It’s Election Day, Night Out, and more – from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

(WSB photo added at noon: Tisha, Liora, and Benjamin @ West Seattle Stadium ballot van, which had received 100 ballots by 11:30)
ELECTION DAY! Your ballot needs to be in the mail by tonight, postmarked with today’s date, OR turned in at a King County Elections dropbox or ballot-dropoff van by 8 pm. Here’s the list of the latter two options (which do NOT require paying postage, while mailing your ballot DOES) – you’ll find the vans at West Seattle Stadium (off 35th south of Avalon) and Greenbridge (on 8th SW south of Roxbury). If you still need a reason to vote – here’s one – deciding Seattle Proposition 1, a change in the way extra tax money is raised for city parks. That link includes the “ballot title” and basic pro/con statements; the full text of the measure is here. If you’re in White Center or nearby unincorporated North Highline, you have a big ballot measure too, regarding fire district funding. P.S. If your ballot envelope is already “stuck” (ours were), here’s what to do. Tonight’s first and only vote count should be out by 8:15 or so, and we’ll of course report it – the Parks vote here on WSB, the North Highline Fire District vote on partner site White Center Now.
NIGHT OUT! 6-9 pm, it’s block party time, for fun with a purpose – community-building, neighborhood-strengthening, to enhance safety. Preparedness is on many neighborhoods’ agendas, too, as well as crime prevention. Not sure if there’s a party near you? Here are a few notes:
*As previewed here Monday, the Junction Neighborhood Organization invites nearby residents to Junction Plaza Park
*Some local neighborhoods’ events are (voluntarily) map on the Seattle Police website
*For official permission to close your street, you had to have registered with the city before today, BUT if you didn’t, hey, invite the neighbors over to your yard, courtyard, driveway, sidewalk … We’ll be out with live coverage as usual.
Also happening today/tonight:
KALEIDOSCOPE PLAY AND LEARN: Free weekly sessions at High Point Library this month for toddlers/preschoolers 2-5 years old, 1:30-3 pm, details in our calendar listing. (35th/Raymond)
WINE-TASTING CLASS BEGINS: 6 pm at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor); details in our calendar listing. (6000 16th SW)
CANNING-CLASS SERIES BEGINS: 6:30 pm at the West Seattle Tool Library – details in our calendar listing. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
LOTS OF LIVE MUSIC! See the individual venues’ listings on our calendar.