West Seattle, Washington
19 Wednesday
The opening date for the new South Park Bridge isn’t set yet, and King County isn’t offering an estimate (aside from “summer”), but it’s close to completion, as you can see in the two views shared this week by West Seattle photographer/pilot Long B. Nguyen:
The county Department of Transportation says it’s continuing electrical testing – 142 miles of wire in the project, according to an update earlier this spring. The old bridge was shut down in June 2010 after a raucous sendoff, and South Park community members are working right now to plan a grand-opening party they hope will eclipse it.
P.S. If you’re new to the area – here’s a map showing the bridge’s location.
(UPDATED 4:29 AM SUNDAY with word that he’s been found)
ORIGINAL REPORT, 5:10 PM: Have you seen this man? Seattle Police are trying to find him :
Seattle Police are looking for this developmentally disabled male. He was last seen this afternoon at 12:30 pm, riding a blue bicycle on Alki beach. He is a 26 year old mixed race male, wearing a gray T-shirt with “West Seattle High School” printed on the front. He was also wearing brown/blue plaid shorts and sandals. Please call 911 if you see him.
(Photo added, 5:29 pm)
8:55 PM: He is still missing, according to SPD, which has just tweeted the alert citywide, adding that the missing man’s name is Vincent.
11:14 PM: No updates, but it appears Guardian One revisited West Seattle to help take a look this past half-hour:
Assisted @SeattlePD at Jack Block park on search for missing person
— KCSOAirsupport (@KCSOAirsupport) June 1, 2014
4:30 AM: SPD says the search is over – and ended a ways away:
Update on missing 26 year old. Found safe in Bothell.@SeattlePD would like to thank everyone that assisted in looking.
— Seattle Police Dept. (@SeattlePD) June 1, 2014
4:49 AM: And we also have confirmation from Southwest Precinct Sgt. Neil Larkin that Vincent’s been found “safe and sound.”
An SUV fire led to a traffic snarl under the bridge for a while this afternoon – right at Spokane/Harbor/Avalon in the heart of a sunny Saturday. We didn’t catch word of it in real time, but Kristina shared the photo above while the SUV’s front end was ablaze, and Dana sent the aftermath view below:
No word of any serious injuries, but traffic was diverted for a while. We believe the scene’s clear now but are going by to doublecheck.
West Seattle author Brenda Peterson not only lives near the water, she writes about it, and advocates for those who live in and near it. It’s at the heart of her new book, “The Drowning World,” which will be featured next Friday when she’s in the “Words, Writers, & West Seattle” series spotlight:
(Video by Mark Jaroslaw)
The monthly reading/autographing/author talk series presented by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society moves to a new time for the occasion – you’ll find Brenda Peterson at Barnes and Noble/Westwood Village next Friday (June 6th), 5-7 pm.
P.S. The book she and fellow Seal Sitters founder Robin Lindsey wrote for kids, “Leopard and Silkie,” is up for the prestigious Beverly Cleary Children’s Choice Award, as announced earlier this month.
Exactly four weeks from now, participants in this year’s Relay for Life-West Seattle will have just finished their intense overnight event at WS Stadium (7:30 pm June 27-11:30 am June 28), one of hundreds of similar events across the country raising money for the American Cancer Society. Right now, it’s full-on advance-fundraising mode, and one of the local teams, “Answers for Cancers,” is doing just that with this car wash at West Seattle Autoworks (35th/Webster; WSB sponsor). By donation, they’re cleaning up cars until 2 pm today. If you can’t make it today, you can also donate to Relay for Life-WS by using the link you’ll find here, and by visiting the stadium during the public Relay for Life events next month.
(UPDATED 3:33 pm with hospital-room meeting between crash victim and Good Samaritan)
10:57 AM: The bicycle rider badly hurt by a hit-run driver last week is recovering and talked with KING 5 reporter Elisa Hahn for the story you can watch above (and on the station’s website). 30-year-old John Macy and his family hope someone will come forward – maybe even the driver her/himself – to solve the case. The newest information is still the same update reported here a week ago, republished below:
Detectives have reason to believe the suspect vehicle is light metallic blue and is missing the right-side mirror. The vehicle should have damage to the front bumper as well as heavy damage to the windshield. The suspect’s vehicle had been traveling westbound at the time of the collision and likely continued over the lower bridge and into West Seattle. Detectives are asking anyone with information to please call TCIS Detective Andrew Norton at -206-684-8934.
