City Council District 1 campaign: Wednesday forum with ‘feedback tool’ & food truck; video from Monday’s Pigeon Point event

Voting in the first-ever Seattle City Council District 1 primary is sooner than you think. Ballots you’ll use to help narrow the field of nine candidates to two finalists will arrive in about five weeks. So it’s down to decision time, if you haven’t made your choice yet.

NEXT WEDNESDAY: 7-9 pm Wednesday (June 17th) at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, your next chance to see the D-1 candidates side by side will be presented by the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council. DNDC chair Mat McBride promises some format change-ups: “The audience will be equipped with a feedback/voting tool, and reactions to candidate statements will be displayed on screen.” Also – come early for dinner; Indian-food truck Spice on Curve will be at Youngstown. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

WHAT YOU MISSED LAST MONDAY: The Pigeon Point Neighborhood Council‘s candidate forum in the Pathfinder K-8 cafeteria used the “candi-dating” format – after introductions at the front of the room, the candidates circulated between tables. Seven of the nine candidates participated (Arturo Robles, Brianna Thomas, Chas Redmond, Jody Rushmer, Karl Wirsing, Lisa Herbold, Phillip Tavel – organizers said Pavel Goberman declined the invitation and Shannon Braddock was ill) and each table got to talk with five of them before time ran out. Since we’ve been videotaping all the D-1 forums, we had to do this one too; the format was a challenge for that, so our cameraperson picked a random table at which to record the turns. Challenging acoustics, but here’s the result:

Then we recorded the candidates answering one final question at the front of the room – they were asked what they specifically would do for Pigeon Point if elected, but the answers turned out to speak more to West Seattle-wide issues:

We also sat in at a second table without video. The questions varied from candidate to candidate, so no comparison is possible, but the questions asked by those at the table involved White Center annexation (we put that question to all candidates earlier this month), rent control and housing affordability, workers’ rights, education, transportation, weed control, and crime.

FINAL FORUM? In addition to the June 17th event mentioned at the start of this story, the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce also has finalized the plan for what might be the final forum before the primary – July 15th at the Brockey Center on the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus. It’ll start with a 5:30 pm meet-and-greet, then 6 pm opening statements, followed by table-to-table “candi-dating,” and a closing statement. This will be open to all, members and non-members, no admission charge. (6000 16th SW)

4 Replies to "City Council District 1 campaign: Wednesday forum with 'feedback tool' & food truck; video from Monday's Pigeon Point event"

  • sc June 14, 2015 (11:24 am)

    There’s a wonderful picture of early West Seattle in the hallway coming from the parking lot into Zatz. It is of the corner of California and Alaska showing the old West Seattle Hospital (on the second floor). Hope it could go to the Log House Museum.

  • Diane June 14, 2015 (12:42 pm)

    did anyone make written notes of candidates answers, for those of us who cannot access video? wish I could have been there (1st D-1 candidate forum I’ve missed), but it was same night/time as Jon Grant kickoff party in Pioneer Square, with the special guest from NY, “Rent is Too Damn High”
    too bad the WSCC forum is same night/time as the pre-scheduled City Club at-large candidate forum downtown; West Seattle voters really need more opportunities to learn about the wonderful candidates running for at-large seats; the best candidates are also community activists without a ton of money (to unseat Tim Burgess who has raised $100,000+); Jon Grant (who was 5 yr Ex Dir of Tenant’s Union, expert on affordable housing/tenant rights and is running against Burgess) and Bill Bradburd (long time community advocate and affordable housing expert) are both trying their darndest to get out to all the neighborhoods of the city to meet voters; I really wish we could come up with more West Seattle forums for the at-large candidates to engage with voters; yes, we have these new-fangled district elections, but there are still 2 at-large seats that will represent us, and vote on issues impacting our lives; we desperately need 5 bold progressive votes on city council to pass anything good for the people
    my friend and D-1 candidate Phil Tavel mentioned last week, that it’s too bad no one took the dream opportunity to document on film this new district election process; I agree; having attended countless forums in WS/SP and other ‘hoods; it’s been fascinating so far; perhaps there’s still time for a talented documentary film team to step in now to record the next 5 months

    • WSB June 14, 2015 (1:14 pm)

      Sorry, no other reporters there, and while I took a few notes, they are nothing revelational and finally I just had to get the clips up and move on. Currently citywide journalists seem mostly to be paying rapt attention to the Capitol Hill-area district, which had a recent forum tweeted by at least four indie/online political writers (a popular means of coverage, sometimes followed by articles, sometimes not). – TR

  • Pete June 14, 2015 (4:30 pm)

    Diane, you can always plan and host an at large position forum.

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