(Preferred ‘massing’ – size and shape – option for project, from draft Design Review packet)
Thanks to Scott for the tip! He spotted the first Southwest Design Review Board meeting date for the Junction mixed-use project we first told you about back in February, at 4747 California SW, on the sites that currently hold Bikram Yoga and Sleepers in Seattle. The site’s owner/developers were described by one of them, Husky Deli‘s Jack Miller, as an “all-West Seattle team.” The review date is July 19th, 6:30 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle, and as always with Design Review meetings, there will be a public-comment period.
The proposed project is listed as 7 stories, 82 apartments – mostly one-bedrooms, some studios – with 5,000 square feet of commercial space and 45 offstreet parking spaces. The draft Design Review “packet” in the city file confirms that Miller plans to move Husky Deli there. Two other things to note: Since this is the Early Design Guidance phase, it’s focused on the “massing” – size and shape – of the project, not design details, so don’t read too much into the imagery; second, the formal notice of this meeting isn’t out yet – it’s “tentatively” scheduled on the city’s calendar until the notice is out.