(It happened the night of Thursday, May 22nd, around 9 pm.)
3:33 PM UPDATE: We just learned from Harborview Medical Center that David Peterson, the Good Samaritan who spotted John Macy in the road, met him today at the hospital:
That photo is by Bobbi Nodell of Harborview, who says the family asked that they share an update so we could share it with you. She quotes David Peterson as saying, “A huge weight has been lifted knowing he will be OK.” The photojournalist you see at right is from KING 5, which will have a followup on TV tonight.
(Great blue heron and snack, photographed at Constellation Park on Friday by Gary Jones)
Yes, all this really is happening in the next 12 hours or so – and this isn’t even EVERYTHING on the calendar (go see for yourself):
BIKE TRAIL MAKEOVER: 9 am-noon, come help make the SW Andover bike trail safer – details in our calendar listing. (32nd/Andover)
MEXICAN FOOD FAIR FUNDRAISER: Community of Hope Church invites you to come buy homemade Mexican food 9 am-4 pm. (8600 9th SW)
(added) BENEFIT CAR WASH: This year’s Relay for Life, raising money to fight cancer, is coming up, and a team is having a benefit car wash at West Seattle Autoworks (WSB sponsor) today, by donation, 10 am-2 pm. (35th/Webster)
FREE SHREDDING AND E-CYCLING: 10 am-1 pm, bring your shreddable documents and recyclable electronics to the West Seattle Junction parking lot off 42nd between Oregon and Alaska. Here’s our preview, which includes a link to find out what’s e-cyclable and what’s not. (4500 block 42nd SW)
DENNY-LINCOLN CLASSIC BIKE RIDE: Watch for Denny International Middle School scholars, families, and staff on the road during their second annual ride from the school to Lincoln Park, celebrating the end of Bike to School Month and more. 10 am-noon. (2601 SW Kenyon)
TALK WITH YOUR SCHOOL BOARD REP: Last chance this school year to meet with West Seattle’s school-board rep Marty McLaren – bring your questions/concerns. 10 am-noon, Southwest Branch Library. (35th/Henderson)
YACHT RACE IN THE DISTANCE: FYI for west-facing water-watchers, the Blake Island Race is set for 10:30 am-6:30 pm today, with yachts starting from Port Orchard, circling Blake Island, and heading back – details in the club’s annual handbook (page 23).
HELP THE HELPLINE – BUY BBQ! Benefit barbecue at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) today will benefit West Seattle Helpline, 11 am-4 pm. Look for the tent! (California/Fauntleroy/Morgan)
DELRIDGE GROCERY CO-OP OWNERS/MEMBERS MEETING: First annual meeting of current or future co-op owners as Delridge Grocery‘s board members outline where things stand and what happens next. Salvation Army, 11 am-1:30 pm. (9050 16th SW)
EXPLORE THE BEACH WITH NATURALISTS: One last time before the mid-June low tides arrive, explore Constellation Park or Lincoln Park shores with the Seattle Aquarium volunteer beach naturalists, on hand 11:30 am-2:30 pm today.
VIETNAMESE STORY TIME: 11:30 am-noon at Delridge Branch Library. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
COLMAN POOL’S SECOND PRESEASON WEEKEND: The outdoor pool on the shore at Lincoln Park is open for its second pre-season weekend, starting today at noon. Schedule here.
INCREASE THE PEACE: Free community festival in the lot next to Ginomai Art Center, noon-4 pm. Free kids’ face-painting, free food & beverages, music, conversation. (4401 42nd SW)
GATEWOOD ELEMENTARY ‘GATOR FEST’: Mary sends word of Gatewood Elementary‘s spring fair, 1 pm-4 pm: “We avoid plastic toys and focus instead on fun, environmentally friendly summer activities and will feature marine touch tanks from the MaST Center, The Whale Trail, Home Depot kits, a worm bin build, The Makery and a jump rope demonstration by Jump Works as well as other attractions.” (4320 SW Myrtle)
ALKI POINT LIGHTHOUSE TOUR SEASON BEGINS: Today through August 31st, you can tour the lighthouse on Alki Point 1-4 pm Saturdays and Sundays.
