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SDOT has just sent word that crews will be working at the five-way intersection under the bridge the next two weekends:
This weekend SDOT is preparing to implement a series of safety improvements at a West Seattle intersection.
The intersection is located below the West Seattle Bridge, where W Marginal Way SW, Chelan Ave SW, SW Spokane St and Delridge Way SW intersect. It is also where the Alki Trail connects with the West Seattle Bridge Trail. The intersection provides freight operators main access to the industrial district in West Seattle and the West Seattle Bridge.
Safety improvements include the restriping of crosswalks; the placement of green pavement markings indicating where people biking and driving cross paths; and the installation of a rapid flashing beacon at the south side of the intersection to increase the visibility of people accessing the trails. Crews have already begun work in the median island between Delridge Way SW and SW Spokane St to add a paved path for people waiting to walk or bike across Delridge Way SW. These safety improvements bring us closer to reaching our Vision Zero goal of zero traffic deaths and serious injuries, and once they are implemented it will be easier for everyone to travel through this area.
Construction activities are being divided over two weekends to help minimize traffic delays at this busy intersection. Weekend work activities are weather dependent and scheduled to conclude by Nov. 1. Traffic control will be in place both weekends and conducted in cooperation with the Seattle Police Department. Construction impacts include noise, dust, and minor delays due to lane restrictions while crews complete their work tasks. Questions about the project can be directed to 206-684-8105.
Improving this intersection has long been a goal for local transportation advocates; it also was discussed at the West Seattle Bridge-Duwamish Waterway Corridor “action report” meeting back on Monday night – here’s our report.