Looking to unload a 250gr tin of high quality, sustainable caviar

Home Forums Freebies, Sales, Trades Looking to unload a 250gr tin of high quality, sustainable caviar

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    My purveyor accidentally doubled my order and shipped two 250gr tins of caviar instead of one. Of course I contacted them but they said to just keep it. Even with the number of adults who will be at the New Year’s party, I don’t think we’ll need a half a kilo of caviar. So I just thought I’d throw this up here to see if there are any local aficionados who might be interested in a great deal on a tin of California-sourced of Kaluga Hybrid caviar. (Shelf life: 3 weeks in the coldest part of the fridge). More info on the caviar can be found here: https://omcaviar.com/products/kaluga-hybrid


    2 Much Whine

    If it was just about anyone but you I’d be suspicious that this was some sort of new caviar scam. Fortunately your reputation precedes you. This sounds like it could end up being a pretty good deal. I’d love to find out more – what’s the best way to initiate contact for further discussion?



    Sorry. I neglected to add a point of contact. e-mail: unusual_sublets_3u@icloud.com



    It’s funny you should mention scams. As I was transferring the caviar to the buyer yesterday I had the sealed tin all packed up in the styrofoam cooler in which it arrived, with frozen gel packs and the temperature sensor card. I had put tabs of blue painters tape on the box to keep the cold in. But I took care to open it to show him that there actually was a tin of caviar inside lest he fall victim to the “caviar scam all of the kids seem to be talking about on TikTok these days”.

    The extra tin of caviar is spoken for. But thank you for your interest.

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