month : 10/2017 325 results

SAFETY ALERT: Students followed off bus ‘in a suspicious way’

Thanks to Denny International Middle School principal Jeff Clark for sharing this letter that he and Chief Sealth International High School principal Aida Fraser-Hammer sent to families tonight, so that we can share it with the wider community:

Dear Denny and Chief Sealth Families:

We are continuing to actively share any safety information related to any of our scholars when they are out in our community on their way to and from school.

Today, three middle school scholars were getting off the Metro bus at 35th Ave. SW and SW Elmgrove St. An adult male followed them off the bus and continued following them in a suspicious way. A neighbor observed this and called the police, who responded right away and are now investigating. We are very proud of how our scholars responded to this situation and appreciative of the neighbor who called the police.

Please be assured that the safety and security of our scholars is a top priority at both Sealth International High School and Denny International Middle School. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

THURSDAY MORNING NOTE: The helpful neighbor’s wife has added more information via this comment.

From the WSB Halloween Etc. Guide: Trick-or-treat events

(WSB file photo from Admiral District trick-or-treating)

Less than a week until Halloween – and only two days until trick-or-treat events begin! From the WSB West Seattle Halloween Etc. Guide:

PRESCHOOLER TRICK-OR-TREATING: All kids 5 and under are invited to Holy Rosary School 10 am-11:30 am on Friday, October 27th, to trick or treat in the school classrooms, with “a mix of candy and non-candy items.” (42nd SW/SW Genesee)

JUNCTION TRICK-OR-TREATING: Noon-2 pm Sunday, October 29th, during the second half of the West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival

ADMIRAL DISTRICT TRICK-OR-TREATING: 3-6 pm on Halloween (Tuesday, October 31st) – look for the sign featured in our preview


Any Halloween/harvest/fall events missing in our guide? Not too late to let us know – – thanks!

BIZNOTE: West Seattle Papa John’s Pizza closing

ORIGINAL OCTOBER 25TH REPORT: After a reader tip, we just confirmed this with a staffer at the West Seattle Papa John’s Pizza: It’s closing as of the end of the week – last day Sunday, October 29th. We’re also told they’re closing earlier each night until then, at 9 pm.

ADDED OCTOBER 30TH: As of today, the location is indeed closed, with this note on the door:

No word yet what’s next for the building/site at 5252 California SW.

FOLLOWUP: What’s next for 59th/Admiral after sudden predawn reversal of all-way-stop configuration

We took that photo this morning before 8 am at 59th/Admiral, where, after weeks of concern over the effects of SDOT changing it to an all-way stop, a crew showed up pre-dawn and changed it back without warning or even a “traffic revision” sign (as subsequently reported in our morning traffic coverage). Then at noontime, we got a tip that a crew was back to add signs and do some other work, so we went over and found this:

Before that, we had asked SDOT’s Dawn Schellenberg this morning what’s next for the intersection now that it’s suddenly been “changed back” – which doesn’t answer all the safety concerns that parents at nearby Alki Elementary had voiced. Her reply just arrived in the form of a copy of the following e-mail to them and other concerned parties:

Many of you have followed the SDOT ‘Signal to All-way Stop’ pilot project at SW Admiral Way and 59th Ave SW, installed August 31. As part of our Vision Zero efforts, the Department is considering alternative crossing designs at various intersections throughout the city. The SW Admiral Way and 59th Ave SW location was selected for an All-Way Stop, curb bulbs and additional marked crosswalks based on community input received through the SW Admiral Way Safety Project during the SDOT Walk and Talk last August; and a review of traffic volumes, operations and crossing use.

Once installed, we committed to monitoring the crosswalk for up to six-months to determine whether the new All-Way Stop design was a good fit for the intersection. Over the past month and a half, we collected feedback from community members as well as the Traffic Safety Task Force at Alki Elementary regarding their concerns on how drivers and pedestrians are adjusting. Through our evaluation of the new design we concluded that the benefits of the All-Way Stop are similar to the original Pedestrian Signal. With that in mind, coupled with some community members’ concern, we decided to revert to the original design.

