Congratulations! Denny scholars’ science-fair honors

Thanks to Rob for sharing the photo and report on those two Denny International Middle School scholars’ achievement (congratulations!):

Thursday night, Seattle Public Schools held its annual Middle School Science Fair at the Museum of Flight. Two students from Denny Middle School, Emma Bruce (left) and Rachel Potratz, were awarded the “Best Overall” prize for the 8th grade level. Congrats also to their science teacher at Denny, Mr. William Nelson, who works hard to show his students the beauty of science.

ADDED 3:46 PM: We asked Rob the followup question a couple commenters also asked – what did Emma and Rachel’s project examine? Reply: “Their project tests the current theory that eye color (in humans) affects vision in low-light situations.”

6 Replies to "Congratulations! Denny scholars' science-fair honors"

  • miws June 7, 2014 (12:36 pm)

    Congratulations to these two young Ladies!


    I believe I may “know” Emma, (and Rob, presuming it’s the Rob I suspect it is), from 10+ years ago, when I worked at Seattle FilmWorks. They were regular Customers.



  • WSince86 June 7, 2014 (12:37 pm)

    Congratulations to all!! Any word on what their project was?

  • Julie June 7, 2014 (3:42 pm)

    Indeed–we’d like more details on the projects. Perhaps a guest post from the winners?

    • WSB June 7, 2014 (3:46 pm)

      I had asked Rob that question on a followup … didn’t want to wait any longer to publish, though, because it was a rare lull. He replied, briefly, and I’m adding above.

  • Toni June 7, 2014 (3:52 pm)

    Congratulations to two great young ladies!

  • JoB June 7, 2014 (5:35 pm)

    science is cool
    don’t let anyone tell you differently

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