TONIGHT: West Seattle Transportation Coalition meets – new night

January 22, 2015 12:05 pm
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Tonight’s the first meeting of the West Seattle Transportation Coalition on its new night – to reduce conflicts with the standing neighborhood-council meetings on second Tuesdays, it’s now meeting on fourth Thursdays. Same start time – 6:30 pm – and location, Neighborhood House’s High Point Center (6400 Sylvan Way SW). Tonight’s agenda:

6:45-7:30: Proposed By-Law Changes:

· Create a Legislative Agenda Committee. The committee’s function will be to develop the WSTC’s “Legislative Agenda” as a policy and lobbying actions guide. This Committee will also maintain changes to the Agenda as goals are achieved and broadened.

· Review and amend function and by-law language of standing Committees.

Existing Committees and Language:

a) Outreach Committee: Engagement with businesses, community groups, special interest groups and individuals for recruiting into the coalition, education, and to collect feedback for the coalition to act upon.

b) Communications Committee: Manages the WSTC’s online presences; conducting annual/bi-annual Issues Surveys; writing press releases; managing and facilitating communications between other advocacy groups.

c) Research & Solutions Committee: Develops and adjusts the West Seattle Peninsula Transportation Master Plan by receiving and disseminating research info from Outreach, Communications & Meetings. Works directly with various governmental and private agencies for research on technical, planning, and transportation solutions.

d) Action Committee: Meets with officials (elected and otherwise); agencies; goes to and holds rallies; engages directly with whomever is required for the West Seattle Peninsula to get commitments for solutions.

7:30-8:30: Review City of Seattle responses to our September 2014 “Five items” list; Discuss potential ST 3; Discuss Seats on the West Seattle Transportation Corridor and Seattle Transit Oversight Committee; Discuss end of Viaduct mitigation money as of June 2015.

Some of the “five items” responses were included in this WSB report last week.

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