UPDATE: Technology trouble to keep Highline Public Schools closed for third day, but they’re expected to reopen Thursday

FIRST REPORT, 4:22 PM: Highline Public Schools – the district serving communities including White Center and Burien – will be closed again tomorrow. It’s the third day without classes since the district disclosed it was dealing with “unauthorized activity” in its technology systems. Highline is an out-of-district draw for its Raisbeck Aviation High School and Maritime High School, so the closure’s effects reach beyond the district’s borders. Today’s announcement is here.

7:41 PM: As noted by K in a comment, Highline says it’s expecting to reopen schools on Thursday because they’ve “taken steps to allow us to restore certain segments of our digital network in a secure manner.” Details of how they’ll reopen are on the district website.

9 Replies to "UPDATE: Technology trouble to keep Highline Public Schools closed for third day, but they're expected to reopen Thursday"

  • CarDriver September 10, 2024 (4:38 pm)

    WSB. Any word on how it/what happened?? Assuming kids will make up any day’s lost by this? Will this spur them to make the district functionable without computers at some level if(when) this happens again? 

    • WSmom September 11, 2024 (10:57 am)

      There will be no internet on Thursday when it re-opens per the Highline website.  I’m assuming or legal reasons (they are working with Federal Agencies which I am assuming means FBI) they probably don’t want a lot of details to go public.Considering what happened to the public library and SeaTac I’m guessing it’s in the realm of things and we won’t probably know the how or the why for some time.I have one kid in highline so it will be interesting to see how things are Thursday.  

  • Admiral-2009 September 10, 2024 (4:42 pm)

    This is really impacting sports that typically are not impacted by strikes, SD’s and coaches  allow practices to continue, for this very reason!

    • Colby September 10, 2024 (6:29 pm)

      I believe students are still allowed to practice on their own. 

    • WSmom September 11, 2024 (11:01 am)

      I’m sure sports on the lowest thing on their priority system.  Where do you think building and field reservations are stored.  On the computer.Where do you think bussing information, insurance forms for the kids, all that stuff is stored….they don’t need to be dealing with secondary priorities when they need to get kids back into classroom.

  • K September 10, 2024 (7:35 pm)

    It sounds like they’ll be back in school Thursday.  Three days without practice shouldn’t cost anyone their state championship, so all of the high school sports enthusiasts can calm down now.

    • WSB September 10, 2024 (7:40 pm)

      Thanks for that indirect tip. Updating.

  • Michael Waldo September 11, 2024 (9:02 am)

    My wife teaches in Highline. She says it is a joke to bring back students when teaches are not allowed to use their laptops. per district protocol, all her attendance, teaching plans, documents, assignments are all on her laptop. She has no idea what she is expected to do, standing in front of her students with nothing to give them.

    • WSmom September 11, 2024 (11:06 am)

      My kid is in Highline and her classes do a lot with laptops let alone all the planning stuff from the teachers.So yeah I’m wondering what tomorrow is going to be like.  There were so many comments on news sits about “just have them use pencil and paper” people really don’t have a clue what all is done on computer these days regarding planning and learning let alone attendance and that kind of organization.

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