You asked for them, you’ll see them! West Seattle Outdoor Movies’ 2014 lineup goes public

(Trailer for “The Goonies,” scheduled for August 16th)
You made suggestions … organizers discussed, searched, decided, confirmed … and now, as just announced by Lora Swift of Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), next to the courtyard transformed into an under-the-stars movie theater six Saturday nights each summer, we have the lineup for the 2014 edition of West Seattle Outdoor Movies – we’ve linked each movie’s name to a trailer clip (except for the much-requested “Goonies,” :

Saturday, July 19th: Gravity (2013) PG-13

Saturday, July 26th: Spice World (1997) PG

Saturday, August 2nd: Sleepless in Seattle (1993) – PG

Saturday, August 9th: The Blues Brothers 1980 – R

Saturday, August 16th: The Goonies (1985) – PG

Saturday, August 23rd: Frozen (2013) – PG

Again this year, pre-show entertainment will be featured, and Lora’s starting the search now; you’ll get the chance to buy tickets for raffles to benefit local nonprofits; and PB&J Textiles will sponsor concessions, with those proceeds also going to local nonprofits. This year, the WSOM committee is inviting nonprofits to request inclusion on the recipient roster; e-mail Lora for more information on how that works – – and she asks that you “include contact information and short paragraph and/or weblink about the non-profit.” If you are or know of a potential pre-show act, same address, and that’s also where to inquire if you’re interested in applying to help with sound this year.

New to West Seattle/never been to WSOM before? Admission’s free, since the series is supported by sponsors (including WSB). Gates open early; you bring a chair and/or blanket and stake out a spot; movies start at dusk, which means the time gets earlier as the six-week series goes by. (Scroll through this WSB archive to see some of our past coverage.)

8 Replies to "You asked for them, you'll see them! West Seattle Outdoor Movies' 2014 lineup goes public"

  • Christie May 21, 2014 (2:04 pm)

    Great line up this year!!

  • payrollgirl May 21, 2014 (3:52 pm)

    The Goonies!!!! :>)

  • Oakley34BLAM May 21, 2014 (4:19 pm)

    Hah! The very night I suggested The Blues Brothers in the previous comments section I decided to give it a rewatch. Quite a few S bombs and even one or two of the dreaded N. Kudos to the selectors for seeing these usages in context and recognizing The Blues Brothers for the joyful and positive cinematic experience that it is. I’ll be there.

  • NorDel May 21, 2014 (5:50 pm)

    I hope Frozen is a sing along because it’s going to be really tough keeping those kids (and some parents) quiet!

    I’m REALLY excited for the Blues Brothers! Great selection this year! Can’t wait!

  • FreGirl May 21, 2014 (7:30 pm)

    Love all the movies but want MORE. Six is not enough! Well, and Spice World? Really? Okay, that one not so much the love.

  • Brian Connolly May 22, 2014 (9:00 am)

    I sincerely hope they show the theatrical version of The Blues Brothers. There are so many great scenes (like the glue factory scene with Elwood) that are cut in the regular version of the film.

  • Ex-Westwood Resident May 22, 2014 (2:32 pm)

    Brian, I think you mean the “extended” version. The “theatrical” version is the one that was shown in theaters.
    But I agree the version with the added scenes is the one they should show!!!
    Elwood: It’s 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark… and we’re wearing sunglasses.

    Jake: Hit it

  • Andy May 22, 2014 (5:49 pm)

    Now why would you show an R rated movie at a community event like this…knowing very young kids will definitely be there? I love the movie but not at this venue. Poor choice.

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