month : 08/2014 293 results

Election Day, Night Out, and what else is up on your West Seattle Tuesday

It’s Election Day, Night Out, and more – from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

(WSB photo added at noon: Tisha, Liora, and Benjamin @ West Seattle Stadium ballot van, which had received 100 ballots by 11:30)
ELECTION DAY! Your ballot needs to be in the mail by tonight, postmarked with today’s date, OR turned in at a King County Elections dropbox or ballot-dropoff van by 8 pm. Here’s the list of the latter two options (which do NOT require paying postage, while mailing your ballot DOES) – you’ll find the vans at West Seattle Stadium (off 35th south of Avalon) and Greenbridge (on 8th SW south of Roxbury). If you still need a reason to vote – here’s one – deciding Seattle Proposition 1, a change in the way extra tax money is raised for city parks. That link includes the “ballot title” and basic pro/con statements; the full text of the measure is here. If you’re in White Center or nearby unincorporated North Highline, you have a big ballot measure too, regarding fire district funding. P.S. If your ballot envelope is already “stuck” (ours were), here’s what to do. Tonight’s first and only vote count should be out by 8:15 or so, and we’ll of course report it – the Parks vote here on WSB, the North Highline Fire District vote on partner site White Center Now.

NIGHT OUT! 6-9 pm, it’s block party time, for fun with a purpose – community-building, neighborhood-strengthening, to enhance safety. Preparedness is on many neighborhoods’ agendas, too, as well as crime prevention. Not sure if there’s a party near you? Here are a few notes:

*As previewed here Monday, the Junction Neighborhood Organization invites nearby residents to Junction Plaza Park
*Some local neighborhoods’ events are (voluntarily) map on the Seattle Police website
*For official permission to close your street, you had to have registered with the city before today, BUT if you didn’t, hey, invite the neighbors over to your yard, courtyard, driveway, sidewalk … We’ll be out with live coverage as usual.

Also happening today/tonight:

KALEIDOSCOPE PLAY AND LEARN: Free weekly sessions at High Point Library this month for toddlers/preschoolers 2-5 years old, 1:30-3 pm, details in our calendar listing. (35th/Raymond)

WINE-TASTING CLASS BEGINS: 6 pm at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor); details in our calendar listing. (6000 16th SW)

CANNING-CLASS SERIES BEGINS: 6:30 pm at the West Seattle Tool Library – details in our calendar listing. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

LOTS OF LIVE MUSIC! See the individual venues’ listings on our calendar.

Would you know human trafficking if you saw it? West Seattle Democratic Women’s awareness campaign continues

Did you see the signs? West Seattle Democratic Women‘s human-trafficking-awareness campaign is in a new phase with pop-up signage – the sign above was the fifth of six signs displayed Saturday along Harbor Avenue, and you’ll see them again this Thursday, 4-6 pm, on Fauntleroy Way just east of Morgan Junction. Elizabeth Heath, chair of the WSDW campaign, shared the photo and explained that WSDW is displaying the signs “a la the highway ‘Burma Shave’ signs of the past. One message was: Human Trafficking//Near Your Home//Don’t Delay//Pick Up The Phone//For Help, Call 888-3737-888″ – a national hotline to report human trafficking – followed by a sign for WSDW and its website. She adds, “Passersby on foot, on bikes, and in cars showed support by waving, blinking lights, or stopping by to learn more about the issue. You can expect to see these folks and their signs on various busy West Seattle streets over the next six weeks. Here’s a chance to learn more about Human Trafficking and how you can make a difference.” WSDW’s campaign has its own page on the group’s website, here. Not sure you would know human trafficking if you saw it? Some basic info is on this brochure from another local organization, Seattle Against Slavery.

Congratulations! Two awards for Sealth teacher DeAira Handugan

Thanks to Chief Sealth International High School assistant principal Cheryl Sullivan for the photo and news: This morning in Yakima at the conference of the Washington Association for Career and Technical Education, Sealth teacher DeAira Handugan (left) “received the WA-ACTE New Teacher of the Year Award. She will represent Washington (and Sealth!) at the regional awards in April, 2015, in Kansas City.” That’s an honor for a teacher in specialties including woodshop, agriculture, auto body, video production, computer, business, and her specialty, Family and Consumer Sciences, for which Handugan also is being honored by the organization today, with the “outstanding service to Family and Consumer Sciences” awards. Congratulations!