Unfortunately, an internal snafu within in the Department resulted in the premature start of the work. The community should have been alerted prior to the installation and ‘traffic revision ahead’ signs placed. We deeply regret any inconvenience this caused drivers and pedestrians this morning. Signs are now in place.

Going forward, here’s what you should except as we install phase 2 (see graphic below):

· Two decorative paint and post curb bulbs
· One decorative paint and post median at 59th Ave SW
· Two new crosswalks
· Two Flashing ‘School, 20MPH’ signs

As promised, we’ll accelerate installation of the curb bulbs, median and crosswalks to get them installed within the next two months, weather permitting. The flashing signs are expected to be installed during first quarter 2018, once equipment has arrived.

Councilmember González (Citywide, Pos. 9) and Councilmember Herbold (District 1) have engaged with us on this matter, and both continue to advocate for pedestrian safety along SW Admiral Way. We have committed to maintaining good communication with both Councilmembers, their staff, and the community; and they have conveyed the expectation that we work towards implementing solutions in lockstep with community.

We can note firsthand that the change without warning was a little more than “inconvenience” – going through the intersection both ways on Admiral at noontime, we experienced near-collisions both ways involving people turning and expecting us to stop. Meantime, here’s the graphic Schellenberg mentioned:

The initial change to an all-way stop was also installed pre-dawn, but that was with four weeks of warning that the change was going to happen. It’s all a followup to the rechannelization of much of Admiral west of California, with initial work done a year-plus ago.

DEVELOPMENT: Plan change for project in south Morgan Junction

(King County Assessor’s Office photo)

Back in July, we told you about a proposal for the land holding that 109-year-old house at 7111 California – four townhouses, each with an accessory dwelling unit, for a total of eight units. Now that’s been revised to five townhouses – two facing California, one behind it, two behind that, with four offstreet parking spaces on the alley, according to the newest “site plan” on file with the city. The parcel is zoned Lowrise 2.

BIZNOTE: Best of Hands Brewery and Barrelhouse gets one permit, awaits another

(WSB photo from February)

Our current most-inquired-about-by-readers West Seattle business-in-progress is Best of Hands Brewery and Barrelhouse, the brewery/taproom coming to the cow-topped ex-deli space at 35th and Webster. So we checked in to see where they’re at, and have just heard back from co-proprietor and brewer Nicholas Marianetti:

We just received issuance of our construction permit last Friday, October 20th. We can now begin the buildout process. However, due to new King County regulations, we are awaiting the approval of our plumbing plan — which is needed before we can install all new drainage and venting, and upgrade the water service to the building — we were given a tentative date of November 9th. The bulk of the construction won’t begin until the plumbing is complete, but we will be tackling tasks that we could not complete prior to the construction permit issuance in the meantime. Because the permitting is out of our hands, and we’re not yet running on our contractors’ schedules, we’ll have to get back to ya’ll in regards to an official timeline or opening date.

Marianetti also says they’re working on their “initial branding and logo systems” with design firm Blindtiger. It’s been eight months since we first reported on the Best of Hands plan for the building that had held John’s Corner Deli until last January.

West Seattle Wednesday: From raingardens to pumpkin-carving to poetry…

October 25, 2017 11:03 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Anna spotted the little rock with a big message in The Junction, and shared the photo)

Busy morning already – time now to look ahead to the rest of today and tonight. First, from the WSB Halloween (Etc.) Guide:

PUMPKIN-CARVING BASH: 6:30-8:30 pm, Pumpkin-Carving Bash raising money for the West Seattle Food Bank, co-sponsored by Origins Cannabis (WSB sponsor) at Heylo Cannabis in SODO. 21+. $10 tickets – treats, games, prizes, music by DJ Iggy – at this Eventbrite link. Meet at Origins in West Seattle, 4800 40th SW, at 6 pm to take their free trolley.

