TEACHER CUTS: Final word going out to schools; district summons reporters, but still has no list; memo confirms ‘district office budget’ up 16%

12:25 PM: Six days after word of teacher cuts and moves started getting around, Seattle Public Schools is announcing (updated) working on its final decisions. We’re on our way to a 12:30 pm media briefing at district headquarters (announced on short notice), and we’ve just heard from a member of the STEM K-8 community that principal Ben Ostrom has sent an announcement. Excerpt:

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) October staffing adjustment has been finalized and unfortunately affects STEM K-8. District enrollment shortfalls necessitated the displacement of STEM’s K-8 class size reduction position. This position was assigned to reduce class sizes in our 3rd and 4th grades. Lower than projected district-wide enrollment, combined with higher than anticipated operating costs, resulted in SPS being unable to support positions below contracted class size ratios. Displaced staff are reassigned to support schools with enrollment above projections.

We’ll update live from the news conference when it begins. If you’ve heard anything from other schools – editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks.

12:33 PM: We’re awaiting the briefing. But the district reps who are here – including associate superintendent Flip Herndon and communications officer Jacque Coe – say they don’t have a list.

12:37 PM: If you have Periscope, we’re live there with this. Coe says they’re “moving less than 1 percent of teachers,” and that these are “not cuts,” no teachers are losing their jobs. Teachers will be “moved to positions of highest needs” – if one school has less enrollment, they’re being moved to one where “children have a need for a teacher because of class sizes … it’s a balancing act … it occurs in every district around the state.” She says this was “earlier notification” than in years past. She said there was a “significant number of students projected to show up … that didn’t … that we believe went to surrounding districts.” She says they can’t just add a teacher to a school – “it would be just as disruptive as pulling a teacher.” She says that they don’t want to slow down the process, because “waiting (longer) will be just as disruptive.”

“This is what inadequate state funding looks like at the local level,” Coe declared. “Because of (that), districts are constantly adjusting budgets. District have to live by their budgets, by law. Dipping into district reserves is not fiscally responsible.” She says almost every elementary school has “an extra teacher” at their building, “but that’s not enough.” Friday, she says, is when they “should know all the staff who are being moved … but it’s still a very fluid process.” The deadline for changes to be in place is October 26th.

12:47 PM: Herndon and Coe are answering questions based on regional reporters asking about Seattle policies compared to other districts. They basically contend this is something all districts are going through. We asked about Schmitz Park’s teacher loss (as discussed last week) leading to ratios of 28 or 29 students to one teacher in first-grade classrooms and Herndon said it was just a matter of how the state funding shook out. “When we’re talking about the overall class ratio .. there’s going to be some variation from school to school.”

12:54 PM: Coe says again, it’s not accurate to say “cuts,” no one is losing their job. Asked about reports of district unresponsiveness to parents’ concerns, she says one specific contact went awry. Asked “is there a better way to project?” Coe says that “we had a major event prior to the start of school” – apparently referring to the teacher strike – that could have had a significant effect. Last year, more than 300 students opted out to other districts, Herndon said, this year, more than 1,000. But, he says, they don’t know why those parents opted out. Coe says that “private funding” (like the Alki Elementary fundraiser, though it wasn’t mentioned by name) “lets the legislature off the hook” and they would “encourage parents to talk to their state legislators.” Asked about the letter that legislators sent to the district asking them to hold off on these changes, Coe says, “When last I checked, the Supreme Court was waiting” (for legislators to fully fund education). She reiterates that it’s not responsible to “dip into reserves.”

1:01 PM: Asked again why they don’t have a list of schools that are losing and gaining teachers, Herndon said, “Because we’re still working through the process.” He also said they’re trying to work toward “the least disruption.” Asked how these moves save money, Herndon says, because if they’re moving a teacher from one position to another, they wind up with one position instead of two. The number that’s been circulating, 25, they say, is accurate so far as they know. Coe says she’s hopeful we’re going to have a list “soon.”

1:07 PM: The briefing just ended. We recorded it on conventional video as well and will add that when it’s uploaded. You can watch the playback (really only worth listening, our visual angle was a bit janky) on our Periscope channel.

