(Four WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
7:05 AM: One incident of note as we start this morning’s traffic watch – a stalled vehicle partly blocking one lane on northbound I-5 near Seneca St. No outbound incidents otherwise, so far.
On the transit front, we have had two Metro trip cancellations announced via alerts/tweets so far – this one just in:
Transit Alert – Rt 55 to downtown Seattle due to leave California Av SW & SW Atlantic St at 7:43 AM has been canceled.
— King County Metro (@kcmetrobus) October 23, 2015
And also the Route 56 cancellation for 6:29 am, announced with just a few minutes of lead time. Last night, we published our story about Metro’s driver shortage, which it hopes will be alleviated soon.
7:09 AM: Quick resolution to the I-5 stall – the vehicle has moved on.
WEEKEND ROAD-WORK ALERTS: Two you should know about – first, the Fauntleroy end of the bridge will have one lane closed each way starting sometime tonight, for repairs, as announced here. Second, the 5-way intersection just west of the low bridge will be getting safety improvements this weekend and next, as announced here.
7:14 AM: If you’re heading toward the 1st Avenue S. Bridge – WSDOT reports a crash in the left lane of NB Highway 509 just north of Cloverdale.
ANOTHER WEEKEND ALERT – HARVEST FESTIVAL ON SUNDAY: By now, after four months, you’re used to the West Seattle Farmers’ Market closing California SW between Oregon and Alaska from 10 am-2 pm on Sundays. But this Sunday is different: The Junction street closures will be expanded for the annual Harvest Festival (as they have been for the past three years, resembling the Summer Fest footprint, including Alaska between 42nd and 44th and California south of Alaska), with “harvest activities” (including other businesses and nonprofits) 10 am-2 pm, the chili competition on the southwest corner of California/Alaska at 11 am, the costume parade from Junction Plaza Park (SW corner of 42nd SW & SW Alaska) at 11:30 am, and business trick-or-treating at noon. See you there!