And from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (which you can use to look ahead days, weeks, even months at a time, any time):

UNDERSTANDING DEMENTIA-RELATED BEHAVIORS: Seminar presented by Quail Park Memory Care Residences of West Seattle (WSB sponsor) at Spruce Apartments, 2-4 pm – here’s how to RSVP. (4555 39th SW)

LONGFELLOW NATURAL DRAINAGE SYSTEMS DROP-IN MEETINGS: SPU is planning more “natural drainage” – such as roadside raingardens – in eastern West Seattle, and there are two locations for concurrent drop-in sessions 4-6 pm where you can get information and ask questions. (Corner of 30th Ave SW and SW Barton AND corner of 24th Ave SW and SW Kenyon)

UTILITIES & MORE @ HIGHLAND PARK ACTION COMMITTEE: 7 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club, it’s the monthly meeting of Highland Park Action Committee, with agenda highlights including the Seattle City Light meter changes, Seattle Public Utilities’ West Marginal Way SW operations center project, and more, as detailed here. (1116 SW Holden)

POEMS AND STORIES: The monthly Poetrybridge event at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) is at 7 pm tonight, with featured readers Margaret Roncone & Sam Roxas-Chua. Plus, the community microphone! (5612 California SW)

MOSTLY ACOUSTIC MUSIC: 7:30 pm-11 pm at Parliament TavernKing Moon, Whisperer, William Hall & The Raccoons. No cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

BIZNOTE: Westwood Village QFC throws party for $2.8 million remodel

(WSB photos)

Staffers from the Westwood Village QFC and executives from parent corporation Kroger cut a ribbon this morning to celebrate the completion of its $2.8 million remodel. The party also included gifts for the day’s first customers, and cake:

Kroger also presented $1,000 checks to two area nonprofits: WestSide Baby and White Center Food Bank, whose Mercy Budiansky and Angela Beard accepted the gifts:

Among the remodeling work: All-new fixtures, some exterior refreshes, as well as changes to the meat/dairy sections.

Between budget sessions, Councilmember Lisa Herbold talks with West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network

Minutes from now – at 9:30 am – the City Council‘s second day of the second round of budget-change reviews will start with a variety of proposals related to homelessness and other human-services issues.

You can see the list on the agenda – each item has a link to the “green sheet” briefly discussing what’s being proposed. The council’s just discussing at this point, not voting, so you have time to let them know what you think.

Last night, homelessness-related issues were a big topic as West Seattle/South Park City Councilmember Lisa Herbold, who is chairing the council’s Budget Committee this year, spoke with the WS Block Watch Captains Network at the Southwest Precinct.

Many wondered about proposals that would in effect allow camping in parts of city parks – the areas that are not “activated.”

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TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Wednesday updates; 59th/Admiral suddenly changed again

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

7:02 AM: Good morning! No incidents in/from West Seattle so far this Wednesday.

7:12 AM: Now that the weekend is in view, time for a couple reminders:

SATURDAY & SUNDAY – SW Edmunds is scheduled to be closed at 40th SW for a continuation of the paving work that started weekend before last.

SUNDAY – The West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival will close an additional block of California to traffic south of the Farmers’ Market, so the Sunday closure zone for this week only will be between SW Oregon and SW Edmunds.

7:19 AM: If you use 59th/Admiral, we have multiple reports that the pedestrian-activated stoplight has been reactivated, after weeks of controversy over the effects of SDOT changing the intersection to stop-all-ways. We are heading over for a look.

8:10 AM: Confirmed – without advance notice, the Admiral stop signs are gone and the signal is back to pedestrian-controlled for crossing Admiral. Separate story later – we will be checking with SDOT.

ADDED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON: We have published a followup with what SDOT says is next.

