the unedited hour-and-a-half-long forum above. We’ve also noted key points in text below (after the jump if you are reading from the front page) – not full transcriptions, just excerpted points, but perhaps of interest if you don’t have time to watch the video or go see one of their upcoming appearances (listed below):

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What is and isn’t happening on east side of Myers Way post-cleanup, and more @ Camp 2nd Chance Community Advisory Committee

(WSB photo from September 24th)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Though city-sanctioned Camp Second Chance is on the west side of Myers Way, illegal camping on the east side has long been a concern of the C2C Community Advisory Committee, whose meeting today included new info about the recent cleanup in that area.

On hand in the community room at Arrowhead Gardens were committee chair Willow Fulton and members Judi Carr, Grace Stiller, Cinda Stenger, and Aaron Garcia. Camp operator LIHI was represented by Josh Castle and on-site case manager Richard Horne as well as C2C co-founder and camp manager Eric Davis. The city had extra representatives at the meeting to talk about the cleanup and what’s next for the area – August Drake-Ericson, manager of the Navigation Team; Lisa Gustaveson of the Human Services Department; Patrick Merriam and Jon Jainga of Seattle Parks. Also there to talk about the city’s efforts to get more affordable housing built was Dan Foley of the Seattle Office of Housing.

CAMP REPORT: Davis started with a short, emotional tribute to a founding C2C member who he said died recently of cancer. Then the current numbers:

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VIDEO: Remembering and celebrating Jackie Dupras

Memories, stories, and songs filled The Hall at Fauntleroy this afternoon, as family and friends gathered to celebrate the life of Jackie Dupras. Her longtime activism and advocacy included singing with the Seattle Labor Chorus; some of those who had sung with her led songs in her honor:

Jackie’s husband of almost four decades, Ed Dupras, offered a toast to his wife’s “spirit”:

The gathering was informal:

Microphones were available for anyone moved to get up and talk about Jackie; tributes included memories of her dedication to people as well as to causes. She was long active with the 34th District Democrats, who honored her with a Lifetime Achievement Award seven years ago. That group’s highest-profile members were there today too:

Along with County Executive Dow Constantine and County Councilmember Joe McDermott, other local leaders there to remember Jackie included School Board President Leslie Harris and City Councilmember Lisa Herbold. Jackie was 74.

ADDED MONDAY NIGHT: Steve Butts has written a detailed tribute to Jackie for the just-posted monthly 34th District Democrats’ newsletter. The agenda for the group’s monthly meeting Wednesday (7 pm October 11th, Hall at Fauntleroy) includes a time to share memories.

BIZNOTE: Mocha Mojo moves in Roxbury Auto Parts red-tag domino effect

South-end coffee fans might have noticed drive-up espresso outlet Mocha Mojo in a new spot today. It was moved by crane Saturday afternoon from its longtime spot on the east side of the Roxbury Auto Parts lot, and now it’s a short distance west, at the 30th/Roxbury 76 station. We’re working on a separate story about the shutdown of the auto-parts store – red-tagged by King County for structural trouble involving its back wall, according to the county website – but in the short run, we’re mentioning the MM move, which in turn has put the Thai-U-Up food truck on the other side of the 76 lot:

(Thai-U-Up, by the way, now has a second West Seattle dinner spot some nights – its other truck has been parking on the west side of 35th SW just north of Morgan – its Twitter feed shows where it’s ope and when.)

UPDATE: Rescue response for crash at 35th SW/SW Roxbury

12:45 PM: Seattle Fire is sending a “rescue extrication” response to a one-car crash reported at 35th and Roxbury. The driver is reported to be trapped in the vehicle.

12:52 PM: Avoid the area – the emergency response is blocking at least part of the intersection.

12:59 PM: The driver has been cut out of the car. A passenger is injured too. The crash is on the southwest corner by Summit Atlas. Photo added.

1:12 PM: The wooden pole hit by the driver is still standing, not in our photo – slightly to the south.

The driver and passenger, meantime, are both being taken to the hospital.

2:09 PM: Just passed through 35th/Roxbury on the way to another (non-breaking) story. The intersection is open; the car was about to be towed.

Basketball season = soon: West Seattle YMCA signups = now!

