With telecommuting encouraged as an alternative during the upcoming Viaduct closure, WiFi-equipped coffee shops are likely to be busier than ever. Sure, you could stay home and work from there. But those aren’t your only alternatives. West Seattle Office Junction (6040 California SW; WSB sponsor) is the only coworking center in WS – shared office space. We checked with WSOJ co-proprietor Christine Deppe to see if their doors will be open for people who will have to get back to the office eventually. While WSOJ doesn’t have single-day rates, she says, they do have “free trial days and we pro-rate monthly memberships and offer our 5, 10 and 15 days per month month-to-month, which gives a lot of flexibility, even for short use. If an individual needs an office for 1 week it’s $125 and for 2 weeks $250.” Our inquiry has inspired a “WSB Viaduct-Closure Special,” she adds: “We will waive the one-time registration fee of $100 from now to May 10th, making it easier for short term use during the closure.” Find out more here. P.S. They’ve recently added a few new desks for added capacity. Questions? Contact info is here.
West Seattle, Washington
15 Friday