SIDE NOTE: While teachers and staff start back sooner, this year’s first day of classes for Seattle Public Schools is four weeks from tomorrow – Wednesday, September 3.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Tuesday updates; ‘Night Out’ tonight

(WS bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Time to keep watch on what’s happening while you head from here to there. Metro started the day with a text alert that the first West Seattle Water Taxi shuttles of the day, 773 and 775, are “delayed” – no word on why, or how much of a delay. (If you are a rider and notice a delay much later into the morning, please let us know.)

‘NIGHT OUT’ REMINDER: Tonight is Night Out, an evening of community-building, safety-enhancing block parties around our city and the rest of the nation, 6-9 pm. That means a lot of “street closed” signs around local neighborhoods. If you’ll be on the move during those hours, be extra careful!

7:11 AM: Text alert says Water Taci shuttle service has resumed.

Followup: Words of gratitude from West Seattle Senior Center’s board president and ousted director

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Three weeks ago, we reported on the sudden ouster of the longtime director of the Senior Center of West Seattle, Karen Sisson, news that shocked and saddened many community members – one of whom even picketed.

While the center owns its own building and has its own board of directors, its staff/administration is through the citywide nonprofit Senior Services, which would not comment on the reason for Sisson’s dismissal. Less than a week after her termination, the West Seattle board declared it had voted full confidence in her leadership, and its president Dave Robertson stressed that they were pressing for answers.

We’ve been asked what’s happened since then. Here’s what Robertson told WSB today:

As board President of the West Seattle Senior Center, I would like to thank the West Seattle community for its support to the Senior Center and to Karen Sisson. The Board of Directors of West Seattle Senior Center is hopeful that it will be able to amicably resolve issues with Senior Services, and in the meantime, the Senior Center does not want to lose Karen’s talents and experience in helping seniors in West Seattle.

The Senior Center has been an integral part of the West Seattle community for 40 years, and Karen has been Center Director for more than 25 of those years. Karen’s dedication to seniors and to the Center is without question. Her work is phenomenal. As we continue to work on this issue, we thank you for your support and patience.

Since our last followup, we also made contact with Karen Sisson, who had her own words of thanks:

I have so appreciated the support from the community, it is overwhelming to me.

I am also overwhelmed with the loss of my job, working to better the world of seniors in West Seattle. I have always loved my work, the connection to the community and with the seniors individually. It is so rewarding to see what staff can do to change the course of their world.

Above all, I would ask that the community continue to support the Center and its staff during this transition period. Your support of the Center is the only reason it has been so successful. The West Seattle board is strong and has strong leadership under David Robertson, and Nancy Sorensen who actually used to be president of the SS board. They have some very hard decisions to make and i wish them well in that process.

In the meantime, I will volunteer for Aylene the Stop n’ Shop manager, and assist the board should they request.

While neither Senior Services nor Sisson elaborated on the reason given for letting her go, Robertson said in his first public statement that it had to do with an e-mail.

Pocket park planned in Gatewood neighborhood, thanks to a donation dating back long before the donor’s death

That Gatewood home is scheduled for demolition – but not to be replaced by new development. You might call it “un-development.”

For the past few months, a small sign in front of it has been the only clue it’s set to become a pocket park, aside from this webpage. Seattle Parks owns it because its owner made a “reserved life estate donation” for that purpose. The sign has long promised an upcoming public meeting for neighbors, and now the date is set – 10 am Saturday, August 16th, at the site known as the Watton property after the donating family, 3823 SW Willow. It’s scheduled for demolition a month later, in mid-September; George Watton, who died last January at age 94, bequeathed the money for that, too. He and wife DeLayne Watton (who died in 2007) had lived there since building the house after he returned from World War II in the late ’40s. After demolition, the city will work on site restoration and turf establishment, and promises it “will work with the contractor to minimize the impact to the neighborhood.”