(WSB photo from June 2013)
There’s a little schedule divergence later in the summer – see the official webpage for details. (3200 Point Place)
BEEP BASEBALL: West Seattle is home to the South King Sluggers, who play beep baseball – designed so that sight-impaired/blind players can come to the plate – and today you are invited to watch them play a Seattle Police team. 1:30-3:30 pm at Walt Hundley Playfield #2 – details in our preview. (6920 34th SW)
SANISLO ELEMENTARY POETS … are among the young poets reading at Elliott Bay Book Company on Capitol Hill at 2 pm today. They would welcome your support; reception follows the reading. (1521 10th Ave.)
WEST SEATTLE GREEN SPACES: The organization working on a community vision for the future of Seattle City Light surplus properties in West Seattle has its next meeting at 3 pm at Delridge Library – all welcome. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
WEST SEATTLE 15NOW ACTION GROUP: Diane shares word of this local group in the $15-minimum-wage movement meeting at 3 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), looking ahead to what’s next as the City Council prepares to vote Monday on a version of the $15 minimum. (5612 California SW)
‘HAIR’: Second-to-last weekend to see the musical at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor), onstage tonight at 7;30 pm. (4711 California SW)
NIGHTLIFE! See tonight’s highlighted music listings on our calendar.
11:06 PM: The Guardian One helicopter is on the way to join Seattle Police in a Lincoln Park-area search. We’re still tracking down details but wanted to let you know that’s what’s happening, in case you see/hear the helicopter (or are seeing police on the ground).
11:15 PM: They’re looking for multiple suspects, one of whom was described as armed with a knife, last seen running into the north end of Lincoln Park. There’s a K-9 team in that area too.
11:32 PM: They’re still searching the park. Still no word on the nature of the call; all we know for sure is that there have *not* been any major-injury incidents in the area tonight.
11:47 PM: Basically the helicopter – which has been circling for a full half-hour now – is helping point police to just about anyone in the park/vicinity.
11:57 PM: Possible suspects found in the park, toward its central area.
12:06 AM: They’re still working to figure out if the possible suspects are who they’re looking for. And via multiple sources and bits of information, we believe this all started with a business robbery.
12:14 AM: Chopper has moved on – but the case isn’t necessarily closed yet. Their tweet confirms this is a robbery case:
Assisted @SeattlePD on search of Lincoln park for robbery suspects.
— KCSOAirsupport (@KCSOAirsupport) May 31, 2014
12:23 AM: Seattle Police add that it “started as a shoplift call in 7400 block of Fauntleroy – male suspect drew a knife and fled into Lincoln Park.” (That’s the mini-mart/gas station across from the north end of the park.)
By this point in the school year – three weeks or less to go – it feels like a race to the finish. But that’s not why they were on the run at Alki Elementary this afternoon. It was the annual Alki-A-Thon – which, if you look closely at the next photo, you’ll notice coincided with Crazy Hair Day. The Alki PTA organized the annual event as a fundraiser, with kids collecting pledges for the laps they ran.
Parents joining the runners out in the bright sunshine got into the spirit too, some sporting “crazy hair” as well as the special Alki-A-Thon T-shirts – here are Christina, Amy, and Alexis:
We caught up later with Susan Gates, this year’s Alki-A-Thon chair, who told us she was especially grateful for so much volunteer help!
ADDED SATURDAY: Thanks to Lori for sharing a photo of her first-grader son Sammy, joyfully running with his schoolmates:
She reports Sammy accomplished 18 laps!
(“Preferred” massing – size and shape, not design – from early renderings filed with the city)
The Southwest Design Review Board only meets if there are projects to review – and its two-Thursdays-a-month schedule has been open since its last meeting almost a month ago. But now there’s a date on the horizon: July 10th is tentatively scheduled as the Design Review debut for a project we first told you about in early May: A three-story eye clinic planned for 7520 35th SW, currently the site of Red Star Pizza (which, as reported in our earlier story, has been looking for a new location), and a 32-space parking area. The July 10th meeting is set for 6:30 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle; since that’s six weeks away, there’s always a chance the date could change, and we’ll publish an update if that happens.