1:28 PM: The school district’s increase in central administration (“district office”) budget – 16.4% – has come up often. West Seattle/South Park school board rep Marty McLaren sent us this memo she had received from the administration spelling out where the increases were made, and it confirms the budget went up by that number:

Staffing increases in district

42 Replies to "TEACHER CUTS: Final word going out to schools; district summons reporters, but still has no list; memo confirms 'district office budget' up 16%"

  • Incensed October 14, 2015 (12:50 pm)

    Looks like SPS came up with a party line over the last 24 hours and is now chanting in unison. Don’t blame us for misforecasting or for our lousy staffing formulas. Blame the state! (aka SQUIRREL!).

    #talktothehand #kidsnotcuts

    Sorry, SPS. WE PARENTS BLAME YOU CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION. You have budget choices you can make and you choose to do a teacher shuffle on the backs of our students instead of modeling good governance and cutting back on central office expenditures.

    We know the state needs to step up but we are not fooled by your management-first actions. We are enraged.

  • LarryB October 14, 2015 (12:51 pm)

    I can’t help but wonder if this is rationalizing a well-considered middle finger to the teacher’s union and their position on class sizes.

  • Incensed October 14, 2015 (12:51 pm)

    Where is downtown’s admission that they have mis-forecast? Where is the acknowledgement that with other districts as well as private schools closing enrollment long before ours, the strike is NOT to blame for the mis-forecast. Trying to blame management actions on our teachers is not going to cut it.

  • Wendy W October 14, 2015 (12:55 pm)

    Please note, STEM is an option school with very tightly regulated enrollment. The district ran up our numbers and they told us we could hire an additional teacher… and now they’ve pulled the rug out. The whole thing is just ludicrous and so very sad.

  • StringCheese October 14, 2015 (1:03 pm)

    @Incensed is right on. Media outlets have been calling around to all of these “other districts” that are supposedly doing the same thing. Although many districts are dealing with numbers that are off from forecast, NO ONE HAS BEEN ABLE TO FIND A SINGLE OTHER DISTRICT IN THE STATE DOING THIS TO THEIR FAMILIES.
    Add to this that our illustrious School Board feels the need to shield SPS rather than represent the families and taxpayers to whom they are supposed to answer.
    The elections can’t come soon enough. Wanna make a difference? Vote in the change-makers. The Stranger has a great (and spot-on) list of recommendations in their voting guide:

  • Steve October 14, 2015 (1:10 pm)

    And, where is the analysis of Central Administration staffing that should be cut FIRST, before classroom teachers or student support staff? “First, do no harm” should be their motto.

    Tone deaf…

  • Pam October 14, 2015 (1:19 pm)

    I just came from a Schmitz Park first grade field trip. 29 kids in one class is a lot of kids. I couldn’t help but wonder what cuts have been made to district administration positions due to their projection and budget issues. West Seattle Blog, could you ask that? I would love to hear an answer!

    • WSB October 14, 2015 (1:23 pm)

      Hi – sorry the briefing is over and we’re headed back. But the contention is that these are not cuts … and yet they are cuts .. and yet they’re not cuts … and that the legislature needs to do its job … I do have a memo forwarded by Marty McLaren that has to do with the administration increase and I’m adding it to this story soon as I can upload it. – TR

  • Pam October 14, 2015 (1:21 pm)

    I just came from a Schmitz Park first grade field trip. There are 29 kids in my son’s class. That is a lot of kids. I couldn’t help but wonder what cuts have been made to district administration positions due to their projection and budget issues. West Seattle Blog, could you ask that? I would love to hear an answer!

  • Susan October 14, 2015 (1:25 pm)

    Sorry, Julie Pietsch, 1st grade teacher at Schmitz Park, was CUT. She no longer has a job and has gone back into the substitute pool. It isn’t classified as a cut because her position was considered a “substitute to hire” position.

    SPS speaks a bunch of Orwellian newspeak to obfuscate the facts. We need transparency, now!

  • AlkiMom October 14, 2015 (1:55 pm)

    That was really rough to watch. They basically couldn’t answer any of the questions. Not sure what the purpose of the press conference was… other than to get parents and teachers more and more pissed.

    Blame it on the strike? Blame it on the legislature? Blame, blame blame. For once… can they just admit that they eff’d up? That those “25 or something” schools that are being effected are thousands of kids being moved and squished around. None of it makes any sense at all.

    At Alki we are 9 kids under what we had last year. We were awarded a fourth kinder teacher last fall to reduce classroom sizes. This year that same class (now 1st graders) are being forced BACK INTO 3 CLASSROOMS. 9 KIDS PEOPLE! 9 KIDS! They built a wall over the summer that cost THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS so that we could have 4 first grade classrooms. AND NOW BECAUSE WE ARE BELOW 9 KIDS… We have to stuff 27 kids into 3 classrooms…

    MEANWHILE the new classroom that the school district paid for to be created… WILL SIT EMPTY.

