(Osprey and snack/meal, photographed by Chris Frankovich; click image to see larger view)
Happy Monday! From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
OUTDOOR-MEETING SEASON OPENER: The North Delridge Neighborhood Council started having its summertime meetings outdoors a few years ago, and that’s why you’ll find NDNC at Cottage Grove Park tonight at 6:30, as previewed here. (26th/Brandon)
GOT FOOD? West Seattle Food Bank has a request (via Facebook):
We’re really getting low on canned goods for our Home Delivery Program. We deliver 170 grocery bags weekly to homebound elderly and disabled. If you wish to donate canned food (tuna, soups, canned fruit & vegetables, beans, etc.) please drop off at the food bank, Monday – Friday 9 am – 3 pm.
EVENING BOOK GROUPS: Two monthly book groups – no previous membership needed! – meet at local libraries tonight at 6:45 pm – at Southwest Branch Library, “The Condition” is this month’s book, group info here; at West Seattle Branch Library, “A Gate at the Stairs” is this month’s book, group info here.
ST. PETERSBURG MEN’S ENSEMBLE: From Russia, with music! This highly regarded group is performing sacred and traditional vocal music at 7 pm at Peace Lutheran Church in Gatewood; free-will offering. (39th/Thistle)
NIGHTLIFE! Tonight’s highlights include trivia/pub quiz at multiple locations – see the listings on our calendar.