ORIGINAL REPORT, 7:00 PM: The police and helicopter in Highland Park/Riverview is because of a search for two possibly lost children, a 10-year-old girl and 5-year-old boy. Police are asking you to call 911 if you see them. They were last seen in the 12th/Myrtle area across from the playground. The girl has short brown hair, hot pink shirt, possibly a fur vest, cast on her right arm. The boy has blond hair, blue eyes, shirts and short. They might be in the greenbelt or walking nearby streets. More as we get it.
7:26 PM: We have confirmation they have been found safe nearby.
(WSB photo by Patrick Sand)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
In the second of two back-to-back sentencings involving high-profile West Seattle cases, King County Superior Court Judge Catherine Shaffer has just sentenced 19-year-old Trevonnte Brown, whose robbery spree aboard a RapidRide bus in Morgan Junction last November ended when passengers grabbed and tackled him.
Brown was sentenced to the recommended 13 1/2 years total – 8 1/2 for the robberies, 5 mandatory years for using a gun – not only for the bus robberies that night but also for another robbery on board a Metro bus earlier that month (not in West Seattle). And prosecutor Alex Voorhees noted that the defendant had told police that he participated in “numerous” strong-arm robberies.
Over the objection of the defense lawyer, she played the video of the bus holdup for the judge, from the moment it showed Brown rising from his seat and pointing his gun at people to demand their phones, to the pileup that followed, restraining Brown and taking away his gun, after one of the victims, Casey Borgen, grabbed his arm. The video continued to roll as a woman called 911, with at least three men keeping Brown down, who could be heard yelling that they were hurting him. A shorter form of the video was shown on citywide TV last year, including this KING5.com clip:
The video continued rolling in court until the point where police entered the bus. They were heard to call the guys who restrained Brown as heroes; Voorhees pointed out that Brown continued acting “abusive(ly)” as he was taken away, including doing damage to a police car. (pleaded guilty last month.)
Voorhees mentioned that Brown had confessed but that she was struck “by the lack of remorse” shown by Brown, who she says told investigators he had been “committing robberies since high school … he acknowledged that these three incidents we have before the court today are by no means the first foray … (though perhaps) the most extreme” because he used a gun.
(WSB photo by Patrick Sand)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
A year and a half after 38-year-old Amy Lynn O’Brien drove her car into two students across the street from Chief Sealth International High School, an emotional hearing has ended with King County Superior Court Judge Catherine Shaffer sentencing her to one year, twice the six-month recommendation prosecutors had made, and ordering that the sentence begin immediately.
We reported last month that O’Brien pleaded guilty to hit and run and second-degree assault, the charges originally filed against her.
(WSB photo from the aftermath of the incident in November 2012)
In November 2012, she was arrested for hitting the two girls after getting upset about the 17- and 18-year-old girls’ interaction with her unleashed dog Both girls were hospitalized with serious injuries; O’Brien turned herself in the next day and spent about a week in jail before being released on personal recognizance, remaining free until now.
Both victims, Jessica and Cassandra, were present in court for the sentencing and spoke to the judge, as did the defendant.
Lot-boundary-adjustment proposals are often first word of development plans on the way for a site, so we watch the city’s online files for early word of them. Two more West Seattle proposals have just appeared:
3917 CALIFORNIA SW: This two-lot, two-building, six-apartment site at California/Andover has been listed for sale for a while. Now there’s a proposal to change the lot boundaries/sizes. While the eventual development plan has not yet appeared online, the application says the 71-year-old, California-fronting four-plex is to be demolished, with the Andover-facing duplex to remain, for now. The site is currently split into two equal-sized rectangular parcels; the “adjustment” would result in two L-shaped lots, both with frontage on both California and Andover.
The site is zoned Lowrise 3.
