West Seattle, Washington
08 Saturday
(Photo by Jason Enevoldsen)
By Alice Enevoldsen
Special to West Seattle Blog
Think about a recent time you were excluded from something:
Your friends spent the evening out without you; you didn’t have time to watch that movie everyone said was so good; or, you weren’t invited to an important meeting, even though your coworker at the same level was. You know that feeling? It isn’t fun, but as adults we’re able to deal with it appropriately most of the time. Celebrating Halloween with food allergies means being left out over and over again, which is particularly difficult for children.
Enter the Teal Pumpkin Project! It’s simple:
1. (optional) Sign up at http://www.foodallergy.org/teal-pumpkin-project.
2. Display a teal pumpkin at your door, or a picture of one, to show that you’re participating.
3. Give trick-or-treaters a non-food treat, either instead of candy or in addition to candy.
The Teal Pumpkin Project is not an attempt to eliminate candy from Halloween. The Teal Pumpkin Project was started to promote the inclusion and safety of, and respect for, people with food allergies. As a happy circumstance, this also promotes the inclusion and safety of, and respect for, people who also cannot have candy for reasons besides food allergies.
I don’t have food allergies, why would I participate?
Empathy and inclusion.
Halloween today is one of many social occasions with an emphasis on food. For someone like me, with food allergies, these occasions mean being excluded or partly excluded. That’s not fun. It’s not fun that it is absolutely necessary that I use my willpower to resist eating a delicious-looking cookie that might have nuts, or a caramel candy bar (my favorite) because the brand has mixed peanuts into the caramel. I’m an adult though: I have both the willpower to resist the candy bar and the emotional resiliency to cope with the exclusion. Children are still learning these things.
There are already 18 households signed up on the West Seattle peninsula, including White Center. You can find a map of some of them on the Teal Pumpkin Project website.
I know there are more planning to participate as well.
Do kids really like non-food treats?
Yes. Not every kid likes every treat, and that’s true for candy too, but non-food treats can be even more fun, and are less likely to be subject to the “parent tax” (you know the one: the portion of kids’ candy eaten by the parents after bedtime?). I’m sure you can get even more creative, but stickers and glowsticks are usually a hit. I’ll be making slime. Are you down to the wire on time? A dollar store is going to have a variety of things that might work for you.
If I’m handing out candy and non-food treats, how do I determine which treat to give to each trick-or-treater?
I advocate giving out both to each kid, but the Food Allergy Research and Education organization recommends that “you can either ask trick-or-treaters if they have any food allergies, or give every visitor a choice of which treat they’d like: candy or a non-food item.” Keep your candy and non-food treats in separate bowls.
I/My Child Has Food Allergies
Please stay safe on Halloween. Bring your epinephrine and allergy medications while you trick-or-treat and to Halloween parties. Wait until you get home to eat any treats. Check every label and ingredients – “fun-size” candies can have different ingredients than full-size. If you can’t find the ingredients, swap it for something safe. Bring extra safe treats along with you to parties.
Have a Happy Halloween!
FARE: Food Allergy Research and Education
FAACT: Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Connection Team
WA-FEAST: Washington Food Allergy, Eczema, and Asthma Support Team—this is our local active support group.
Sea-FAC: Seattle Food Allergy Consortium—local research being done into causes and cures for food allergies.
EDITOR’S NOTE: We’re adding the Teal Pumpkin Project map to the WSB West Seattle Halloween Guide, so you can find it again easily.
5:22 PM: If you recognize any of the men in those surveillance-video images, the King County Sheriff’s Office wants to hear from you. They say these are the suspects in the Sunday night bus-stop stabbing at 15th and Roxbury, an attack that left a West Seattle restaurant worker paralyzed. KCSO spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West‘s update has new details:
The stabbing occurred around 6:30 pm near the Bartell Drugs store at 15th Ave SW and SW Roxbury. When police first contacted the victim after he had been stabbed, he thought he had been on a bus with the suspects. During recovery in the hospital, he told detectives that the suspects had not been on the bus. The victim told police he had gotten off the bus and gone to a smoke shop near the Bartell Drugs store. He went back to the bus stop near Bartell’s and was smoking when the suspects bumped into him. He said words were exchanged and an altercation ended with him being stabbed multiple times.
