VANDALISM: Seattle Parks’ cleanup plan for racist graffiti at Delridge Skatepark

6:26 PM MONDAY: If you’ve seen the racist graffiti vandalism at Delridge Skatepark – you’ll probably be glad to hear that Seattle Parks will have a cleanup crew out tomorrow morning. That’s according to Parks spokesperson Rachel Schulkin. Several people called our attention to the graffiti (shown in this tweet), which refers to President Trump as the “great white chief” (albeit, with several misspellings). We pointed them to the Seattle Parks graffiti hotline, 206-684-7587. One person who e-mailed us expressed concern that the hotline has a recording saying it might take two weeks to get graffiti handled, so we asked for a timeline, and that’s how we got the response that “crews are planning to deal with it first thing tomorrow.” Parks also stresses that if you see graffiti vandalism (or any other crime) as it happens, call 911.

ADDED 9:13 AM TUESDAY: Thanks to the texter who just sent this photo of the cleanup crew at the skatepark:

8 Replies to "VANDALISM: Seattle Parks' cleanup plan for racist graffiti at Delridge Skatepark"

  • Mr. X October 23, 2017 (8:50 pm)

    Come on kids, it’s spelled T-H-I-E-F!

  • billv34 October 23, 2017 (9:55 pm)

    It almost seems like someone was mocking trump. Is that racist?

  • Sam-c October 23, 2017 (10:03 pm)

    I used the find it fix it reporting site to let them know the same blue spray paint and words had been used to defile some longfellow creek interpretive signage structures along the path east of the dragonfly pavilion. 

  • ScubaFrog October 24, 2017 (1:40 am)

    Typical trump-supporting rhetoric.  Those racists know no bounds.

  • Jns October 24, 2017 (6:42 am)

    I’m more offended by that spelling than the message, which honestly is pretty tame.

    • Dave October 24, 2017 (1:30 pm)

      It’s almost like it was intentionally spelled wrong.

      But why would anyone spray paint fake graffiti just to make a politician appear to be racist?

  • ScubaFrog October 24, 2017 (11:41 am)

    I’m really grateful that we live in a city with the funds to pay for cleanup crews for this stuff.  A lot of cities are awash in all kinds of graffiti, racist and otherwise.

    Kudos to the person who reported the graffiti, and thanks for Seattle for cleaning it up.

  • Kersti Muul October 24, 2017 (1:31 pm)

    I saw simply ‘TRUMP’ in blue letters on a sign east of Longfellow Creek/Dragonfly pavilion when surveying yesterday for prespawn mortality

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