West Seattle, Washington
16 Sunday
Three West Seattle food notes tonight:
GLUTEN-FREE CRUST AT ZEEKS: Starting Monday, a new option at Zeeks Pizza (WSB sponsor) – gluten-free crust. Our friends at Ravenna Blog broke the news on Twitter today:
Bonus: @zeekspizza locations in Seattle rolling out gluten-free crusts on Monday. We got sample slices. pic.twitter.com/Ah2b7HY2Ee
— Ravenna Blog (@RavennaBlog) May 29, 2014
The GF crusts are in partnership with Nuflours. You won’t see the option on the online menu immediately, but you’ll be able to order by phone – again, starting Monday – or while dining in.
FATHER’S DAY AT DUOS: A little over two weeks until Father’s Day, and Duos Lounge (WSB sponsor) in Luna Park is offering a special menu 11 am-4 pm, including barbecued ribs and fried chicken. See the menu here. Reservations suggested.
TAT’S TRUCK: A new food truck spinning off from the renowned Pioneer Square sandwich shop Tat’s Deli will be based out of West Seattle (as are more than a few trucks, you’ve probably noticed), its owners tell WSB. They’re planning a “soft open” on June 7th, West Seattle location TBA (watch here), and they’re hiring (here’s their CL ad – we’ll be pointing them to the free listings in the WSB Forums, too).
City leaders’ version of an ordinance eventually raising Seattle’s minimum wage to $15 goes to a final council vote next Monday. That’s after committee approval and amendments today, as reported by The Seattle Times (WSB partner), which notes that this proposal requires the businesses with the most workers to start paying $15 by 2017, with small businesses not getting there for seven years. See the full ordinance here, not yet updated with the amendments that passed from the long list proposed by councilmembers. Here’s what Councilmember Sally Clark, who chairs the income-inequality-focused committee, wrote after the vote. The 15Now organization, meantime, continues collecting signatures to get a faster-moving version on the November ballot, though its website declares “WE WON!” regarding today’s council vote.
6:52 PM: Two crashes on major roads right now – 35th/Juneau, the second crash in that area today (the first one was in early afternoon), this time reported to be a vehicle having hit a pole, with northbound lanes blocked by the SFD response; Fauntleroy/Cloverdale, near the ferry dock. Add that to what we hear was a very slow evening commute (even after Vice President Biden’s low-key visit ended) southbound from downtown and beyond, and it’s apparently still tough going almost everywhere out there.
7:19 PM: At least two people were taken to the hospital, by private ambulances, from the 35th/Juneau crash. Adding a photo; the red car, at left, hit a utility pole – the silver car, at center, had even more front-end damage, primarily on the passenger side. The southbound lanes remained open, as this was indeed in the northbound lanes, but avoid the area until it’s cleared – we’ll be checking back. (No additional information on Fauntleroy/Cloverdale – the SFD call has closed.)
(WSB photos by Christopher Boffoli)
Roxhill Elementary has had some high-profile visitors. But this afternoon’s surprise visitor might have topped them all – the most famous Seattleite on the music scene right now – Grammy Award-winning hip-hop artist Macklemore. He came to Roxhill a little while ago for the presentation of a “buddy bench” (explained here).
ADDED: More photos, and we have video in the works. Here’s Macklemore on the bench with (left) fiancee Tricia Davis and (right) Roxhill principal Sahnica Washington:
He signed the bench, of course:
Though his appearance was a surprise in the classic sense of the word, but it’s not surprising, given his involvement in pro-acceptance and anti-bullying advocacy.
“Helping other people – that’s what life is all about,” you’ll hear him say in our video of the assembly; he first appears about 10 minutes in, after principal Washington explains the buddy bench. He then joined in a skit demonstrating it:
Roxhill’s Youth Ambassadors were the official assembly hosts. Macklemore (better known as Ben Haggerty in his own school days) said he and the YA program “go way back.”
**MORE AHEAD** Read More
Kitchen fires are the most common kind of fire in the U.S. – so do you know what to do in case of a fire in your kitchen? Take a few minutes and watch the demonstration we covered this morning at the Joint Training Facility on the southeast edge of West Seattle. That’s Seattle Fire Department Captain C.M. Yob. (For the abbreviated version, move the cursor ahead to 2 minutes in, when the flames appear.) Also on hand, Puget Sound Energy‘s Andy Wappler:
We photographed him showing off the elements of a disaster-preparedness starter kit that will be given away at Fred Meyer in Redondo (25250 Pacific Hwy S.) during an event on June 14th that’s part of the Safe in the Sound campaign involving PSE and the Red Cross, among others.