Long before today’s announcement, we had done some research after getting a tip about the site. Donald Harris with Seattle Parks told us that George Watton had said, dating back to 1992, that he was interested in donating his property to the city after he died. The city won’t accept “just any property,” but this one appealed, Harris explained, because “you can see how it could be this great little overlook for the neighborhood.” Mr. Watton’s health went downhill after he took a fall late last year; he had to leave his beloved home and move in with family in southwestern Washington. According to Harris, they said they wanted to start the process of transferring the site, and there was some hope it might be transformed into a park before he died, but that didn’t work out. Mr. Watton did stay engaged with the planning process for a long time, Parks says. His monetary donation to cover demolition and some park development totaled about $60,000, and because of the special type of account it went into, it grew over time. The demolition won’t be simple, but eventually, Harris said, people will be able to go up onto the site and sit and enjoy it.

Update: Bicyclist taken to hospital after collision with truck after 4th/Spokane

3:22 PM: The “heavy rescue” call at 4th Ave. South/South Spokane St. right now is described by Seattle Fire as a rescue involving a “bicyclist trapped underneath a semitruck.” That’s all we know right now – avoid the area; updates as we get them.

3:35 PM: The bicyclist has been extricated from under the truck, according to the scanner, and is described as a 26-year-old man, conscious with injuries including significant “abrasions” after being dragged for a distance. Medics are rushing him to Harborview Medical Center.

4:24 PM: Couldn’t figure out from other sources how traffic was being affected, so we’re now here at the scene. Westbound Spokane is closed at 4th – this happened on Spokane, under the bridge, just west of Spokane. Southbound 4th is closed at Spokane but just as we arrived, scanner discussion suggested they hope to reopen that section at least part of the way soon. Northbound 4th and eastbound Spokane are unaffected – that includes the ramp from the eastbound bridge.

4:38 PM: Traffic Collision Investigation Squad investigators (photo above) are on scene, so that one section of road, westbound Spokane west of 4th, is likely to be closed a while. Though southbound 4th has reopened, police are still on the right side, and it’s moving slowly right now, so we would still advise an alternate route. We’re on 1st now and it is moving at a normal pace.

6:55 PM: SDOT tweets that the intersection is open again in all directions. SPD’s early summary of the collision says the rider was in stable condition when hospitalized.

West Seattle restaurants: La Romanza Bistro closes in The Junction

Two months after the sudden shutdown of A Terrible Beauty, another Junction restaurant has closed. La Romanza Bistro proprietor Aimee Pellegrini confirmed to us via e-mail that her restaurant at 4521 California SW has shut down. We were checking on its status because of multiple reader e-mails pointing out that La Romanza did not open either day this weekend, and that it appeared some of its interior furnishings had been removed; we noted its website was down and that its phone was answered with a recorded message saying simply, “La Romanza is closed.” Then our e-mail inquiry was answered, confirming that the closure is permanent. The restaurant opened as the Tuscan Tea Room in fall 2010 as an adjunct to Pellegrini’s well-regarded Romanza Floral business, and then morphed in April 2012 into a full-service restaurant, offering Italian cuisine as well as the tea service and live music. No indication so far what’s next for the space.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Hit and run; stolen packages

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch this afternoon – first, from Kristy:

Saturday night (8/2) around 10:15 pm I was driving north bound on 35th Ave SW when, at the Roxbury intersection, a brown two-door older car blew through his red light heading west and t-boned my black toyota prius. If anyone has information, please contact police (incident #14-254719). He backed east on Roxbury after it happened and then took off. His car sustained front end damage and we did get a partial license plate thanks to a helpful witness (who thoughtfully stayed with me until police arrived).

Thanks so much, West Seattle!

Not far south, Fumiko in Arbor Heights says package thieves have hit:

My friend suggested that I contact the blog and let you know that I had one package stolen from my front door step on July 23rd (USPS confirmed delivery on that day) and also about 6 months ago I had another package stolen from the same location. I live on 35th near 100th.

Calendar highlights for your West Seattle Monday

(Echinacea at Delridge P-Patch, by Laura Goodrich, shared via WSB Flickr group)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

BALLOT-DROPOFF VANS: Voted yet? Tomorrow is Election Night, so time’s running out; if you send your ballot back by mail, you need a stamp, but if you use a King County dropbox or van, you don’t. Two vans are in our area 10 am-5 pm today and 10 am-8 pm tomorrow – the West Seattle Stadium driveway (enter from northbound 35th just south of Avalon) and the 8th SW business area just south of Roxbury (parked on northbound 8th).

