West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday
10:24 PM: Thanks for the tips on this – the 9:30 West Seattle Water Taxi run from downtown, and 10 pm run from Seacrest, have been canceled, and multiple passengers waiting on the downtown dock tell us they were told a “security breach” is to blame, but that there’ll be a sailing from downtown soon. The first tipster tells us – and the online Water Taxi Watch verifies – that the Doc Maynard was parked at the nearby maintenance barge instead of Pier 50 while this was investigated. Working to find out more.
10:39 PM: We’ve heard back from both Jeff Switzer with KC Department of Transportation and Greg Lerner from the Marine Division. Both say a trespasser was being investigated at the Water Taxi maintenance facility, that Seattle Police responded, and that passengers should be on a sailing headed this way shortly. Water Taxi Watch shows Doc Maynard has now moved over to Pier 50.
10:47 PM: One passenger tells us police are still in view, checking out the other two Water Taxi vessels (the maintenance barge is a short distance south of Pier 50 downtown). Vessel Watch shows Doc Maynard now headed this way.
(UPDATED SUNDAY with commenters’ reports that, sometime after this was recorded, two of the goslings were hit and killed)
ORIGINAL REPORT, 9:37 PM: This family of five is popular. We keep getting photos and texts about sightings of the Fauntleroy white geese and their goslings, and it’s clear they are roaming on both sides of Fauntleroy Way in the ferry dock/Lincoln Park area, so we renew the alert: Please be careful in the area. Last weekend we shared a reader’s photo-story about people helping them cross the busy road, and tonight, this video came in from another reader. Sorry to say, some of what we’ve heard about hasn’t been anywhere near heartwarming – reports of a woman kicking one of them at the Cove Park beach, and of an unleashed dog going after them – note they’re fairly slow-moving, and be their angel if you see them in danger (as others have been over the years).
ADDED SUNDAY AFTERNOON: After we published this video – recorded Saturday morning, sent to us Saturday night – commenters said they’d seen only one gosling with the geese later in the day. Now another commenter reports two of them were hit and killed. If anyone can tell us more about what happened, please e-mail us at editor@westseattleblog.com – thank you.
LATER SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Another commenter has posted more information.
That’s what the Lincoln Park “mud hole” swimming pool looked like in 1936, as shown in the Seattle Municipal Archive photo collection, just five years before it was replaced by sleek Colman Pool, which had its grand opening on July 4, 1941. That means Monday is the 75th anniversary of the city’s only saltwater pool, and it’s party time. Also time for memories. The video below is from Clay Eals, executive director of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, who talked with Jean Carroll, who was one of the first two people to swim in Colman Pool when it opened. She has a lot of stories to tell!
Even if you don’t feel like swimming, go to Colman Pool Monday morning to celebrate its history – here’s the official invitation. At 10:15 am, mural conservator Peter Malarkey will talk about the historic lobby mural he restored last fall (WSB coverage here); then the celebration, with light refreshments, happens on deck at 11. The party’s free; swimming has the usual fees, but the slide will be free all day.
P.S. This is just one of the West Seattle 4th of July events you’ll find in our guide.
Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes with warnings about theft:
WESTCREST PARK: Via scanner this afternoon, a report of car prowlers on the loose again – someone broke a car window, grabbed a purse, took off in a car with no plates. (That’s all the description we heard.)
LINCOLN PARK: Greg sent this report about what he saw last Sunday, thinking it might help you understand how car prowlers work. We missed it until a mailbox review today, but still enlightening:
When I was driving down Fauntleroy from the ferry dock direction toward Morgan Junction, I saw a woman breaking into a car in the first parking lot directly after the dock.
This woman was mid-40s? or slightly older but it was difficult to tell her age because she looked like a longtime drug addict/meth head. She had very bright burgundy red dyed hair and was dressed like a jogger, with maroon stretch pants and a white sleeveless stretch top. She drives a white Scion xb, the box like looking car a 2004-2007 model (the front ends are different), and the car was clean and would not stand out in any way.
As I was stuck driving behind a bus we were waiting on Fauntleroy and out of the corner of my eye I noticed this woman get out of the passenger side of her vehicle and then suddenly push her body against the car parked next to her and start jerking her hands up and down, it took me a moment to realize that she was using a slim jim and trying to pop the lock on the car, while she looked around making sure nobody was watching. What surprised me is that there were a ton of people getting in and out of cars, but no one was paying this woman any attention as she was dressed like any other park goer and was parked close enough to the other car to attend to her business without being seen.