VIDEO: Louisa Boren STEM K-8 move ‘off the table’ – ‘it’s your building,’ district says at meeting that then dives into BEX V levy

(WSB video of meeting, unedited)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Louisa Boren STEM K-8 will not be moved.

Seattle Public Schools associate superintendent Dr. Flip Herndon said it at the start of tonight’s meeting at the school – a followup to a boisterous June meeting in which the possibility was not ruled out.

And then he said it again. It’s not an interim site – it’s “your building,” he told the families and staffers gathered in the cafeteria.

To be crystal clear, he said, the only scenario in which STEM K-8 might move from Boren would be if that had to be done temporarily because the building was to be remodeled or rebuilt.

That is NOT currently planned – not even proposed. Besides the reassurance, most of the meeting turned into a discussion of planning for the district’s BEX V levy – which, as of a September School Board work session, has ~20 schools citywide on a “menu” for possible remodels/rebuilds, and STEM K-8 isn’t even on that list, which (from the September packet) is as follows:

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If you saw what looked like a meteor …

… it might have been. Our hotline received two voicemails from people who saw what looked like a meteor or fireball around 7:35 pm. Looking around online, we saw a Reddit mention of a sighting from Ballard. We asked around on Twitter, and got replies including:

Here’s more on the Orionids.

FOLLOWUP: Two 17-year-olds charged as adults in 2-location gunfire incident

(WSB photo: Suspects’ car, after it crashed in Upper Fauntleroy last Wednesday night)

A routine check of the King County Jail Register revealed that two 17-year-olds are now charged as adults, six days after their arrests in a case that started wth gunfire in Delridge and on Puget Ridge and ended with a crash and search in Upper Fauntleroy (WSB coverage here). They are Daniel A. Moore and Jaydze Sabala. Charging documents say police got a call just before 9:30 last Wednesday night from someone who said that three boys she knew “from school” had shot at her twice – once while she and her boyfriend were driving to the Delridge 7-11, shattering a car window, then while she was at her home near 21st/Graham, doing other damage to the boyfriend’s car parked outside (as shown in our coverage that night, police found casings in the street). She said her boyfriend and Sabala had been having some kind of dispute.

After getting the description of the suspects’ vehicle, police spotted it on Delridge, speeding up to 70 mph; they say the driver tried to get away but finally crashed into a parked car at 39th/Cloverdale. Sabala was driving and was ordered out of the car and arrested; Moore ran; a third passenger, not listed as charged, was taken into custody. Police say Moore was soon found hiding nearby, in possession of a 9mm handgun, a loaded magazine, and some loose 9mm rounds. When a detective interviewed the boyfriend of the person who originally called police, he is reported to have claimed he was in a dispute with Sabala over a vehicle, and that Sabala had shot at him at least six or seven previous times, only one of which had been reported to police.

Moore and Sabala are both charged with one count of drive-by shooting; Moore is also charged with unlawful firearm possession, and Sabala is also charged with attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle. The documents say neither has a criminal record. Both were booked into King County Jail, with bail for each set at $150,000; according to a check of the register before finishing this story, Moore posted bond and got out less than an hour ago, while Sabala is still in. Both are West Seattle residents, according to the addresses on court documents.

COUNTDOWN: Five days to West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival 2017

October 24, 2017 4:29 pm
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harvestfestival_01(2016 Harvest Festival photo by Leda Costa for WSB)

Of all the fun stuff in the WSB Halloween (Etc.) Guide – the West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival is the biggest (just look at all these photos from last year!), and it’s now just five days away (10 am-2 pm Sunday, October 29th).

Some notes as it gets closer:

*Can you volunteer? Lora Swift of the West Seattle Junction Association – which presents the festival – says, “We’re still hoping to fill a couple volunteer slots at the kids’ music tables and the Farmers’ Market Applepalooza.” Here’s how to sign up.

*Planning to be part of the costume parade (11:30 am)? Make maracas or a music box at Junction Plaza Park (also the parade starting point, NW corner of 42nd/Alaska) first – 10 am-11:30 am.