SW ROXBURY MEETING: 6 pm, it’s the second of two meetings for SDOT to outline its proposals for the SW Roxbury Safety Project. As reported here last Thursday night, the west end of the corridor – 17th to 35th – is proposed for “rechannelization,” but that’s just part of a package of plans for the crash-plagued street, all the way eastward to Olson/4th. Tonight’s meeting is at the Greenbridge YWCA. (9720 8th SW)

WEST SEATTLE HI-YU MEETING: As announced by the volunteers who make West Seattle Hi-Yu‘s events and parade float happen:

We look forward to seeing everyone at our next General Meeting, Monday, August 4th. St. John the Baptist Church Hall, corner of 42nd and Hanford, 7 pm. The last month has been a fun and busy one since our Grand Parade including Greenwood, Torchlight and Lake City. In August we will spend some time doing some fundraising and taking applications for the 2015 junior court before our next scheduled parade in September.

All welcome.

AND THERE’S MORE … on our calendar.

Night Out tomorrow in West Seattle: Junction Neighborhood Organization plans party in the park

Live in The Junction? There’s a “block party” for you tomorrow night during Night Out. René Commons from the local community council, the Junction Neighborhood Organization, shares the announcement:

JuNO – The junction Neighborhood Organization is staging the First Annual JuNO Neighborhood Night Out Block party at Junction Plaza Park. The event is open to all and we are looking for talented musicians from the neighborhood to perform in the park. JuNO will be roasting hot dogs – kosher and vegan – and staging contests. This is a potluck and we are asking people to bring a side dish or dessert. We will have tents set up and will feature information on crime prevention and emergency preparedness.

Neighborhood Night Out at the Park welcomes all to show their neighborhood STYLE:

Best Hat
Best Dressed Dog
Best Kids costume
Best Decorated Bike (Yay! We have a bike corral in the Junction!)
Best Yodel

Adult Balloon Toss
Kids Balloon Toss

Open call to all neighborhood musicians, dancers and magicians to perform; please contact event coordinators!!!
Looking for volunteers to help set up and stage games

Event Contact: Lilah Gael – – & René Commons –

The park is on the northwest corner of 42nd and Alaska. Any other neighborhoods having a party open to those beyond the immediate block, let us know – – thanks!

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Monday updates; Roxbury reminder

August 4, 2014 6:21 am
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(WS bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Good morning. No major road work on the schedule so far for this week, so we have just one reminder for you: Tonight is the second of two SDOT meetings about the SW Roxbury Safety Project proposals; a “road diet” from 17th to 35th is one of the proposals unveiled at meeting #1 last Thursday (WSB coverage here). If you’re interested, be at Greenbridge YWCA at 6 pm tonight.

The WSBeat: ‘Hang up and drive,’ especially if you’re wanted …

By Megan Sheppard
On the WSBeat, for West Seattle Blog

This edition of our periodic feature The WSBeat contains summaries written from reports on cases handled recently by Southwest Precinct officers – generally cases that (usually) have not already appeared here in breaking-news coverage or West Seattle Crime Watch reports, but that might at least answer the question “what WERE all those police doing on my block?” Or on the bridge, or the beach, or …

*In the 1500 block of SW Cambridge, a driver pulled over for talking on her cell phone was unable to provide the officer with her license or proof of insurance. What she *did* have were five felony warrants (totaling $65,000): Three for DUI and two for driving with a suspended license. She was booked into King County Jail.

*On Monday the 28th, the manager of an Alki coffee shop called 911 after checking the welfare of a patron who had been in the bathroom a long time. She opened the door, saw him with a belt around his arm and suspected he was injecting drugs. Officers arrived and questioned the man who, the previous day, had fallen asleep in the same bathroom. At the request of the manager, he was trespassed from the business. When a records check showed that he was wanted on a felony warrant by the King County Sheriff’s Office for residential burglary and trafficking stolen property ($50,075), he was booked into the King County Jail.

Read More

Followup: 5th graders’ benefit bake sale/donation drive a success!