    Thank you for posting the live-feed video WSB, that was the fire I needed to keep fighting these incompetent board members. They need to be held responsible! Is there anyway for everyone to re-watch?

    p.s. For a “communications officer” Jacque Coe is incredibly horrible at speaking publicly.

    • WSB October 14, 2015 (2:05 pm)

      AM – we got the advisory at noon, for a 12:30 news conference, which was less than optimal, to say the least, even for the corporate-news-media crews. The sole explanation on the notice was “Brief reporters regarding current staffing adjustments.” We dropped everything (I’m still trying to finish the massive story on last night’s council forum before the NEXT forum tonight comes around!) and ran from Upper Fauntleroy to SODO thinking there would be some specifics. But, as you heard, and as we have noted, no. // Re: the feed, Periscope is SUPPOSED to be available for the following day on replay, but I don’t know how much turnaround time it needs, it still says “replay unavailable,” which is something out of my control. We got the first 12 minutes or so on Patrick’s camera and are uploading that but it’ll take a while.

  • Pam October 14, 2015 (2:03 pm)

    Regardless of where the teachers are going these classrooms were cut. Maybe we need to start focusing on classroom cuts instead of teacher cuts. I am glad these teachers will keep a job although I bet that’s not all as rosy as they make it sound. But these classrooms all around the district are being cut and these kids are being put into ridiculously overcrowded classrooms. Were there any administrative cuts to help offset the CLASSROOM CUTS? Was there an increase to administration this year? How much? I don’t know where to find this information, but I would love to know.

  • StringCheese October 14, 2015 (2:07 pm)

    Tracy, could you also ask about the following quote?
    “SPS says these reductions happen across the state, but KING 5 has reached out to every district in King County. While the other districts say their projections can be off at times, none of them have had to reduce staff like Seattle.”
    Quote taken from: http://www.king5.com/story/news/local/seattle/2015/10/13/lowell-elementary-parents-ptsa-staff-teacher-reductions/73892398/

    • WSB October 14, 2015 (2:27 pm)

      SC – Elisa Hahn from KING asked that during the “briefing” herself, as did at least one other TV reporter who apparently did the same canvassing (didn’t recognize her, I’m not so familiar any more with who’s working where)- although one mentioned finding maybe one district who cut one teacher. I hope this will be in whatever reports they do today. I’ve been meaning to ask Highline if they have a count of transfers from Seattle but otherwise don’t have the bandwidth to even think of something like that.

  • AlkiMom October 14, 2015 (2:11 pm)

    You guys are the best!!! Thank you for all you do for our community and the greater Seattle area (I know a lot of people from other schools outside WS were forwarding them to your site.)

  • Melissa Westbrook October 14, 2015 (2:18 pm)

    I didn’t receive notice of this at all which is troubling because, as an public ed blogger having been on the district’s press list for year, I wonder why not.

    A few thoughts:

    – the district and Board are truly being tone deaf to the danger they put the Feb. 2016 school levies. As a parent asked at the school board candidate forum at Eckstein,”How do you expect us to go out and tell friends/neighbors to support this when WE are so unhappy?”

    – Class sizes? Again, the district should, within a week, tell us the class sizes in every building so we can all contrast and compare.


    “When we’re talking about the overall class ratio .. there’s going to be some variation from school to school.”

    “Coe says that “private funding” (like the Alki Elementary fundraiser, though it wasn’t mentioned by name) “lets the legislature off the hook” and they would “encourage parents to talk to their state legislators.”

    I know that Jackie Coe is new but the DISTRICT is also being left off the hook for basic education funding via massive PTA spending on staffing.

    Parents, stand your ground. And, if it’s not YOUR school, remember, the district is an equal-opportunity offender and next time, it may be your school and you’ll want the support.

    At the very least, heed the endorsements of The Stranger for school board. They got it right and these people, along with Sue Peters, are likely to ask hard, focused questions in the future.

    • WSB October 14, 2015 (2:23 pm)

      Melissa – one thing I noticed, I hadn’t previously known that Luke Duecy (who I believe previously worked as a journalist in this market) was on the district communications staff – he is who sent out the alert. Sometimes when institutions get new PIOs, their lists change. (Happened to me a time or two in the past year, with other agencies/departments.)