4023 SW GRAHAM: This 7,500-square-foot site at 41st/Graham on the east edge of Morgan Junction is on the books as one 7,500 parcel but technically two lots, and is proposed to be “adjusted” into two 3,750-square-foot lots. The application says the 67-year-old house and slightly newer garage/carport currently on the parcel will be demolished; the future development plans are not yet on file. The site is zoned single-family 5,000, and a document in the file says 3,750 sf is the minimum allowable building-lot size.
(Looking west from The Triangle toward The Junction – photo by Long B. Nguyen)
If your Friday night’s not locked down yet – options abound:
RAINBOW BINGO: “Stars & Stripes” is the theme – doors open at 6 pm at Senior Center of West Seattle, but call fast to see if there’s still space available! (California/Oregon)
SING OUT! West Seattle Christian Church invites one and all to a Hymn Sing tonight at 7 pm. (4400 42nd SW)
ROCK, POP, PREMIERE! Tonight’s the night for the West Seattle Community Orchestras‘ final concert till fall – including the premiere of Rob Duisberg‘s new symphony (featured in our preview published earlier) as well as “rock and pop songs as you’ve never heard them.” Go see your neighbors making music. 7:30 pm, Chief Sealth International High School auditorium. (2600 SW Thistle)
MUSIC AT DUOS: The Triangular Jazztet with guest pianist Orin Sand, 7:30-10:30 pm at Duos Lounge (WSB sponsor), and check out the patio! (2940 SW Avalon Way)
WITCHBURN UNPLUGGED … with special guests, as part of the group’s video-premiere event @ Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 8 pm. (6451 California SW)
HAVE FUN, HELP KITTENS … and grown-up cats too. Tonight’s the night for the West Side Glory “Feline Groovy” benefit at Skylark Café and Club, helping the local shelter Kitty Harbor. 9 pm with an all-star lineup, as noted in our preview. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
EVEN MORE HAPPENING TONIGHT … browse our calendar to see what else is up!
(You don’t HAVE to have a bouncy toy, but Hillcrest does – 2010 WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli)
Be part of the year’s biggest night of block parties, the 30th annual Night Out, on Tuesday, August 5th. Sounds like a long way away, but our area’s SPD Crime Prevention Coordinator Mark Solomon sends word that registration is open NOW. If you sign up, you can close your street to traffic that night (provided you’re not on an arterial and a few other caveats) – go here as soon as you’re ready. Early party-planning also offers the chance to apply for a Department of Neighborhoods matching-fund grant – the deadline is June 23rd; find out about it here. More than 1,400 neighborhoods around Seattle had block parties last year – this year, join ’em!
Congratulations to West Seattle High School athletic director Trevor Leopold for a big honor in his role as the school’s fastpitch (softball) coach – he has been chosen Metro League Coach of the Year. The Wildcats finished the season high atop the conference (here are the standings as published at SeattleTimes.com). WSHS players receiving all-league honors were pitcher Gabby Wenn and shortstop Annalisa Ursino; all-division honors, catcher Sam Hummert and infielder Emma Atkinson, with honorable mention to infielder Tina Lozeau. Congratulations to all!
(WS Bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
7:41 AM: All’s well (relatively) so far on the major routes, as we head into the heart of the morning commute.
WEEKEND PREVIEW: Only major closure in the region this weekend is the 520 bridge. Around the city, some big events might affect traffic – they’re in the SDOT weekend-alert roundup.
8:44 AM: Matt reports traffic-signal trouble at Delridge/Kenyon. We’re headed that way for a look. (Update: OK by the time we arrived.)
(Photo courtesy West Seattle Totems)
More success for the West Seattle Totems, whose coach Joe Matter shares another of his periodic updates, with news of state and national championships:
The West Seattle Totems, the Junior Olympic Rifle Club located at the West Seattle Stadium, just finished its best season to date.
In the Washington State Indoor Championships, the Thunderbird Squad (Owen Yeasting, Casey Iwamoto, Corinne Blair and Alec Patajo) won the state team Championship. Alec won the individual state title.
In the Washington State Outdoor Championships, the Thunderbird Squad (Owen, Casey, and Corinne) won the state team title. The Chiefs squad (Katelynn Brown, Jack Ellis, and Emma Carey) finished as the 2nd place team. Alec won the Outdoor 3-Position state title. Owen won the Outdoor Prone state title. Alec won the overall Aggregate Title. Corinne won the Indoor&Outdoor Women’s Aggregate. Emma won the Outdoor Women’s Aggregate.
