Power-ful projects shown off at Denny International Middle School STEM Fair

(WSB photos unless otherwise credited)

10:01 PM: Looking for something to be hopeful about as we wrap up another week? Consider the youth who showed off projects tonight at the Denny International Middle School STEM Fair.

7th-grader John Nguyen, for example, invented wearable technology to generate power/heat for its wearer. He’s working trying to find electricity sources for parts of the planet that still struggle with generating energy. Power generation was also these two girls’ goal:

8th graders Mara Golden and Leah Golan took trash from the lunchroom and used bacteria to turn it into usable methane. Like John, they were concerned about providing energy that wouldn’t worsen climate change.

7th grader Alisaundria Hardwell, meantime, was exploring DNA – not only what it is, but what it looks like:

And the daunting project name of The Helpful, Friendly Solar Death Ray was supplied by 8th grader Ptolemy Bear:

Ptolemy says this can help with cooking, too. These projects and others were all shown off at Denny in an hour-and-a-half event tonight that was open to the community and showcased in our morning calendar preview.

ADDED SATURDAY AFTERNOON: We’ve received a few more photos – first, congratulations to 7th-grade winner Shea Gilbert, whose photo was texted to us:

Her project involved hydroponics. And from Denny principal Jeff Clark, photos from the ceremony during the fair – note the faculty wearing lab coats in bright Denny Dolphins blue:

Clark adds, “I am so proud of the impressive projects our amazing scholars created! Our science teachers, who supported them every step of the way, are awesome! I am also thankful for the huge turnout and support from our community! Go Dolphins!”

2 Replies to "Power-ful projects shown off at Denny International Middle School STEM Fair"

  • Wb April 1, 2017 (8:45 am)

    Many years ago I was a judge at a grade science fair and was dazzled by the creativity and ingenuity of the kids. Congratulations! 

  • Kristi April 1, 2017 (12:26 pm)

    This is so exciting to see and gives me hope for the future, congrats to the participants!

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