One of the benefit events we spotlighted this weekend was the second annual bake sale by two young West Seattleites working to help the Humane Society and the animals it cares for. Carey, who sent word of the sale in advance, shares the wrap-up and photos:

Thanks to the WSB and the West Seattle community for sponsoring Gwen and Muriel’s bake sale to benefit the Seattle Humane Society! With your support the barrel was filled with food and toys for cats and dogs and the proceeds were TWICE what they were last year. We are so thankful for our community and their generosity!

Speaking of ships … about that empty Port of Seattle space north of the bridge

Apparently the Port of Seattle‘s now-empty stretch Terminal 5 north of the west end of the high bridge is really starting to draw notice; though we reported on the reason almost two weeks ago, we’ve received a flurry of inquiries about it this weekend. So in case you missed the story too: Terminal 5 is empty because it’s closed. Its last ship arrived on July 23rd – here’s the story we published that day. Port commissioners have approved some funding to plan a modernization project, but completing it will require nine-figure spending and they haven’t started to discuss where that might come from. Meantime, the line that used T-5 is now sailing to and from Tacoma, while other cargo operations that were using it have been consolidated where the port had room.

Why two cruise ships departed Seattle today & then came back

8:04 PM: Some questions came in this evening about two cruise ships that turned around and came back after leaving Seattle this afternoon. The Grand Princess, according to Princess Cruises via Twitter, returned for a “technical issue” but the cruise line hopes it will be able to leave tonight. shows it still at Pier 91 in Magnolia as of this writing. The Norwegian Pearl, which had spent the day at Pier 66 downtown, had to deal with a medical emergency, according to this tweet by KIRO, and is already back out to sea, heading through north Puget Sound.

10:23 PM: The Grand Princess is under way again – shows it off Shilshole, northbound.

AAA-Washington presenting bicycling benefit Ride Around The Sound on September 13th

Exercise your lungs – while fighting lung disease. You can do that in six weeks by joining Ride Around the Sound, part of which will go through West Seattle and White Center. Though you might associate WSB sponsor AAA-Washington mostly with cars, it’s excited about this big bike ride, and here’s why:

AAA Washington is proud to announce that we are the presenting sponsor of the American Lung Association Ride Around the Sound this year. This event features three scenic routes between Seattle and Bremerton that range from 38 to 92 miles, making it perfect for both beginning bikers and experienced cyclists.

Your AAA West Seattle store employees invite all West Seattle Blog readers to join us in supporting this great organization, either by riding in the event itself or pledging your support for a rider. All AAA members get a 20% discount off the registration fee. In addition, we’d like to throw down a friendly challenge to our fellow WSB Sponsors to put together a team and ride with us! There are also opportunities to help promote the event by placing a poster in your window or linking to the ALA Ride Around the Sound website

Let’s help the ALA have a record fundraising year so they can continue to improve the health and wellbeing of our community.

Not an AAA member? You can fix that here. To see the three course alternatives for Ride Around The Sound, go here for the 92-mile version (which goes through Highland Park and White Center), go here for the 73-mile version, and here for the 38-mile version. To form or join a team, go here.

Eyes on the sky again next Saturday: Kite Festival in West Seattle

August 3, 2014 2:19 pm
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This weekend, planes and helicopters hold the spotlight. Next Saturday, a simpler, nature-powered form of flight will be celebrated here in West Seattle, during the Seattle Chinese Garden Kite Festival. In case you haven’t seen it in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar yet, here’s the invitation:

Come fly a kite at the Garden’s ridge-top site! Bring your own or buy one at the festival for a fun afternoon with family or friends. Activities for all ages include kite flying demonstrations, displays, and kite painting. Put your own creative stamp on one you paint yourself — materials provided. The festival also includes music and dance performances, Chinese painting demonstrations — and a dim sum booth by Hong Kong Café.

Admission is free. The Chinese Garden is on the north edge of the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus, on Puget Ridge at 6000 16th SW.

Happening now until 2 pm: Honey harvest with Seattle Bee Works at WS Produce

August 3, 2014 12:55 pm
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 |   West Seattle news

(WSB photos by Katie Meyer)
Honey doesn’t just go from bee to jar. It has to be harvested – and that takes some skill. Right now, you can see how it works, by going to West Seattle Produce (4722 Fauntleroy Way SW) and checking out the “honey harvesting” that Krista Conner from WS-based Seattle Bee Works is leading.

If you have harvestable honey – bring it on over!

