West Seattle traffic alert: Crash on 35th blocking two lanes

One lane is blocked each way on 35th SW in the High Point area because of a crash – thanks to the person who texted to let us know. Police at the scene tell us no one was hurt, but it’s slow going in the area so avoid it there for a while if you can. In all, police confirm three cars were involved.

10 Replies to "West Seattle traffic alert: Crash on 35th blocking two lanes"

  • Gabs May 29, 2014 (1:59 pm)

    I cannot wait until something serious is done about 35th. There are crashes in this particular vicinity (35th and Raymond, 35th and Juneau) all the time. It would REALLY be great to turn this street into a boulevard, reduce the speed limit to 30mph, and put in more crosswalks with lights.

  • SJ2 May 29, 2014 (2:24 pm)

    I could not agree more. This intersection as well as 35th and Juneau is horrible! btw, we just drove past (we live in the area) and it looked like the accident was at 35th and Juneau. There was a bumper on the side of the road, and a car being towed on Juneau.

    • WSB May 29, 2014 (2:28 pm)

      Thanks, I have had three cross-streets suggested now – Juneau, Raymond, Brandon – and our photographer had to head off to something else so I haven’t been able to ask him. Will just get the street name out for now!

  • KM May 29, 2014 (2:54 pm)

    I cannot wait until something is done about several drivers on 35th.

  • Mel May 29, 2014 (3:36 pm)

    35th is a high-volume arterial in an area without any room for traffic. People coming from the High Point development attempting left turns/street crossings at Juneau, when there are signaled intersections directly north and south, are as much to blame as any perceived problems with 35th.
    But we HATE signaled intersections, except when it’s Other People’s Traffic we’re talking about. When it’s us…we avoid lights.
    West Seattle is incredibly difficult to get out of, if you live anywhere but the North end of it. Pinching one road puts more traffic on others – the “road diets” of every other north-south arterial have taken a toll on the 35th corridor.
    I’d like to stop wishing for a magic traffic fix and start working to get some REAL transit in the area so people don’t need cars to get somewhere in a reasonable amount of time. Angry West Seattleites should be showing up at every Sound Transit light rail meeting, demanding service. But we won’t. So here we stand, hoping cars in a busy area won’t collide on occasion. Sigh.

  • old timer May 29, 2014 (4:14 pm)

    I-35, they won’t even let you stay in the right lane and do the 35 mph limit without riding on your back bumper.

    Maybe a Fauntleroy road diet would help, but there needs to be a better mechanism for cars crossing or entering the traffic flow – something with signals.
    I sometimes get out of the car to press the Findlay walk button so I can get into the Fauntleroy traffic flow – 25, 30, 35 cars without a break – worse than a train.
    Single threaded traffic on I-35 would be almost impossible to enter or cross if left without signals.

  • WB May 29, 2014 (4:20 pm)

    35th needs to be paved over, and made into a nice scenic walkway. I live on 35th and it is a NIGHTMARE.

  • WEST SEATTLE HIPSTER May 29, 2014 (5:12 pm)

    Every time I drive down 35th I am tailgated at least once by an AWM who doesn’t understand the concept of speed limits. Time for more emphasis patrols.


    Perhaps it’s time to go to the OTHER extreme and make 35th Ave an expressway. Widen it to 3 lanes in each direction and build elevated walkways for pedestrians to cross the street.

  • Janee May 29, 2014 (5:20 pm)

    Does anyone know why the ramp for west Seattle bridge off i5 North was closed this afternoon around 2:15?

    • WSB May 29, 2014 (5:27 pm)

      As mentioned in our daily traffic watch, there was a very low-key visit by Vice President Joe Biden today. Didn’t know about it until word of the motorcade appeared in the 11 am hour. None of the morning traffic watchers we monitor (including the government channels) were talking about it! There was more publicity for his wife Dr. Jill Biden’s arrival to participate in a business-related summit at Seattle Center than for the fact he was here too. Sorry, if we had heard, we would have mentioned it at the start of the morning traffic watch, as we have with previous presidential/vice presidential appearances … TR

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