>(2:11 PM UPDATE: The owner has been found)
1:47 PM: If you have any idea whose dog this is – she has a tag reading “Lulu” – they need to know she’s at a local clinic, and that a lot of people worked hard to rescue her and are trying to find her people.
It started with Jennifer, who lives near the top of the hill at Highland Park Way and heard it happen around 1 am:
I looked out of my 3rd story window and saw the driver of an SUV (in the dark it looked like a silver Pathfinder or Infinity) get out and look under their vehicle. They said something to their passenger and got back in their car after a few seconds. They tried to drive off but whatever they hit was still blocking their way somewhat so they backed up a bit then went forward again. They paused slightly and then just drove down the big hill.
I could see through the branches of the tree between me and that part of the street something flopping and flailing about, it looked like a large dog. I then say a Border Collie run across Highland Park way from the west and it was obvious they were buddies. The Border Collie went to the other dog and stood there looking around as if for help. I decided to run down to help but by the time I got there all I saw was blood on the street. Almost starting to cry, I looked up the weird little street going Southeast, up kind of behind where I live and sure enough there was the big dog that had been hit, limping up the hill with the Border Collie encouraging its friend to get somewhere, probably home. I didn’t know what to do.
From there, the dogs both went to the side yard of a nearby house. Jennifer followed along and guessed it might be their home; the injured dog went into the back yard, while the border collie came back to her. She knocked on the door – no one came. She went back when it was light; the border collie turned up again, the other dog was still in the yard. She says, “(A young neighbor) saw the border collie wondering around and decided to take it for a walk. He was on Highland Park Way when a woman stopped her car, told the kid that was her dog and took off with it. She did not mention a second dog at all.” She found the owner of the house where the injured dog was still resting, and with the help of yet more neighbors, “we tried all sorts of things like calling vets, 911, friends, friends of friends, the animal shelter which was not taking calls until 9:15. Finally the kid, who happens to volunteer at the Burien shelter, called an officer there who out of the kindness of his heart came to put the dog on a stretcher, load the dog into his vehicle and transport the dog to Lien Animal Clinic. Incredible dedication!”
2:11 PM UPDATE: Nancy, another neighbor who was helping, says Lulu’s owner has been found.
One lane is blocked each way on 35th SW in the High Point area because of a crash – thanks to the person who texted to let us know. Police at the scene tell us no one was hurt, but it’s slow going in the area so avoid it there for a while if you can. In all, police confirm three cars were involved.
Also from today’s city Land Use Information Bulletin – another big proposal that is now ready for review and comments: The city’s draft Environmental Impact Statement for the plan to reduce combined-sewer overflows (aka “The Plan to Protect Seattle’s Waterways”). Here’s the formal notice. This is similar to, but NOT part of, the county CSO-reduction plan that has led to two major projects in our area (storage tank at Lowman Beach and roadside raingardens in Sunrise Heights and Westwood). The city is accountable for different areas, including, in West Seattle, Longfellow Creek and the Duwamish River, and is exploring alternatives including the possibility of more underground storage in the Delridge area. Lots of documents related to this – for the shortest version, the executive summary, go here. You’ll find an overview, and how to comment, by going here – June 30th is the commenting deadline, and there’s one public hearing planned (June 24th in North Seattle, details at that same link).
Just before noon, the low tide will be out to -1.9 feet – great for beach exploration. As we’ve been noting for the past few days, the Seattle Aquarium‘s volunteer beach naturalists are back on duty.
Part of the corps, John Smersh (who you might know from longtime WSB sponsor Click! Design That Fits in The Junction), shared the photos from Constellation Park south of Alki Point. The naturalists are there and on the Lincoln Park beach by Colman Pool until 1 pm today; here’s their schedule for the rest of the week, and on into summer. In just two weeks, you’ll see some even lower tides, bottoming out at -3.3 feet on June 14th, lowest it’ll get this summer.
