ALSO AT WEDNESDAY OPEN HOUSE: Newly ‘re-initiated’ Fauntleroy Boulevard plan

The list of what the city plans to show/answer questions about/take comments about at next Wednesday’s “open house” in The Junction just keeps getting longer.

After the city announced it’s expanding the December 7th event to two locations because of capacity concerns, we started collecting more information about topics beyond the biggest one, the “Mandatory Housing Affordability” rezoning we’ve been reporting on extensively lately. Here’s more on one of the newly revealed topics: The Fauntleroy Boulevard project.

(Cross-section from city project page)

When the mayor went public with his budget proposal in September, we reported that it included money to build this long-in-the-works project on Fauntleroy Way between the end of the bridge at 35th SW and the start of The Junction at SW Alaska, as also promised by the Move Seattle levy. Now that the budget has been finalized, SDOT has announced the “re-initiation” of the project, intended to “improve mobility and make the area more comfortable for people walking, biking, and driving on Fauntleroy Way SW, in addition to enhancing Fauntleroy as a gateway entrance to West Seattle.”


SDOT says the design is at 60 percent – see that plan as a PDF here – and likely to be finished next fall, with construction starting “in late 2017.” They promise “project materials” at Wednesday’s open house (5:30-7:30 pm at both Shelby’s Bistro and Ice Creamery and Uptown Espresso, kitty-corner from each other at California/Edmunds). And project spokesperson Rachel McCaffrey says SDOT plans “our own community briefings and other events specific to the project in 2017 in order to answer questions and share updates about the design.”

28 Replies to "ALSO AT WEDNESDAY OPEN HOUSE: Newly 're-initiated' Fauntleroy Boulevard plan"

  • House of Pug December 2, 2016 (12:45 pm)

    Unfortunate so many items are on this agenda, especially since the zoning changes have generated so much interest in our Fairmont Springs neighborhood. Several of us have already written Lisa Herbold asking her to get the City to move to a bigger venue. It also sounds like we should have more focused meetings so the discussion doesn’t get diluted.

  • Mark Schletty December 2, 2016 (1:01 pm)

    I dont think many people (from my conversations) are aware of this proposal.  This reconfiguration of Fauntleroy is the final death knell for access/egress to and from west seattle. To cut fauntlery down to one lane each direction from the bridge will totally gridlock our neighborhood. Its hard enough to get on and off the bridge without reducing lanes. No one will want to come to, or leave west seattle with the traffic backups this will cause. It will add tremendously to commute times. My understanding is that this reconfiguation is again coming from the bicycle master plan. It will do anything but “enhance” the entrance to west seattle, it will instead announce that people are not welcome to west seattle.

    • Peter December 2, 2016 (4:17 pm)

      No, this is not making Fauntleroy one lane in each direction.

      No, this is not because of the bicycle master plan.

      Please at least look at the plan and try to understand it before spreading disinformation.

    • JanS December 2, 2016 (7:10 pm)

      Mark Schletty…you’ll get over it…things change. I especially like that the bicyclists are separate from traffic. Death knell? Can you be any more dramatic, please? 

  • WSGirl December 2, 2016 (1:32 pm)

    Is this a joke? Turning Fauntleroy into 1 lane each way? That’s the most horrible idea I’ve ever heard. Leaving West Seattle in the morning, Fauntleroy is already backed up all the way to Graham, commonly, and coming back into WS in the evenings takes SO LONG, with the bridge WAY backed up. What other TERRIBLE ideas will the mayor and our city council come up with for us to waste our tax dollars on?? Ughhh…

    • WSB December 2, 2016 (1:34 pm)

      Please read the story and look at the graphics.. No, it is NOT one lane each way.

  • old timer December 2, 2016 (1:33 pm)

    Gee Mark, I’m looking at  a picture of an almost 80 foot wide swath with  not only four traffic lanes, but a 

    turn lane and I’m wondering just how long the walk signals will be set for.  Can’t tell how many crosswalks we will get between 35th and Alaska from the teeny picture they provide.

    • WSB December 2, 2016 (1:56 pm)

      OT – if you click the link in the line right after the “60 percent design” graphic, it opens the full size PDF you can zoom, enlarge, etc. I’ll hotlink it to the graphic too since that’s more-intuitive behavior … TR

    • Mark Schletty December 2, 2016 (3:28 pm)

      I guess it depends on what a “curb lane”, as opposed to a “travel lane”, is supposed to mean. Curb lanes generally mean they allow or are for parking. That’s how i have interpreted it, and if im right they won’t be of much use for traffic movement. If im wrong why does the city not label them as travel lanes like the others.

      • WSB December 2, 2016 (5:19 pm)

        It’s a “curb lane” because the buffer between it and the bicycle lane etc. will be or will represent a curb. If you are still suspicious, click the 60 percent design image to enlarge it and you’ll see the dotted line between the two lanes. – TR

  • David Boneham December 2, 2016 (1:44 pm)

    If this is implemented it will make life far safer for cyclists who ride Fauntleroy. I also suspect that it’ll have a minimal effect on motor vehicle travel times as we have seen in so many other “diets”. Anything that makes West Seattle traffic more humane is welcome.

  • chemist December 2, 2016 (2:15 pm)

    I have to admit, I like that you’d no longer be able to make a Westbound left to Southbound 37th turn.  One of my biggest gripes with the current traffic is getting behind someone who does that turn.

    • Brian December 2, 2016 (11:18 pm)

      Anyone making a left between the bridge and Alaska is dead to me. 

  • KM December 2, 2016 (2:21 pm)

    This is lovely. I hope it happens!