*Four of the nine competitors in this year’s Chili Cookoff (the West Seattle Food Bank benefits from your $10 for 9 tastes, and you get to vote for the winner – KeyBank corner of California/Alaska starting at 11 am) are new – Duos Catering, Pecos Pit BBQ (WSB sponsor), Girls Gone BBQ, and Fresh Bistro. They’re going up against defending champs The Westy Sports and Spirits (WSB sponsor) and return competitors Easy Street Café, Elliott Bay Brewing Company, Husky Deli, and Brookdale Senior Living.

The festival starts with the Farmers’ Market in its usual mid-street spot and other local businesses and organizations offering free fun activities on California, which will also be closed to traffic, south of Alaska – see the list on the WSJA website. Business and booth trick-or-treating starts after the costume parade, at noon. And don’t miss the Root Beer Garden on the Easy Street corner of California/Alaska!

WSB is a co-sponsor of the Harvest Festival – see you in The Junction on Sunday. Weather looks dry.

LIBRARY CHANGES: New printing/copying system on the way to all locations

If you use a Seattle Public Library branch for printing/copying services – take note that a new system will be installed at all locations next month. Here’s the announcement we just received:

This November, The Seattle Public Library is upgrading to a new print and copy system to offer patrons more options for printing. Public printers and copiers at all Library locations will be replaced.

The new system will:

· Allow payment by credit card at print release kiosks
· Make change for cash payments
· Offer a wide variety of paper sizes
· Provide color printing
· Provide higher speed printing and copying

Replacing the current print and copy system will begin Monday, Nov. 6 and should be completed by Monday, Nov. 27.

Patrons will no longer pay for print services online — all payments can be made through the print release kiosk at the copier or printer. Copy machines will now accept both credit and cash payments.

Printing and copying prices will remain the same:

· $.15 for a single-sided black and white page (8.5″ x 11″ and 8.5″ x 14″)
· $.30 for a single-sided black and white page (11″ x 17″)
· $.50 for a single-sided color page (8.5″ x 11″ and 8.5″ x 14″)
· $1 for a single-sided color page (11″ x 17″)

For more information, visit our Using Library Equipment page, call the Library at 206-386-4636 or Ask a Librarian.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Cigarette dispute sends 1 man to hospital, 1 man to jail

We had a request out to Seattle Police this morning for information about an assault of some kind at 42nd/Alaska on Monday afternoon. The response – this post on SPD Blotter:

Officers arrested a man Monday afternoon in West Seattle following an assault that left a man with serious facial injuries.

Witnesses called 911 just after 4 p.m. to report of a fight in the 4200 block of SW Alaska Street. When officers arrived they found a 54-year-old man who was bleeding heavily from his nose. His left eye was swollen shut. The man said he was assaulted by “the local boys” over a cigarette.

Dispatch later received a phone call that said the suspect was inside an apartment in the 4500 block of 42 Avenue SW. Officers went to the apartment and found a 37-year-old man who confirmed he had punched the victim once following a dispute over a cigarette.

Seattle Fire Department Medics treated the victim for his facial injuries and determined he may have also sustained a possible broken rib. A private ambulance took the victim to Harborview Medical Center for further treatment. Officers booked the suspect into King County Jail for investigation of assault as well as an unrelated warrant for assault.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Seen this white Subaru Outback?

In West Seattle Crime Watch, a stolen car to watch for. From Emily and Winn:

Our 2013 white Subaru Outback was stolen from in front of our house on SW Hinds in the Admiral neighborhood overnight. Has Maryland plates (02141CF) and a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker. Please report it immediately to the police if you see it! I have reported this information to the police. Thank you!

SIDE NOTE: Citywide, through last week’s SeaStat update, 2,813 vehicle thefts have been reported so far this year – and that’s a 10 percent drop from the same period last year.