Very busy Land Use Information Bulletin from the city today; we’re working on several stories, but for starters – it’s officially comment time for proposed multi-family zoning changes dubbed the “low-rise code corrections.” They’re meant to be a response to neighborhood concerns that zoning changes back in 2010 enabled multi-family projects that were out of scale with some neighborhoods. The notice summarizes the key parts of the proposal (which you can see in full here):
Specific proposed development standard changes are:
*Eliminate a height allowance of up to an additional four feet above the base height limit for apartment housing type developments that include a partially below grade story.
*Eliminate a floor area exemption from the floor area ratio (FAR) calculation for the portion of buildings in a partially below grade story for apartment type developments.
*Add a new height control to limit the maximum street-facing façade height for development on sloping sites to 44 feet in a 40 foot maximum height Lowrise zone, and 34 feet in a 30 foot maximum height Lowrise zone.
*Place a 30 percent coverage limit on how much of a rooftop may be covered by clerestory architectural features.
*Require the area of unenclosed exterior stairs, hallways and breezeways to be included as chargeable floor area in FAR calculations.
*Include the floor area of loft spaces that are less than full ceiling heights in the FAR calculation.
*Add a side setback requirement for rowhouse developments that are next to other types of housing.
*Change the rounding up threshold for the density limits in Lowrise zones from 0.5 to 0.85.
*Add a density limit of one dwelling unit per 1,600 square feet of lot area for rowhouse development on small lots in the Lowrise 1 zone.
Not sure if there’s lowrise zoning near you? The city’s zoning maps are here. Today’s notice, meantime, includes a “determination of nonsignificance” – meaning the city doesn’t think these changes will have environmental (noise, traffic, etc.) ramifications; the comment period runs through June 12th – scroll to the bottom of the notice to see how to comment. The proposal requires City Council approval, and would not affect any projects currently in the pipeline.
Just announced: Free shredding and e-cycling this Saturday in The Junction, 10 am-1 pm May 31st, presented by the West Seattle Junction Association and Windermere West Seattle. It’ll be in the parking lot in the 4500 block of 42nd SW (between Oregon and Alaska). The e-cycling provider’s website lists what they’ll accept.
P.S. If you can’t get to this Saturday’s event but have documents to dispose of, free shredding will be offered a week later, 9 am-1 pm June 7th, at PBJ Textiles‘ new location in White Center – details here.
This year’s Seattle Works Day – volunteer work parties around the city – is set for June 7th, and open to participation by anyone who’s interested. After getting the announcement, we asked about specific West Seattle locations – here are three:
*Brandon Street Natural Area (SW Brandon/29th SW): Join Gorilla FC (described by SW as “the Sounders’ civically minded fan base”) in maintenance of newly planted areas.
*Westcrest Park (9000 8th SW): Forest restoration led by AmeriCorps.
*The Kenney (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW): Assisting the nonprofit retirement center’s gardener in garden weeding and mulching, plus stairwell sweeping
There’s a $30 registration fee to support Seattle Works, and it gets you into two after-parties 3:30-7:30 pm – details and signups here.
(WS Bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
6:25 AM: The road/trail/etc. watch is on for Thursday!
6:48 AM: The big problem right now is on southbound I-5 south of I-90, so if you are headed this way from points north, we should mention it. An old expansion joint has popped up and is forcing the closure of three lanes. WSDOT is tweeting updates here, such as:
The maintenance truck pushed the expansion joint back down. pic.twitter.com/qSddDo2LOq
— WSDOT Traffic (@wsdot_traffic) May 29, 2014
6:53 AM: WSDOT estimates repairs to take another half-hour or so. Again, that’s on the southbound side, but just FYI.
9:07 AM: Those lanes haven’t reopened yet, by the way. And other southbound routes like 99 are reported to be jammed.
11:17 AM: Open now! Adding photos here from West Seattle photographer/pilot Long B. Nguyen, from before repairs were completed – above, the traffic jam; below, the work zone:
By the way, more expansion-joint work – scheduled, this time! – is in the works for I-5, the first weekend in June. It’s part of the story we published last night about upcoming highway projects.
11:35 AM: By the way, Vice President Joe Biden is in town, in case you bump into a motorcade. Private fundraiser:
Saw @VP #Veep #motorcade on 1st Ave S. #seattle http://t.co/ACUZeLgtx9 pic.twitter.com/rMJzRedN8Q
— M Kanoli (@MKanoli) May 29, 2014
His wife Dr. Jill Biden is also in Seattle, at a business-related event at Seattle Center, along with former West Seattleite, now Interior Secretary Sally Jewell.