  • AnotherAlkiParent October 14, 2015 (2:21 pm)

    Not to mention that at least some of those 9 kids that left Alki left because they were re-zoned to Schmitz Park per SPS rezoning to an overcrowded school before the new school was built. Now both schools will have overcrowded classes. It’s all well and good for the district to point the finger at the legislature, and they do deserve a huge share of the blame. But SPS needs to admit that their incompetence also is to blame. I’ve lived all over the country and have never experienced anything like this. According to the news media, nowhere else in King County is experiencing anything like this either.

    My Alki first grader just asked me yesterday “will this happen every year?” Good question kid. So far, the answer is yes. Because as far as I can see, there is no change on the horizon. Great lesson for our kids to learn, right? SPS, your grade is F!

  • Alex October 14, 2015 (2:31 pm)

    Few thoughts…

    1) If your kid goes to one of these schools, then these are teacher cuts. No two ways about it.
    2) I was a teacher in New Orleans and Los Angeles, and those are some crappy districts, and we never lost teachers at my schools after the school year started.
    3) When SPS says this happens at districts around WA, they need to show data of where else this happens on this scale, or the MSM needs to do some research. It just doesn’t ring true to me.
    4) The district’s budget increase of 16.4% LOOKS VERY BAD at the moment.
    5) Come to the meeting at Fairmont Park tonight if you are sick & tired of this.
    5) Yes, talk to your legislators, but we cannot cut our way out of this by cutting human services, which is the only other major line item in the state budget. If you want better school funding, then Washington needs a state income tax.

  • Mike October 14, 2015 (3:23 pm)

    Public dollars, they need to disclose where they are going. They can’t, my assumption is fraud. Time to have an audit. Maybe a few of these overpaid jokers will go to jail.

  • su October 14, 2015 (3:26 pm)

    Alki Mom, wasn’t your 1.0 teacher position saved by private funding?

  • ReverseIncensed October 14, 2015 (3:52 pm)

    God, I would love to see some of you self-righteous people go and run for school board. Get elected on your promises and then get crushed under the shear weight of the realities of having to make tough decisions and trying to control things outside of your control. Then watch as those very people that elected turn on you and claim that you are only out for money, are possibly stealing, and care nothing for the well-being of their children. Do you all really feel like the people in SPS are incompetent and unqualified? Do you really feel like they got in it just for the money? Why don’t you all take a step back and look in the mirror and see if you have looked it this objectively, without thought to your own personal circumstance? If not, then just grab your pitchforks and vote out everyone. See how much better the new group does before you turn on them in hopes the next group will hold the golden ticket, all the while convincing yourselves that you would have done better.

  • AlkiMom October 14, 2015 (3:59 pm)

    SU, Thank you for asking that question, because she hasn’t been “saved”. The district gave us the number of $90k a week ago to be able to write a grant to keep our teacher. They then can either accept or decline. We are all still in this with the other schools. And all want the same thing.

    Brian Jones generous donation was to draw attention to our cause. We’ve still been rally’ing, meeting with other schools, and continuing to fight this disruption in all our kids lives… and would do so with or without his donation.

    The fact of the matter is, even if we save her this year… this could happen again next year. This first grade class at Alki (and it seems other schools) is unusually big. This is a problem we are going to be facing for as long as they are in the Seattle Public School District.

  • StringCheese October 14, 2015 (4:24 pm)

    @ReversedIncensed, a lot of tough decisions could be accepted IF there was transparency. SPS has repeatedly been unable or unwilling to answer even the most fundamental questions about EVERYTHING. They say that a 2-Tier bussing system would break the bank but refuse to show the actual numbers and where they came from. They talk about staffing reductions but suddenly disappear when people ask to see the numbers that they are using in their decisions.
    Parents are tired of being treated like they are too stupid to ever understand the complexities of district decisions. Sorry, but “trust me” doesn’t cut it when you fail to provide the yearly reports required by policy for 12 years in a row. Answer the questions or be prepared to be questioned regarding motives. When a Board member attempts to ask the hard questions, the rest of the Board tries to silence them.
    Then you go and try to shove blame onto the teachers’ strike for losing students when families leaving for other districts would have had to make that decision MONTHS before the CBA problems. Then they deflect questions about the bloat at JSCEE by yelling “McCleary!” They attempt to make it seem like excessive teacher shuffling is the status quo across the state when it isn’t. Back up the statements with proof or stop spreading the misinformation.
    The schools are the LAST place that cuts should be made in order to balance a budget shortfall. Time and time again the students, the schools, and the families bear the brunt of the squeezing of pennies while new, expensive consultants are hired and new, unnecessary executive positions are created.
    If the district was transparent and actually put what is best for the students FIRST then none of this would be happening. So, yeah, we do hold our elected officials accountable for breaking their campaign promises without clear, transparent cause. No, I, for one, will not accept “trust me” as an answer.