West Seattle Tuesday: Costume swap; STEM K-8 site update; Councilmember Herbold @ Block Watch Captains Network; more…

(Red-breasted sapsucker, photographed by Mark Wangerin)

One week until Halloween and the fun gets into high gear starting tonight. First, from the WSB Halloween (Etc.) Guide:

OCTOBER 24: Halloween Story Time and Costume Swap, 7 pm at Delridge Library: “Families are invited to join children’s librarian Miss Bea for Halloween stories and fun plus a costume swap! Bring Halloween costumes and accessories your children have outgrown and swap them for others that are new to you. Please bring only items that are in good condition and are appropriate for children. For families and children ages 6 and under.” (5423 Delridge Way SW)

And from the year-round WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

LOUISA BOREN STEM K-8 SITE UPDATE: As previewed here Monday, the long-promised followup to last June’s meeting about whether Seattle Public Schools wants to move the school to a new site. 6 pm at the school. (5950 Delridge Way SW)

KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION NIGHT: 6:30 pm at Hope Lutheran School (WSB sponsor):

Is my child ready for kindergarten? We will provide information regarding kindergarten readiness and what to look for in kindergarten from our Preschool Director Mrs. Figgins, as well as hear more about our kindergarten program from our highly experienced teacher, Mrs. Neafcy.

(4456 42nd SW)

COUNCILMEMBER HERBOLD @ BLOCK WATCH CAPTAINS NETWORK: West Seattle/South Park City Councilmember Lisa Herbold is the special guest at tonight’s West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting, 6:30 pm at the Southwest Precinct. Got a question for her, especially about safety/crime issues? This is the place to be. All welcome – you don’t have to be involved with a Block Watch to attend. You’ll also hear a crime-trend briefing from precinct leadership. (2300 SW Webster)

32,000+ syringes/needles in first 15 months of city program that includes 2 West Seattle dropboxes

The city’s out with a progress report on its efforts to handle discarded needles/syringes, which is a two-part program that includes dropboxes placed earlier this year in locations including West Seattle’s Roxhill Park and Westcrest Park, as well as cleanups in response to complaints. First, Seattle Public Utilities shared this map of where it’s received the most requests/complaints:

This news release from SPU explains not just the stats but also that they’re surveying people in multiple ways to decide how to improve the program:

In its first 15 months of operation, Seattle Public Utility’s pioneering Sharps Collection Pilot Program has collected and safely disposed of 32,012 hypodermic syringes, improving both the safety and cleanliness of the city’s neighborhoods.

Since February, people disposed of 26,647 syringes in nine SPU sharps disposal boxes around Seattle. (See attached map.) Another 5,365 needles have been removed from public property since the program began, in August 2016, in response to 1,113 complaints. Complaints were filed online, with the City’s Find It, Fix It app, or phoned in to 206-684-7587.

It is believed Seattle is the first U.S. city to combine syringe complaint response and disposal boxes as a standalone sharps program.

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CITY BUDGET: Next phase of council review starts today

October 24, 2017 9:07 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

(Added: Click “play” to watch live Seattle Channel feed while meeting’s in session – in recess as of 11:07 am, resuming 2 pm)

9:07 AM: The next phase of the City Council‘s work on the next city budget starts today, with meetings at 9:30 am and 2 pm to consider specific changes that made the first cut for review. The agenda now has the documents attached for the potential changes they’re considering.

It starts with SDOT and a proposal to cut an item on which we’ve reported – $3 million for a pilot project to remotely operated one of the city’s five drawbridges. Councilmembers were told that if all five bridges were operated remotely, that could eventually save $1 million – but at $3 million for one bridge, the initial investment would be steep. Other SDOT-related proposed changes include $150,000 for the Summer Parkways program (which included the annual Alki “car-free day,” which didn’t happen last summer) and $500,000 for pedestrian improvements proposed by the South Park Safety Task Force. SDOT is one of 19 departments that’ll be addressed today.

