UPDATE: About the police response in Arbor Heights

(WSB photo)

7:15 PM: We’ve just arrived at 31st SW and SW 106th in Arbor Heights, where we heard via scanner that police were setting up a command post and calling for the mobile precinct, but didn’t hear why, so we headed out to see what we could find out. It’s a “person in crisis” situation but it’s in the process of getting resolved – the person in question is now in custody.

7:23 PM: The lieutenant at the scene tells us that the person is going to be taken to the hospital by private (AMR) ambulance for an evaluation – as is common in “person in crisis” situations – and the police response will be winding down.

3 Replies to "UPDATE: About the police response in Arbor Heights"

  • DaPuffin July 29, 2018 (7:18 pm)

    Thank you.  We live in the neighborhood and we’re told to stay inside the house.  

    • WSB July 29, 2018 (7:26 pm)

      They should be circulating back around to make sure everyone knows it’s OK now.

  • Nearby July 29, 2018 (8:05 pm)

    Thanks for the info. Heard so many sirens, at 2 diff times. We checked real time 911 and there were no fire vehicles involved, and assumed all the sirens were police which didn’t seem good, but couldn’t find any info for awhile. Hope the person is ok and gets the help they need.   Prayers for them and their friends/ family.

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