  • Yumpears October 14, 2015 (4:37 pm)

    Yes! What Stringcheese said. I couldn’t have said it better.

  • dcn October 14, 2015 (4:48 pm)

    This situation is ridiculous. I work in another school district, and we don’t move teachers in October, even if some classes are under-enrolled.
    And while the teachers may not lose their jobs, being shifted to another school, another grade, and another class negates all the work (often weeks to months worth) the teachers have done to prepare for their classes for the year. Routines are gone; expertise in the curriculum for particular grades is gone; knowledge of how the school operates is gone (if they switch schools); and the tentative, fragile relationships between the teachers and their students are gone.
    This is horrible for the students as well as the teachers. The teachers will not be as effective if they are shifted after a month of school. Students need stability. My son can get upset even when there is a substitute for a day or two, because the routine and management style are different.
    Yes, kids and teachers will adjust. But schools are not corporations, and to create all this chaos to meet a budget is irresponsible from the standpoint of what the district’s mission is: to educate our children. It would be better if they took a financial hit this year and then made cuts for next year to recoup lost funds, rather than undertake this massive shifting of staffing every year.

  • Highline Teacher October 14, 2015 (5:03 pm)

    Highline does the same thing every year. My job assignment changed 10 years ago after the year started.
    Sometimes kids are “balanced” to other schools with lower numbers and sometimes teachers get reassigned to other buildings. It happens every October. It’s all about the budget and dollars per student.

  • WS Mom October 14, 2015 (8:20 pm)

    I don’t see where Coe gets her >55 FTE headcount


  • Curate October 14, 2015 (9:56 pm)

    I was dismayed and frustrated by the district during the teacher strikes. Now I’m actually afraid. This is becoming Orwellian. Are there no “checks” on this dictatorship-by-board and anonymous white-collar management? The double-speak, the opacity, the inaccessibility — is this LEGAL? Does the public have any way to affect change besides election of the school board and “rallies?” I wish someone with some real civic legal savvy could speak to what options we “peasants” have.

  • Seatownresident October 15, 2015 (7:01 am)

    I am tired of theSPS snickering attitude towards us, our kids and our teachers!
    The tone this women uses sounds like she is talking to an idiot and she acts like only she can understand what she is saying.
    Do we really need a huge SPS presence? That organization should have like 100 people max…I am not sure but I guess there are at least a 1000…
    Seeing this woman and remembering the cocky-surly way another man was talking to the press during the strike really leaves a BAD taste in my mouth…
    Can we get rid of them, then hire more teacher? Why do we need these people anyway? How do they contribute to our kids education? They overinflated the amount of students this year by a huge number, they failed to settle teacher negotiations before the school year now they are blaming others for their failures…. TIME TO REDUCE SPS and put their salaries towards teachers…

  • Seatownresident October 15, 2015 (7:07 am)

    To reverse incensed,
    Wah wah…
    No we don’t want to have your job…
    We don’t want your job to exist at all…
    People in private business make these decision ALL DAY…
    We support our teachers and not you.

  • kj October 15, 2015 (8:11 am)

    Just a thought. As a retired teacher, I am thinking back to the first month of school when I might have 40 8th graders in my class, not enough places for all of them to sit, because adjustments needed to be made.
    Often people move into or out of the district over the summer and don’t bother to check in with SPS until after school starts (or maybe just leave and say nothing). Not all parents are as on top of things for their children.
    What is your solution to this problem?

  • Alice October 15, 2015 (10:57 am)

    Speak it, stringcheese. Right behind you on transparency. And behind dcn on impact! Love the way the community is articulating around these important issues. We will not back down!!!

