CALL FOR ARTISTS: Start dreaming up next year’s West Seattle Garden Tour art

Four months since this year’s West Seattle Garden Tour, eight months until next year’s WSGT – but NOW is the time to start thinking about its poster/ticket-book art, chosen via competition. Just out of the WSB inbox this afternoon:

Call for Artists: West Seattle Garden Tour Art Competition

West Seattle Garden Tour’s annual search for local talent is under way! Your creative interpretation of the theme “The Art of Gardening” could win you prominence on the 2017 garden tour poster and ticket book, a spot in the West Seattle Art Walk, and $500! Original artwork may be submitted in person February 10-12, 2017, so start creating now. Get all the details and an entry form at the WSGT website.

Recent years’ winners: Cynthia Dale Turner (2016), Gretchen Flickinger (2015), and Sue Madill (2014).

1 Reply to "CALL FOR ARTISTS: Start dreaming up next year's West Seattle Garden Tour art"

  • Junction_Artist November 14, 2016 (7:31 am)

    Hire a designer!  Design contests undervalue a designer’s labour, rarely leads to other work and undermines the profession.   Hire a designer with real marketing skills.  Your organization will benefit from it as will the local artist.  Go to to learn more.

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