  • Azimuth December 2, 2016 (2:43 pm)

    It looks pretty solid to me.  I’ll miss the 3rd lane right-turn to Oregon, and I’m sure some of the business like Rudy’s will miss the parking, but I think it’s still worth it if it improves flow and safety. I agree with Chemist about reducing left turns along this stretch, especially at 37th. I hope they can underground the wires that has been brought up before for this project. Overhead wires are such an eyesore, especially if they are going to all this trouble to improve the area.

  • dsa December 2, 2016 (2:45 pm)

    One thing is certain.  This is not a transportation improvement other than removing that one left turn.

  • sam-c December 2, 2016 (3:08 pm)

    They are taking away the left turn from Avalon onto 36th? that sucks.

    I see they are also still taking away Trader Joe’s loading area….. which probably will lead to less parking at the other side of Trader Joes. Fun

  • zephyr December 2, 2016 (3:31 pm)

    I have looked at the Power Point presentation which shows some planting proposals.  The boulevard plan has three street corner plantings marked by a blue asterisk–the corners of 36th, 37th and 38th SW.  I am astonished and dismayed that they would propose planting either Coast Redwoods or Dawn Redwoods.  They even have a photo showing the enormity of these trees compared to vehicles beneath them.  They must be at least 40 feet in the photo.  These are native to Northern California up to Southwestern Oregon.  This species can max out at 300′ in its native habitat.  Why would we want such enormous sky-blocking trees on these street corners?  The Dawn Redwood is native to China and can reach up to 200′.   I should think that moderately tall deciduous trees that will be open for much wanted winter sun would be preferable.


  • Peter December 2, 2016 (4:32 pm)

    This has been under discussion for several years, and it’s long past time for it to move forward. That stretch of Fauntleroy is extremely dangerous for pedestrians. I lived adjacent to the area for many years, and almost being hit by cars was literally a daily occurrence. Drivers routinely run the light at Fauntleroy and Oregon, partly because the intersection is so poorly designed and marked. One driver almost hit me while she was driving on the sidewalk by Diva (now Rudy’s). Fun, huh? I realize road design can’t cure the carelessness (and sometimes maliciousness) of divers, but it can mitigate it, and greater separation of traffic lanes and pedestrians is essential.

  • David Whiting December 2, 2016 (5:03 pm)

    In light of the added venue and now an expanded agenda for the December 7th Southwest Open House for Affordable Housing Neighborhood maps and Fauntleroy Boulevard project, the executive committee of the Southwest District Council (SWDC) has decided to postpone our December meeting which was scheduled for the same evening.

    Despite our long standing schedule of the first Wednesday of the month we have little choice but to urge West Seattle residents to attend the December 7th open house. For this month SWDC will instead meet on Tuesday, December 13th at 6:30 pm at our regular venue at the West Seattle Senior Center Sisson Building  (California/Oregon). The agenda will include election of new officers for 2017, proposed by-law changes and the proposed plans for rezoning.  Further details on the agenda will be announced on the West Seattle Blog 

    David Whiting and Eric Iwamoto,
    Southwest District Council Co-Chairs

  • Mark December 2, 2016 (6:42 pm)

    Over 600 vehicles turn right onto Avalon in the AM peak hour and SDoT takes away the existing right turn channelization?  Keeping this right turn lane is warranted and needs to happen.  Very frustrating when SDoT ignores national standards.

  • wetone December 2, 2016 (8:22 pm)

    City at it’s best packing multiple things in multi area meetings. Nothing gets done, people say what ?  and city moves on with it’s agenda. All to common with Mayor Patchwork and crew these days, no Logical Sense….   People need to start standing up or access in and out of W/S will be worse than LA.  I give 5yrs.  Your tax dollars at work…….   

    • Ugh December 3, 2016 (12:46 am)

      Heaven help us if there were a real disaster requiring evacuation of WS!

  • Junction Lady December 3, 2016 (7:28 am)

    Whether one walks or drives, this stretch of roadway is unpleasant at best and could use a makeover.  PLEASE pay attention to design details that we can all enjoy and be proud of for decades to come. Any thoughts about a “Welcome to West Seattle” sign arched over Fauntleroy corner to corner (taco time to northern corner).  How about lowering the speed limit so pedestrianism could actually happen without rocks throwing up from speeding cars, dust & road debris coating ones teeth. Promote a fabulous plan chock full of benefits and the citizens of west seattle will follow with oomph!

  • Michelle December 3, 2016 (7:38 am)

       I was wandering about the underground wires?  This is the front door to West Seattle.  Lets not let the City leaders who waste all our tax dollars on bad ideas and Hugh consulates fees short change us on making our entry to West Seattle half finished with poles and wires to save money.   This our chance to make it right!!!!!   I hope someone reading this bldg. knows more about this?   Thank-You to the wonderful skilled people who live in West Seattle going to the meeting and giving us a voice.  If we except less the City of Seattle will gladly give us less and save the money for the pet areas that they know will not except a half ass completed project.

    • WSB December 3, 2016 (8:19 am)

      The city has NOT allocated the money it would take to underground this. City Councilmember Lisa Herbold reported that the budget includes sort of a halfway measure – “streetlight improvements and utility pole relocations.” -TR

  • Michelle December 3, 2016 (9:25 am)

    Thank-You TR for that info.

      Sadly its just what I would expect from our City leaders.  I sure wish Tom R.

     could of been our District 1 representative.  He would of served the citizens  West Seattle  so much better…

  • WSB December 5, 2016 (9:19 am)


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