The Kenney has announced that it’s closing its skilled-nursing facility, known as its Health Center. In a news release, The Kenney’s management calls the closure part of “a new direction for care services” and says the center’s “small size … has limited what we are able to offer our residents. … In making this change, the Kenney will be joining a growing number of continuing-care retirement communities nationwide who are moving away from operating their own skilled-nursing facility on-site.”
In response to our followup questions, The Kenney’s executive director René Dumas says 15 people are currently living in the Health Center, which has 20 beds, and that almost half of them are there for “short-term stays … for rehabilitation prior to discharge to home.” The facility says the center’s residents “are being offered assistance with the transition.” That’s also what they say they’ll be doing with an unspecified number of employees who will be affected. Dumas also says that after its closure on February 1st, the area now used for skilled nursing care “will be used for memory-care services.” Elsewhere at The Kenney, Dumas adds, “We plan to use a wing that has not been used for two years as expanded assisted-living services (more care services than our existing assisted living in Lincoln Vista).”
It’s been more than a year since The Kenney (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW) announced some other changes, including redevelopment plans for part of its site, still proceeding through the city system.