When the first deputy on the scene arrived he found the victim, barely conscious, with a blade stuck in his back near his spine. The victim told the deputy that he could not feel his legs. The three suspects fled on foot southbound and can be seen in the video running away. The victim is still in intensive care at Harborview and is paralyzed as a result of the stabbing.
Detectives are asking for the public’s help identifying the suspects on this video. They are described as three Hispanic males, late teens or early 20s, and had blue bandanas. If you have any information related to this case, please call the King County Sheriff’s Office at 206-296-3311.
As reported here last night, the victim has been identified as Ramon Aspeitia, who works at Shadowland and Ma’Ono in The Junction; his employers and friends put together a crowdfunding drive to help him and his family as he recovers.
P.S. KCSO is working on making the full video clip available – we will add it here if and when that happens.
ADDED 6:12 PM: Two short clips have just been made available, and we’ve uploaded them. In the first one, Sgt. West explains, you’re seeing “when they first flee”:
In the second, Sgt. West says, they start to go back toward the scene, “then run back”:
4:23 PM: As noted in our Monday coverage, today was the day by which the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office had to file charges against the suspect in Saturday’s double shooting, in order for him to remain in custody. We’ve just received word that charges are not being filed today, so the 25-year-old suspect will be released. This, according to KCPAO spokesperson Dan Donohoe, is “pending ongoing investigation. A decision regarding charges will be made at a later date.”
The shooting early Saturday at 23rd SW and SW Willow left a 24-year-old man dead and a 34-year-old man seriously wounded; the suspect was arrested at his home about half a mile away several hours later. Probable-cause documents made public in connection with the suspect’s bail hearing on Monday had said the man who died, his brother, and the suspect were embroiled in a years-long dispute over a $200 debt and had met at the scene early Saturday for what was maybe going to be some kind of fight – and then came the deadly gunfire.
LATE-NIGHT UPDATE: The King County Jail Register confirms that the release happened around 9:20 pm.
3:28 PM: West Seattle’s first charter school is still moving toward opening in Arbor Heights next fall, despite the state Supreme Court ruling saying public funding for charter schools is unconstitutional.
That’s according to Jen Wickens, regional director for California-based Summit Public Schools, which plans to open Summit Atlas, a charter middle/high school, at 9601 35th SW. Washington Charter School Development bought the site from Freedom Church in June for $4,750,000, initially with a large-scale remodeling/addition project that has now been changed to two phases, the first to get the building ready to host the founding 6th- and 9th-grade classes next fall. City files show its permit is still pending.
Wickens tells WSB that the Washington Charter School Commission “unanimously approved the Atlas contract” earlier this month. She says that while Summit is “deeply disappointed” with the state Supreme Court ruling, they’re moving ahead because “we remain hopeful that we will find a solution to serve the students and families of West Seattle.”
Summit opened its first two schools in Washington this fall and took interested West Seattle families on a tour of one earlier today, Summit Sierra in the International District. Wickens says the Summit Atlas principal, Greg Ponikvar, “has been meeting with families and students and we know there is deep interest from the West Seattle community.” The Charter School Commission approved Summit’s application in August, less than a month after a hearing held at the building the school intends to use. First word of the charter-school plan emerged in January, when we found out about it via a building-permit application that popped up in city files.
Meantime, 10 state legislators – none from our area – are asking the state Supreme Court to reconsider its decision. The ruling has not been finalized, which is why, as explained in this month’s report by the Charter Commission’s executive director, the schools that are open have continued to receive state funding.