October 7, 2018 12:33 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | WS & Sports

Football might be on your mind right now … but basketball season starts its full-court press soon, and that goes for the youngest players among us too! The West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) wants to remind families that signups have started:

Hit the hardwood with the experts in youth basketball. Kids learn the basics of the game plus teamwork, leadership and make new friends! Registration is open now through November 11 for ages 3 – 15 at the West Seattle & Fauntleroy YMCA. Learn more and sign up (by going here).

The West Seattle Y is at 3622 SW Snoqualmie; the Fauntleroy Y is at 9140 California SW.

Are you ready … for fun? Play Disaster Trivia in West Seattle!

October 7, 2018 10:36 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | Preparedness | West Seattle news

Things are going to get disastrous during the next Trivia Night at Talarico’s in The Junction. The announcement explains:

Wednesday, October 10th is “Disaster Trivia Night” at Talarico’s Pizzeria, 4718 California Ave SW. Starting at 8:30 pm and going until about 10:15, you and your friends can test your knowledge about disaster preparedness and disaster movies.

In addition to the prizes awarded to the top finishers, West Seattle Be Prepared, our local preparedness group, will hold a raffle of disaster supplies as a fundraiser. See how much you know and at the same time you will help out a great organization. $2 to play, which becomes the prize money.

See how much you know, learn something you don’t, help out a great organization, and do it all with beer and pizza or pasta and wine (are those survival foods?)

It’s best to make a reservation at Talarico’s to ensure your team has a seat! 206-937-3463. Over 21 only. Questions? Email

What’s happening on your West Seattle Sunday

(Crow at Alki, photographed by Laura Goodrich, shared via the WSB Flickr group)

From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

‘LITTER LEAGUE’ COMMUNITY CLEANUP: 9:30 am, meet up with Jill for the year’s last Morgan Junction cleanup – all ages welcome! Bring your own garden-type gloves – otherwise, what you need will be provided. Meet by the ATM north of the gas station. (6540 California SW)

WESTCREST PARK PLANTING PREP: Adult volunteers only for this one, 10 am-12:30 pm:

Help make room to plant 100+ trees this fall by weeding out Himalayan Blackberry and English Ivy at Westcrest Park. You’ll have fun digging up roots, yanking up vines, and when it’s all done, seeing the progress just a few fine folks can make in a few, short hours.

Full details here. (Meet at 5th SW/SW Cloverdale)

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, see what’s fresh! In the street in the heart of The Junction. (California SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska)

VOTER REGISTRATION, WITH INCENTIVES: Again today, Bird on a Wire coffee shop will have forms available for anyone eligible to – but not yet registered to – vote, and each filled-out form is good for a free small coffee or cookie. 10 am-2 pm. (3509 SW Henderson)

(added) CAT FILM FESTIVAL: 12:30 and 2 pm showings at the Admiral Theater. Meow! (2343 California SW)

CELEBRATION OF LIFE FOR JACKIE DUPRAS: As previewed here, 1 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy. (9131 California SW)

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS: St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church presents this annual outdoor community event for people and pets in the West Seattle High School parking lot north of the church. (3000 California SW)

CROP WALK TO FIGHT HUNGER: 1 pm, starting at Alki UCC, the annual fundraising and awareness-raisingwalk welcomes your participation! (6115 SW Hinds)

CAMP SECOND CHANCE COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE: 2 pm monthly meeting with special guests from the city, as previewed here. All welcome. Arrowhead Gardens community room. (9200 2nd SW)

IS WEST SEATTLE PREPARED? 2-5 pm at High Point Community Center. Just a couple spots left as of early this morning! (6920 34th SW)

LANE NORBERG: C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) presents the singer/songwriter live, 3-5 pm. (5612 California SW)

‘SKELETON CREW’ AT ARTSWEST: Just a few more chances to see the play by Dominique Morrisseau – 3 pm curtain today; check ticket avaiability here. (4711 California SW)

DRAG 2K: Throwback show at The Skylark, all ages, $10 cover, doors at 5, show at 6. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

ALMOST LIKE TIME TRAVELING … if you look ahead to what’s coming up days and weeks from now via our complete calendar.