Update: USS Constellation now reported to be leaving Thursday – on its decommissioning anniversary

(US Navy photo of USS Constellation decommissioning ceremony, 8/7/2003)
Thanks to JanS for spotting an update this weekend on the expected departure date for the decommissioned aircraft carrier USS Constellation: The Kitsap Sun reports it now looks like Thursday, postponed from last Thursday, which in turn was later than a previously announced date. The KS story says this will be the biggest shipbreaking job ever for a yard in Brownsville, Texas, to which a tug from Seattle’s Foss Maritime will tow the “Connie” via a route all the way around the southernmost tip of South America, since it’s too big to fit through the Panama Canal. We’re watching this because it will be visible from West Seattle once it leaves Rich Passage and heads north into the open Sound. It’s been mothballed in Bremerton for more than a decade.

P.S. We found this webpage dedicated to “the Constellation’s final journey,” which in turn points to this San Diego report from last year with memories of Constellation veterans. And something else we discovered while researching to add to this – Thursday will be the 11th anniversary of the carrier’s decommissioning ceremony in San Diego.

TUESDAY NOTE: Kitsap Sun now reports it’s pushed back to a 5 pm departure Friday.

What’s up for the rest of your West Seattle Sunday

(Barred owl, photographed by Mary Metz at Camp Long on Saturday night)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and beyond:

BLUE ANGELS AND SEAFAIR: Please see our preview published overnight. If you’re going to watch the hydros, note that one of the first round of winners spent time in West Seattle recently:

Listening to Channel 7 coverage this morning with awards from Saturday racing, we heard that a heat was won by the Les Schwab Tires/Red Dot hydro on display in The Triangle this week – at which time Stephanie Halcomb brought over her charges from Bright Horizons for the photo above. (And don’t forget, I-90 across the lake is closed one more time, 12:15-2:40 pm.)

BENEFIT BAKE SALE: Two local students are raising money for the Humane Society and the animals it cares for; read about them here. 10 am-3 pm. (36th/Dakota)

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm as always, and market management says via Facebook that some vendors are having “sales” today. (44th/Alaska)

LIVE MUSIC IN THE AFTERNOON: 3-5 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), Keith Cook plays. (5612 California SW)

FIRST-QUARTER MOON: At and before dusk, that’s tonight’s skygazing highlight, from the latest edition of Skies Over West Seattle.

OPEN-MICROPHONE JAM: Every Sunday night in August at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), hosted by Lynn Sorensen – just show up with your voice and/or instrument – details in our calendar listing.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Gunfire investigation

We’ve had several reports of what sounded like rapid gunfire in the past half-hour somewhere near High Point/Sunrise Heights/Gatewood. Police had been investigating for a while before one officer finally reported (as monitored via scanner) finding a shell casing. This was after a dispatch to go check out an alley off the 7300 block of 35th SW, but we don’t know for sure if that’s where it turned up. No reports of anyone having been hit/hurt, so far.

One more time: Blue Angels’ Seafair 2014 finale this afternoon

While the Blue Angels‘ Seafair show – performed one final time today – is staged for viewers in the main festival zone on Lake Washington, you don’t have to go that far to catch glimpses and flybys during the show. On Saturday, JayDee photographed the majestic view above from the same place he caught this one:

Yes, those are the 4th Avenue South Costco gas pumps. The “warehouse” parking lot is a decent viewing zone. Of course, Costco is right in the Boeing Field approach. On the west side of BFI’s runway, you’ll get this view as they take off – quick clip courtesy of Lise Thivierge:

And this view as they land (our short iPhone Instagram clip)

Watching from Boeing Field (parking lot on the west side of the runway, just north of the tower) on Saturday afternoon, we noticed more aircraft than years past, in part at least because of Marine Week. The Blue Angels take off at about 1:30 pm; they’re preceded and followed by other aerial acts – listed here – and if you do watch from Boeing Field, facing east, where you can see many of their maneuvers, especially the really high ones, you can follow along with the live stream via your smartphone (though we noticed a significant delay – seemed like at least 10 seconds, which in TV time is forever). Seafair-wise, today is also the final day for ship tours – schedules/locations here.

P.S. Remember the airshow brings one last I-90 closure – 12:15 pm to 2:40 pm.