(Cloud formations over the Olympics on Wednesday – photo by Lynn Hall)
Half a dozen highlights for tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
‘SCREENAGERS’: This week’s social-media “creepy clown” scares/threats might be a good peg for discussion related to this film focused on the challenges faced by plugged-in tweens/teens and their families. All welcome at free showing in the Seattle Lutheran High School gym, 6:30 pm. (4100 SW Genesee)
TACOS FOR FOOTBALL: 5-9 pm at Pecado Bueno, the West Seattle Booster Club presents an all-you-can-eat taco bar, with food proceeds benefiting the WSHS football program. $15 for adults, $10 for 12 and under. (4540 California SW)
WSHS VS. SEALTH VOLLEYBALL: As previewed here last night, Chief Sealth International High School visits West Seattle High School for volleyball tonight – 7 pm at the WSHS Gym. (3000 California SW)
THE MOONDOGGIES: Celebrating their 10th anniversary with a live, free in-store show at Easy Street Records, 7 pm. (California SW/SW Alaska)
READ THE KORAN IN 4 WEEKS: First Lutheran Church of West Seattle Pastor Ron Marshall‘s long-running course starts its next four-week series tonight, 7 pm. Registration info is in our calendar listing. (4105 California SW)
‘HIDDEN GEMS OF MODERN MUSIC’: That’s what chamber ensemble Cursive promises to play tonight at Kenyon Hall, 7:30 pm. Details in our calendar listing. (7904 35th SW)
MORE! See all the listings on our complete calendar.
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