  • StringCheese October 15, 2015 (12:00 pm)

    In response to the letter from Ken Gotsch:
    Don’t you dare try to make us believe that admin is “lean.” You wanna see lean? Walk into any school — places where they are routinely out of paper, pencils, pens… Where the PTAs are expected to pick up the tab for all of these “extras” along with absurd luxuries like balls, books, assessment tools for teachers.
    Again, how dare the district take A SINGLE PENNY or staff person from students until cuts are made at JSCEE. How many of your staff members routinely spend hundreds or thousands of dollars out of their own pocket just so that they can have the tools to do their jobs (the way teachers do)? When was the last time an Asst. Superintendent went without pens or paper? How many offices in JSCEE contain 30 desks to a single room and only 3 computers to share between them?
    Oh, there is money to be found at the JSCEE because every mistake that happens in that building is paid for by the students, teachers, and families — not central admin.
    @kj, no one is suggesting that overcrowded classrooms should not get the staff that they need. Quite the contrary. More staff is needed everywhere and the money can be found in the rainy day fund and from the bloat at JSCEE.
    Don’t get me wrong, there are many wonderful, dedicated, and hardworking people that work in the central office. However, their system of Asst. Supers and Asst to the Asst Supers, the Executive Directors and the new “Executive Executive Director” need to be slashed and the money spent on schools. I also want to see reimbursement from the city for all of the man-hours the district has given them on the NOT SPS RESPONSIBLE pre-k program. It is being implemented on the shoulders of SPS when SPS’s mandate is K-12. Period. How much did SPS spend to send execs on a junket to the NE to visit pre-k programs?
    Again, schools are the LAST PLACE to look for dollars. Until admin takes a good long look at themselves, I don’t see family support for the district going anywhere but down.

  • Ms. Sparkles October 15, 2015 (12:28 pm)

    If I’m reading Ken Gotsch’s memo to Marty McLaren correctly, SPS has hired:
    4 more payroll clerks
    3 recruiters
    1 PR person (it’s obvious that Jacque Coe needs help….or to be replaced)
    6 people whose position description is so vague I can’t even venture a guess what they do (strategic initiative “light version” ?!?)
    And 2.6 positions that are so vague, or unimportant that they’re just listed as “other”
    But if enrollment is down, then why does SPS need these positions? What do the strategic initiative “light version” people do? Sounds like a path to losing another 1.3 million in “misspent” funds (remember Silar Potter Jr. & his job overseeing the districts “small-works” program?)

    • WSB October 15, 2015 (12:29 pm)

      This is not a comment on whether these positions are justified or not but for accuracy’s sake: District enrollment isn’t down. 400 students more than last year. They were expecting 1,000 more. So it’s lower than what was projected, not lower than what it’s been.

  • Ms. Sparkles October 15, 2015 (12:40 pm)

    Thanks for the clarification- so the question is were these positions added based on a 1000 more students or 400?
    Did SPS also “adjust” adminstation staff in response to their miscalculation?

  • Ferry Walker October 15, 2015 (1:59 pm)

    The issue here is that people that had nice classrooms of 20 now have classrooms of 30 like the rest of the district. We should be working to change the policy so that NO CLASSROOM IN SPS HAS MORE THAN 20 STUDENTS. I am not sure how to make this happen. Any ideas?

  • WestSeattleNewbie October 15, 2015 (2:31 pm)

    Maybe it is time for the City of Seattle to assume the responsibility of running the public schools within the city and dissolving the school district as a separate entity. Savings incurred by eliminating duplicate departments, such as property maintainence, HR, procurement and accounting (though the city departments would need to increase some in order to handle the extra workload) would be put back into the schools themselves. Eliminating the school board would strip another layer of bureaucracy, as well as making the director answerable to the Mayor. Budgeting done on a city wide basis would allow for a better availability of funds if needed on an emergency basis.

  • No to City Control October 16, 2015 (1:40 pm)

    WestSeattleNewbie — that is a bad road, I think — and I also think there are many in the corporate, ed reform crowd who dearly hope to push us down it — because it is WAY easier to influence the mayor and the City Council (who have lots of other fires to put out — transit, neighborhood density, policing, etc.). Right now, if we don’t like the district, we can elect a new board — whose sole responsibility is to govern the schools. If you hate the way the schools are run (but you, or others, generally like the way the city is run) — you are SOL.

  • BeaconHillTeacher October 16, 2015 (11:24 pm)

    A small note regarding district demographers: for each year of a three year span the district projected our small school (not Beacon, but another in the area) was going to balloon from around 320 to 450 students and wanted to add multiple portables each year. Each year we fluctuated +/- ~10 kids. This current situation is another example of their demographers’ incompetence.

Sorry, comment time is over.