ADDED 4:09 PM: And there’s word a short time ago of another filing asking the Supreme Court to reconsider – this one is a “friend of the court” brief from four former state Attorneys General – Ken Eikenberry, Slade Gorton, Christine Gregoire, and Rob McKenna. Here’s the document.
Four reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch this afternoon:
MAIL/PACKAGE THEFT: Ben reports: “Just a heads up, our mail and packages were stolen from our house between Trenton and Henderson on 34th SW (Monday night). Sucks.”
CAR BREAK-IN, AND … Also Monday night. Mary reports: “I wanted to let people know that our truck got broken into … It was in the alley between 30th and 29th near Trenton. Also, on Friday night someone left a white North Face jacket behind the truck that was broken into.”
ANOTHER CAR BREAK-IN: Sara says this too happened Monday night: “I live on the 4400 block of 49th Ave SW and my car was broken into while parked in the alleyway between Genesee and Oregon SW. They took 3 credit cards and some cash and then used the credit cards at Walgreens and Jack-In-The-Box but were declined at Fred Meyer.”
AND YET ANOTHER CAR BREAK-IN: Heather reports, “Just thought I’d share our car was prowled last weekend in front of our house in the 8800 block of 37th Avenue SW (between Trenton and Henderson). Unfortunately they made off with quite a lot because we had stuff in the trunk and a bunch of kids’ CDs in the car. It had been locked and there was no sign of forced entry (it’s an older Honda Civic…probably not too tough to open). Just thought I’d let people know to keep their eyes open.”
PREVENTING CAR PROWLS: Here’s the official SPD advice.
(WSB photo from 2015 West Seattle Car Show)
The folks at West Seattle Autoworks and Swedish Automotive (WSB sponsors) are already planning next year’s West Seattle Car Show and want you to know that the date is set. This will be the show’s second spin on the north side of South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) on Puget Ridge, where it moved this year after seven years in The Junction. The official date: August 27, 2016, not only earlier in the summer, but also on a Saturday instead of a Sunday. Fewer conflicts on many fronts, says WSAW’s Todd Ainsworth, from other shows to football to weather. So now you know!
Photographer Mark Wangerin suggested “Woodpecker Wednesday” when he shared that photo of a red-breasted sapsucker, and a few other local woodpeckers, this week. Works for us! Now, on to what’s happening. First, from the WSB West Seattle Halloween Guide, where you’ll now find three dozen events from today through Sunday:
DIA DE LOS MUERTOS PRINTMAKING: Drop-in event at South Park Library, 1-2:30 pm. Details here. (8604 8th Ave. S.)
MONSTER BASH COSTUME AND KARAOKE CONTEST: Tonight at Tug Inn, hosted by Christopher Mychael, cash prizes, 9:30 pm-close. (2216 SW Orchard)
And now, from the year-round WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
WORK ALONE? DON’T LUNCH ALONE: Bring your lunch to the weekly Coworking/Entrepreneur/Networking meetup at West Seattle Office Junction (WSB sponsor), noon-1:15 pm. (6040 California SW)
NEED AN ORCA LIFT TRANSIT CARD? 1-6 pm, your weekly opportunity in West Seattle – stop by Neighborhood House’s High Point Center. (6400 Sylvan Way)
FREE DANCE PARTY: Irish Set Dance party at Kenyon Hall, 6 pm, free, no experience required – details in our calendar listing. (7904 35th SW)
WEST SEATTLE YMCA’S REVISED EXPANSION PLAN: First of three community meetings this week to show and discuss the downsized expansion plan for the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor), 6:30 pm, in the Youth Programs Building. (4515 36th SW)
MEET SUPERINTENDENT AGUIRRE: The new superintendent of Seattle Parks is back in West Seattle for one more stop on his “listening tour,” 6:30 pm at High Point Community Center. (6920 34th SW)
POEMS AND STORIES: 7 pm, Poetrybridge‘s monthly event brings Chris Jarmick and Cesario Larios to C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) to read, plus the traditional community open-microphone time. (5612 California SW)
WOMEN’S BUSINESS INCUBATOR: As previewed here last week, tonight’s event at West Seattle Office Junction is an orientation/networking meetup for ““a nonprofit business center for women starting locally focused businesses and for local women business leaders, with the goal to offer micro-loans, nurture leaders, connect with mentors, training and business services for women-led small business owners, professional office space, business services and start-up assistance; as well as quality drop-in child-care services for infants thru pre-K.” 7-8:30 pm. If you’re not already signed up, check to see if there’s room. (6040 California SW)
A memorial service is planned this Saturday for Lisa Slader, 50. Here’s the remembrance her family is sharing:
Lisa Slader passed away Sunday night after a two-year battle with cancer.