I wound down my window to get a better look and this is when the woman turned and saw me staring right at her, so she then proceeded to do a bunch of exaggerated stretching like she was going for a run while I was staring at her. This part was comical as this woman although dressed like the average park going runner, looked like she had never exercised a day in her life and the haggard look of her face screamed drug abuse and I could clearly see the slim jim in her hand the entire time she was pantomiming being a jogger getting ready for her run.
I was on the way to drop off my 3 year old daughter or I would have jumped out of my car and at least gotten some pictures, but I dialed 911 and informed them what I was witnessing and then went and dropped off my kid about 5 minutes away.
On the way back to Arbor Heights, the parking lots of Lincoln park had at least two cop cars in each lot, way to go WS Police for the quick reaction, so I parked and spoke to one of the officers and pointed out that although the woman was not currently in sight her car was still in the lot. When I left they were leaving an officer stationed down the road to wait for the woman to return to her car.
Did they find her? We don’t know but will be looking for an incident number so we can try to find out.
My tenant (in Upper Alki) was having a moving sale and her purse with her house and car keys, money, and credit cards was stolen from an off-limits bathroom whose door was closed and it was in the middle of the house, not in a back corner. The police were called and we changed all the locks.
P.S. Both the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council and Block Watch Captains Network are on meeting hiatus for the next two months but there’s another opportunity to talk about neighborhood crime/safety – the focus groups that researcher Jennifer Burbridge is hosting – check this recent WSB story for the list.
Lots of countdowns now that the biggest month of West Seattle summer fun has arrived, with big events including this one:
3 weeks from today, it’s day 1 of the two-day Alki Art Fair (with this year’s sponsors including WSB). AAF spokesperson Diane Venti says the lineup so far includes almost 90 artists, 30 musicians, and eight food vendors. And YOU can be part of it all if you can spare a little time to volunteer … e-mail volunteers@alkiartfair.org – thanks, and we’ll see you at the beach!
The Seattle Aquarium beach naturalists are out again this weekend, with the return of low-low tides; we took this photo overlooking Constellation Park, where tomorrow, there’s a special addition, mentioned on the program’s home page: Sign-language interpretation will be available 10 am-1 pm on the beach here, south of Alki Point. (Tomorrow’s tide bottoms out at 10:38 am, -2.7 feet.)
Staycationing this holiday weekend? Enjoy what’s happening right here on the peninsula! Highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
COLMAN POOL: Noon-7 pm, you can swim at West Seattle’s only city-run outdoor pool – here’s the schedule. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM: Noon-4 pm, learn about West Seattle and vicinity at our only local museum, run by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society. (61st SW/SW Stevens)
TOUR THE LIGHTHOUSE: The Alki Point Lighthouse is open for free tours courtesy of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, 1-4 pm, arrive no later than 3:40 pm. (Alki SW/Beach Drive SW)
WINE RELEASE, DAY 2: Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) is celebrating the release of these three new wines – a 2015 Viognier, a 2015 Rosé, and the new 2012 Red Wine Blend:
The Viscon Cellars tasting room is open 2-7 pm today. (5910 California SW)
SKATING POLLY @ EASY STREET: 7 pm at Easy Street Records, live, free, all-ages in-store show by Oklahoma sister duo Skating Polly. (California SW/SW Alaska)
DIFFERENT DRUMMER AT KENYON HALL: 7:30 pm at Kenyon Hall, come see and hear the “multi-genre chamber ensemble” Different Drummer. (7904 35th SW)
3 ACTS AT THE SKYLARK: 9 pm, live music at The Skylark – details in our listing. $7 cover, 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
4 ACTS AT PARLIAMENT TAVERN: 9 pm, live music at Parliament Tavern – details in our listing. No cover, 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
If you’re still planning your 4th of July … remember the special WSB one-page guide!
Thanks to the texter who sent that photo from Lowman Beach, where what they describe as “upsetting” damage has just been done to its longstanding driftwood stack, upon which many a sunset viewer has sat, many a child has climbed. The Seattle Fire 911 log shows a one-engine “illegal burn” callout around quarter to 6 this morning (and just as we were about to publish this, an investigation callback minutes ago). For obvious reasons – all underscored by this photo – fires are only allowed in approved fire pits on Seattle beaches, and in West Seattle, Alki Beach is the only place you’ll find those (some still flout the rules, and “illegal burn” calls on the 911 log are not uncommon).
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