In the National Indoor Championships, the Totems brought home 44 national awards.
Three West Seattle food notes tonight:
GLUTEN-FREE CRUST AT ZEEKS: Starting Monday, a new option at Zeeks Pizza (WSB sponsor) – gluten-free crust. Our friends at Ravenna Blog broke the news on Twitter today:
Bonus: @zeekspizza locations in Seattle rolling out gluten-free crusts on Monday. We got sample slices. pic.twitter.com/Ah2b7HY2Ee
— Ravenna Blog (@RavennaBlog) May 29, 2014
The GF crusts are in partnership with Nuflours. You won’t see the option on the online menu immediately, but you’ll be able to order by phone – again, starting Monday – or while dining in.
FATHER’S DAY AT DUOS: A little over two weeks until Father’s Day, and Duos Lounge (WSB sponsor) in Luna Park is offering a special menu 11 am-4 pm, including barbecued ribs and fried chicken. See the menu here. Reservations suggested.
TAT’S TRUCK: A new food truck spinning off from the renowned Pioneer Square sandwich shop Tat’s Deli will be based out of West Seattle (as are more than a few trucks, you’ve probably noticed), its owners tell WSB. They’re planning a “soft open” on June 7th, West Seattle location TBA (watch here), and they’re hiring (here’s their CL ad – we’ll be pointing them to the free listings in the WSB Forums, too).
City leaders’ version of an ordinance eventually raising Seattle’s minimum wage to $15 goes to a final council vote next Monday. That’s after committee approval and amendments today, as reported by The Seattle Times (WSB partner), which notes that this proposal requires the businesses with the most workers to start paying $15 by 2017, with small businesses not getting there for seven years. See the full ordinance here, not yet updated with the amendments that passed from the long list proposed by councilmembers. Here’s what Councilmember Sally Clark, who chairs the income-inequality-focused committee, wrote after the vote. The 15Now organization, meantime, continues collecting signatures to get a faster-moving version on the November ballot, though its website declares “WE WON!” regarding today’s council vote.
6:52 PM: Two crashes on major roads right now – 35th/Juneau, the second crash in that area today (the first one was in early afternoon), this time reported to be a vehicle having hit a pole, with northbound lanes blocked by the SFD response; Fauntleroy/Cloverdale, near the ferry dock. Add that to what we hear was a very slow evening commute (even after Vice President Biden’s low-key visit ended) southbound from downtown and beyond, and it’s apparently still tough going almost everywhere out there.
7:19 PM: At least two people were taken to the hospital, by private ambulances, from the 35th/Juneau crash. Adding a photo; the red car, at left, hit a utility pole – the silver car, at center, had even more front-end damage, primarily on the passenger side. The southbound lanes remained open, as this was indeed in the northbound lanes, but avoid the area until it’s cleared – we’ll be checking back. (No additional information on Fauntleroy/Cloverdale – the SFD call has closed.)
(WSB photos by Christopher Boffoli)
Roxhill Elementary has had some high-profile visitors. But this afternoon’s surprise visitor might have topped them all – the most famous Seattleite on the music scene right now – Grammy Award-winning hip-hop artist Macklemore. He came to Roxhill a little while ago for the presentation of a “buddy bench” (explained here).
ADDED: More photos, and we have video in the works. Here’s Macklemore on the bench with (left) fiancee Tricia Davis and (right) Roxhill principal Sahnica Washington:
He signed the bench, of course:
Though his appearance was a surprise in the classic sense of the word, but it’s not surprising, given his involvement in pro-acceptance and anti-bullying advocacy.
“Helping other people – that’s what life is all about,” you’ll hear him say in our video of the assembly; he first appears about 10 minutes in, after principal Washington explains the buddy bench. He then joined in a skit demonstrating it:
Roxhill’s Youth Ambassadors were the official assembly hosts. Macklemore (better known as Ben Haggerty in his own school days) said he and the YA program “go way back.”
**MORE AHEAD** Read More