Lisa was born in San Angelo, Texas and raised in Burien. Her father worked at Boeing for 30 years. Lisa attended Evergreen High School, graduating in 1983. Lisa met Greg Slader in 1987 and they settled into the West Seattle neighborhood of Belvedere. Lisa had a 25-year career @ Northwest Administrators as she excelled in pension accounting.
Lisa is survived by her two boys and her husband. She was very involved with their youth sports, as her boys played baseball, basketball, and soccer in local West Seattle leagues. Jesse and Cameron went on to graduate from West Seattle High school.
Funeral Services are this Saturday (October 31), 11 am @ Forest Lawn Cemetery, 6701 30th Ave. SW in West Seattle.
(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries by request, free of charge. Please e-mail the text, and a photo if available, to editor@westseattleblog.com)
(Four WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
6:30 AM: Good morning! We start with reminders and previews:
SHORT SCHOOL DAY: Classes end two hours early today for students in Seattle Public Schools, so watch for buses, walkers, riders, and earlier-than-usual flashing beacons.
SOUNDERS FC TONIGHT: Playoff game vs. LA at CenturyLink Field, 7 pm. No extended West Seattle Water Taxi service, since the WT is now on its winter schedule.
HIGHWAY 99 CLOSURES THIS WEEKEND: This Saturday and Sunday, Highway 99 will close 6 am-6 pm each day between the West Seattle Bridge and the Battery Street Tunnel for its twice-yearly inspection, as well as some other work (including testing of the repaired fire-suppression system in the BSTunnel).
9:13 AM: Quiet morning commute in/from West Seattle, but now Eddie reports a jack-knifed Route 55 bus at 44th/Alaska. We are on the way to find out more.
9:20 AM: Just as our photographer arrived, the bus cleared the intersection.
(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)
Next stop for the Shorewood Christian High School girls’ volleyball team is Tacoma, where SeaTac League tournament play continues Thursday morning following this victory last night.
Athletic Director Claudia Diama Rose sent word of the Lions‘ match last night vs. Northwest Yeshiva HS, played in West Seattle at the Salvation Army gym in South Delridge.
Shorewood, coached by Jesse Vanderveer and Jennifer Reed, won Tuesday night’s match in three consecutive games.
They play Thursday at Evergreen Lutheran in Tacoma, starting with a 9 am game against Puget Sound Advent. See the brackets here (you’ll notice that another local school, Seattle Lutheran, is in the tournament too).
The SC roster: #7 Natalie Billharz (lone senior), #4 Sarai Appert, #3 Misgana Mengesha, #5 Rosie Young, #13 Maddy Bir, #8 Shelaine Lorenz, #14 Kyra Goodspeed, #10 Lily Turner, #12 Alice Liu, #15 Amanda Tong.
Thanks for the beautiful Tuesday evening views! Greg Snyder got the moonrise (above); JayDee photographed the shades-of-silver semi-sunset (below):
Photo to share? editor@westseattleblog.com (or tag us on social media, @westseattleblog, so we’ll see it) – thank you!