Other proposals of interest include reclassifying three vacant Office of Planning and Community Development positions to assign them to “community planning,” and expanding the Ready to Work jobs program for adult English Language Learners to southwest Seattle (which generally means West Seattle/South Park). Also from the budget documents, you can learn what’s being proposed for changes in Seattle Parks facilities fees next year – not a lot of changes in our quick review.

You can follow along with all this via Seattle Channel, streaming and televising (cable 21) the meetings live at 9:30 am and 2 pm. Comments?

11:09 AM: The morning session ended a few minutes ago and the council will be back in session at 2 pm. We’ve embedded the live Seattle Channel feed above – click “play” button to watch.


October 24, 2017 6:59 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

6:59 AM: Good morning! Two things you should know about as we head for the heart of the commute: A northbound I-5 crash downtown (at Pine) has just cleared, but there’s a residual backup. Also, SFD is responding to a reported car fire at Delridge/Trenton.

8:02 AM: A texter advises NOT taking the low bridge to get to the ramp to I-5/99, because there’s a stalled semi.

ADMIRAL BIZNOTES: West Seattle Computers’ new location; Copper Coin’s anniversary; Pizzeria 22 changes

Three Admiral biznotes tonight:

WEST SEATTLE COMPUTERS MOVING: This shop is moving from The Junction to Admiral, effective next Monday (October 30th), when it will open at 2735 California SW (across the street from Hiawatha Playfield, next to Freshy’s Coffee). Along with providing “a full range of technology services including PC and Mac repair, data recovery and virus removal,” the announcement says WSC is “beefing up our Help Desk, business support, and express services.”

COPPER COIN ANNIVERSARY: This Thursday (October 26th), Copper Coin (2329 California SW) celebrates its fifth anniversary by offering this deal, according to general manager Gregg Graham: “Our classic house Deluxe Burger or our new brunch sneak-peek Brioche Breakfast Sandwich for only 5 bucks all day long! We’ll also be pouring an assortment of delicious seasonal draft beverages, with plenty of fresh hop selections from the likes of Bale Breaker, Goodlife, 10 Barrel, Mt. Tabor, Double Mountain, et. al., plus some pumpkin ales too!”

PIZZERIA 22 CHANGES: Cary Kemp e-mailed this update:

I recently bought out my partner at Pizzeria 22 and am now the sole proprietor! We are very grateful for the support we received from our former partner and are excited to implement some new additions to our private dining space, our menu and events, like a late=night happy hour starting in November.

We also recently acquired the bust of a water buffalo we call “Wilma” and she is now hanging above our oven at Pizzeria 22. We import fresh D.O.C. bufala mozzarella and our customers have really enjoyed its rich, creamy texture and bold flavor.

Pizzeria 22 is in its seventh year at 4213 SW College.

P.S. Reminder that the Admiral District merchants’ trick-or-treat day is Halloween this year – Tuesday, October 31st, 3-6 pm, as previewed here.

VANDALISM: Seattle Parks’ cleanup plan for racist graffiti at Delridge Skatepark

6:26 PM MONDAY: If you’ve seen the racist graffiti vandalism at Delridge Skatepark – you’ll probably be glad to hear that Seattle Parks will have a cleanup crew out tomorrow morning. That’s according to Parks spokesperson Rachel Schulkin. Several people called our attention to the graffiti (shown in this tweet), which refers to President Trump as the “great white chief” (albeit, with several misspellings). We pointed them to the Seattle Parks graffiti hotline, 206-684-7587. One person who e-mailed us expressed concern that the hotline has a recording saying it might take two weeks to get graffiti handled, so we asked for a timeline, and that’s how we got the response that “crews are planning to deal with it first thing tomorrow.” Parks also stresses that if you see graffiti vandalism (or any other crime) as it happens, call 911.

ADDED 9:13 AM TUESDAY: Thanks to the texter who just sent this photo of the cleanup crew at the skatepark: